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Author Topic: Superstition and legalities  (Read 5663 times)
John K
« on: November 05, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

I learned a new superstition earlier this week.  Supposedly, you are supposed to get your garbage out of the house before midnight.  I knew that held true for New Years Eve, but apparently it holds for every other day as well...

On a different note, a friend of ours divorced a lady from Mexico a while back.  It was hard on him and his former wife didn't make it any easier.  Now, she's coming back to him and is telling him she wants to change the divorce to an annulment.  Apparently, if she gets an annulment, she can marry again in the Catholic church.  Of course, the reasons she's claiming the marriage should be annulled are very different from what my friend feels is reality.  It is another chapter in his ongoing saga.

As I explained the difference between a divorce and an annulment to my wife, Marina remarked, "He should give her the annulment.  Then her green card won't be good anymore."  It's an interesting thought.  If the marriage in fact didn't exist (which is what an annulment does), then how does it affect her immigration eligibility?  I'll have to bounce that off my immigration lawyer when we head out for drinks the next time...

« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Superstition and legalities, posted by John K on Nov 5, 2003

New superstiton I heard two days ago.

Natlia has just got her first new car and is all excited ofcourse. As we are getting ready for some stormy weather to hit us that evening or the next day, she is in the middle of telling me how she hopes none of the tree branchs fall on her car (I have a lot of big trees), when at that moment I sneeze.

"Oh, no!" Do you know what this means she ask's? I said no, and she said that a tree limb is going to fall on her car now (because I sneezed while she was saying this!). No talking her out of it, she leaves right then and goes and buys a cover for the car. Like a cover is going to help if a limb falls on the car. These women are so cute with there superstiton's and how serious they take them.

John K
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to new Superstition , posted by Jack on Nov 7, 2003

Supposedly if you sneeze while someone is saying something, it's supposed to be the truth.  Marina does it all the time.  One of us will say something and the other will sneeze and she will say, "You see, it's the truth".  Of course, I keep teasing her to tell me when she's going to sneeze so I can say something I want to happen, but she won't bite.  I guess it has to be unplanned...
Jeff S
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sneezing, posted by John K on Nov 10, 2003

Make sure you snort a little pepper when she asks you if you're fooling around with someone else.

- Jeff

John K
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Sneezing, posted by Jeff S on Nov 10, 2003

I'm the monogamous type.  Neither I nor the missus have any worries there.  :-)
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Superstition and legalities, posted by John K on Nov 5, 2003

my advice, he will have nothing to worry about and nothing to do! Let me explain. Your friend and his former wife are divorced under CIVIL law ...... operative word .... CIVIL.
Even if (Huh) your friend assisted his former wife in changing the end of their marriage from "divorce" to "annulment," the Roman Catholic church does NOT recognize CIVIL annulments. If your friend's former wife wants to again marry in the Roman Catholic Church, the annulment must be under CANNON law (translation: church law vice civil law). The Catholic church, for legal reasons, will not consider a marriage for annulment until it has been first terminated under civil law via divorce or civil annulment. (You stated your friend and his former wife have already divorced under civil law ..... step one complete). It is now up to HER (not him) to petition the Catholic church for an annulment. She will go before a "tribunal" of priests who will serve as "defenders of the Bond (of marriage)." I forget but there are 4 or 5 "grounds" under Cannon law which allow a marriage to be annulled. Your friend's wife must convince the "tribunal" that one or more of these conditions existed. YOUR FRIEND HAS NOTHING TO DO. I suggest you burn a copy of this and have your friend give it to his former. (As commentary ....... annullment in the Roman Catholic church today is a sham. It is far too liberally and pervasively granted. Pay $300-$500 and annullment is your's for the asking. So much for standards and " ....... until death do us part.") All the best.
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Superstition and legalities, posted by John K on Nov 5, 2003

Spouses cannot "grant" annulments to their other spouse.. (at least not here in Texas).
This is done by the courts and certain 'grounds' must be established and proven.
That I know or more parties were underage. or more parties were under severe emotional or physical maybe daddy's shotgun..(90 day visa restrictions not permitted)..or one or more parties were not of sane mind..which might seem to cover a lot of bad marriages but, "I must have been out of my mind" doesn't hold very much water before the judge.
On the other note..I must take the trash out when the Komisar says Wink
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Unfortunately?, posted by tfcrew on Nov 5, 2003

In Texas one other means for annulment is fraud. But if you cohabitate after learning of the fraud, you are disqualified from annulment. Sorta a double edge sword as you don't have the right to legally remove a spouse from your home without a court order, so one would most likely have to cohabitate after learning of fraud. I doubt this one is used too often...I tried, but given the wording of the law, had to give up on that path.
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Superstition and legalities, posted by John K on Nov 5, 2003

After dinner one day in Odessa I asked Kate why she had the trash piled up near the door. She told me so I can remember to take it out in the next morning. I proceeded to put my shoes on and she asked why? I told her to 'take out the trash'. She explained that I can not take the trash out now since it is dark (after sunset). Her reasoning was that only poor, desperate, and homeless people go near trash during night.

After that day I noticed no one ever taking the trash out at night, only the homeless people were near the dumpsters.

On a similar note, Kate now is not so worried if I (she still wont) have to go back into the apartment to pick something up we forgot. Before, even if you left and forgot your shoes, you must not go back for your shoes.

It is interesting learning where these how all of these start.


John K
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Superstition and legalities, posted by MNKenr on Nov 5, 2003

According to Marina, if you must go back into the apartment for something, the bad luck is mitigated if you look into a mirror before you leave again.  Why?  Who knows...
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Going back into the apartment, posted by John K on Nov 7, 2003

preferably a full length mirror.
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