... in response to Investments..., posted by Del on Oct 18, 2003Don't pay any taxes and I'm right now in the process of buying a 30x100 greenhouse which will have the capacity for 608 plants, which will yield typically 40lbs per plant.
608x40= with this majic number I will have gross total pounds and if I sold them for $1 a pound - you can just put a dollar sign in front of that total.
However I sell my hydroponic tomatos for $1.50 a pound.
You do the math.
My current greenhouse only generates about $4K a year.
I should add that I've got a 14x48 cold frame greenhouse for 1000 heads of buttercrunch lettuce, which I will produce just 250 heads of lettuce a week.
Will of course do my civic duty to country and report all sells,
like all good bizness men.
This time next year don't be surprised if I'm adding another big greenhouse. Tomatos sell in my part of the woods...especially the GREEN ones. (thus waiting for it to turn red).
If you wanna buy stocks why don't you buy some USNA, RATE, or MRGE.
If your risk taker buy some IDNX, they shorts will have to cover one of these days...