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Author Topic: Vacation Options for Ukrainians  (Read 6602 times)
« on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I would like to take a vacation with a Ukrainian girl that I met a few months ago, but obviously there are issues regarding where she can and cannot go. She just got her first passport, so she has no established travel history.

My question is in which countries could she easily obtain a tourist visa, either at the border/airport or in advance at a consulate? Our vacation would be in February or March, so I would like to take her someplace warm.

I know that she can get into Turkey/Turkish Cyprus easily, but I've already been there, and three weeks in Turkey at that time of year doesn't really appeal to me all that much. Dominican Republic will let her in, but it's a long and expensive flight, and she would have to go through a U.S. airport. From what I've heard, Ukrainians would have to obtain some special type of airport transit visa that would make this a difficult option.

I know that she can get into Thailand, but she can only stay for 15 days, and I'm not sure that I want to spend all that money to fly both of us to Bangkok given that she can only stay for 2 weeks. It's an awful long way to travel.

I had her call a travel agency about Kenya, and they told her that they would only arrange for a Kenyan visa if she buys a big overpriced package deal that includes hotels, etc. She would also have to get a yellow fever innoculation, which is only available in Kiev (she lives in Kharkov).

I'm about out of ideas. I wanted to fly her into Mexico, but the travel agency told her that she would not be able to get a Mexican visa. Can anyone recommend other options here?


« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

I met a lady in Prague. I was very nice but it would not be warm this time of year but, very romantic. I was there in December. I am also not sure how things are there since the flood.

I had entertained going to the United Arab Emirates which I hear is very nice.

« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

Budapest is no problem, or have her apply for a "Shengen" visa, which opens up all of Western Europe for her...Italy, the south of France, Spain.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

It is VERY easy to visit the Dominican Republic, no visa needed. She would fly from Kiev to Amsterdam, and then take Martin Air directly to either Puerta Plata, Punta cana, or Santo Domingo, depending on where you want to stay. Sometimes the return necessitates an overnight in Amsterdam, but you can reserve a hotel room in advance in their International area. I've been there 3 times with UW, never a problem.

Rick G

« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

RW and I went to Malta last February and enjoyed it, but it was not warm.  (Maybe 40-50F) No visa needed for either of us, but RW had to pay $30 at the airport. I don't know about Ukranian visitors but it's probably the same for them.  I have a Malta trip report in the archives in March/03, if you're interested. --  Burt
Tico J
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

Dunno...I may have the same problem since I started corresponding with one.

I once was in St Lucia with a Polish girl but they may have other rules for Ukranians...

Why fight it? I'd pick a nice resort in the Crimean Peninsula and be done with it...

« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

Depends on your tastes and what you enjoy?

egypt is one option.

last spring took my ukrainian wife to sharm el shiek egypt.
you buy a visa at the airport for 10$ i think was the more than $25.

It is located o nthe REd sea and "tyhe Gardens" one of thew worlds largest  soceanic national parks.

it is th elargest and probably best known coral reefs and areas for diving in the world.
red sea divers
or Siani dives.

there are a myriad of western hotels and resorts there.
Several hiundred -like Hilton etc-
We stayed at the hyatt regency and it was very nice and inexpensive because of the worries over a muslim nation?
There are hundreds of hotels there , the weather is very mild and temperate , march being pretty nice.
although febuary *might* stil be a little cold for the beach.
it hasnt rained since 97 so many moonlit nights.
plenty of inexpensive yachts to take you out diving or for diner on the red sea

Lots of decent seafood resturants and for night life -
enough disco /night clubs to keep a ukranian girl who likes to dance happy.
one being "outsdoor style" on the beach and attended by about 2,000 each friday.

The place is mainly geared towards diving
and has many schools and instriuctors and hundreds of qualified dive boats.

snorkling there is first rate , better than anything in the carribian.

we also went to cairo, toured the museams and pyramids etc
there are various excirsions to other places and pyrimids
as well as to Mt Siani and ATV riding excursions thru the desert.

its a popular destination for ukranians and russians, your G/f will have plenty of people to speak with by the pool.

wew were there in mid- April- it was sunny , pleasant and 75 F day time.. 65F 70F night time.

the water temps i cant remeber a little chilly but still very peasant for snorkling and with a dive suit on plenty warm.


my buddy just got back from the Dom Republic last week.
he and his wife really enjoyed it.
(shes originally from romania)

« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by AJ277 on Oct 19, 2003

Thanks for the advice, but Ukrainian citizens require a pre-arranged visa for Egypt and are not allowed to purchase a visa at the airport.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

[This message has been edited by AJ277]

having just been there a few months ago  duggins ,
with my ukrainian wife and we both bought our visa stamps
at the airport-
i am wondering who told you that?

maybe whoever  needs to tell the customs officers
and other officials working the airport in sharm ela shiek  Wink
and thier official tourism site!!
as it is a very popular place for ukranians to holiday.

or perhaps the rules changed,in the last few months-
but not that i can find on the web, or any official site.
or any tourist agency in ukraine.

there were 120 pasengers on our flight at least 100 where
ukranian or russian.
none of them had
pre approved visa's
and so stood in line with us to buy the stamp at the airport.
you should contact a knoweledgble travel agent in ukreaine..
there are several good ones in kiev.
and they know the ukranian tourist visa rules for various countries quite well.

ps: the reason we went to sharm el shiek Egypt was to dive and because it required no pre entry visa
( it was a quickly planned trip)

if you stay ONLY in the sinia pennisula and the general arewa of sharn el shiek the visa stamp is *free* atr a small counter just to the right of passport check.

if you wish to go elsewhewre in egypt like cario etc- you will need to pay for the $20 visa stamp.

if you are interested - i have plenty of links that describe the place, its attractions and yes its visa requirements for a ukranians citizen

the dominican republic you can buy a visa at the airport as well for $10
jamiaca and barbados as well as cuba a ukranian citizen can go to fairly easily.
prague budepest, bucharest-krakow, warsaw.. all fairly easy visas to obtain
for a ukrainian.

you CAN get her a shengen visa for western european countries.
It takes a little time and a travel and hotel voucher and a certain amount of cash on hand.
Also if she lives in kiev and you meet her there pre-trip you can arrange a shengren viasa proibably fairly quickly with coiuntries like Germany that have an embassy in Kiev.

Any of these places could arrange a shengren visa---
or other travel /plsans and visa info for most any country a ukranian can go easily.

« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ukranians can buy a visa stamp at the ai..., posted by AJ277 on Oct 20, 2003

Thanks! I really appreciate it!
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by AJ277 on Oct 19, 2003

apologies for all the typos! LOL

more options-

prague , budepest, and bucharest!!

are all fairly easy to get UW a visa thru a tourist agency.

Prague is beautiful! although becoming very touristy it doesnt detract from its appeal much.

Finland seems to be an easy visa and  interesting destination but in march the weather might be cold! lol

I think Italy France Spain and Portugal are possibilties but take a little more time in the visa and planning process.

« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by duggins on Oct 19, 2003

Ukrainians can go to any FSU countries and some European countries like Poland with or without visa. In addition they can go to Turkey without visa, which can be obtained at a few steps from the exit at the Atta-Turk International Airport, Istanbul. The cost for a Ukrainian is much less than that for an American. Rip-off-the-rich-guy policy?

I took my Ukrainian fiancé from Simferopol to Istanbul twice last year for 10 days each. Istanbul is truly a fantastic place to visit. Of 57 countries I have visited, I rate Istanbul among the very best in terms of natural beauty, architecture, history, food and cost. You see many places in Istanbul, which appeared in various James Bond movies. Istanbul is very popular for Ukrainians and Russians, and you’ll see many of them in coffee shops, restaurants and the Grand Bazaar. There is even a Russian town near the Grand Bazaar.

The first time I went to Istanbul, I was ripped off because I wasn’t familiar with where to stay, how to get around, etc. I got acquainted with a young woman (Gönül), who owns a tourist office. She got me an inexpensive hotel in the center of old city, where most of architectural treasury and museums are located. The hotel gives probably the best view of Istanbul from its dining room. You can see the mosques and palaces right before your eyes with the European and Asian continents in the background. You can buy the air tickets and make hotel reservation with Gönül. She speaks English fluently.

If you are more interested, please don’t hesitate; I am very happy to help you. If you decide to go to Istanbul with your lady, I can give you more specific information. I have been there seven times.

« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Vacation Options for Ukrainians, posted by romachko on Oct 19, 2003

[This message has been edited by AJ277]

as of last sunday a ukranian citizen needs a visa for poland Sad

I have not heard details yet on how to obtain a polish visa for a ukranian citizen , but I dont think that at this time it would be difficult.

Krawkow and warsaw would be nice close spots to visit..

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