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Author Topic: Another one bites the dust...  (Read 12517 times)
« on: October 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I'm not offering any opinion, this is FYI only. I will say that I personally know one MOB guy that almost did the same thing and know of another one who was killed by police during a domestic dispute.

In both cases the wives were having affairs with local men (no surprise they happened to be Russian) and there was a moderate to substantial age difference involved. The new legislation being considered would not have made a difference as the husbands had no prior criminal record.

About the "expert" opinion in the one article?  "The kind of tragedy this case represents is not unique." Is that true? You decide. This is the kinda stuff that drives the public's perception of the process. Everyone involved has to deal with it in some form or another, on some level. Unfortunately, there is a ring of truth to it. And as in most marital problems, it's the children who pay a heavy price.

« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Another one bites the dust..., posted by LP on Oct 3, 2003

Thanks for sharing.  (Wish you had come up with a better title for the posting though!)

Heart goes out for the poor kid in this case.  Not only witnesses his mother being killed, but now faces an uncertain future.  Hope he lands with a good family and does not get caught in the foster child system

« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Another one bites the dust..., posted by LP on Oct 3, 2003

The poor little boy lost both parents in one day and will never understand why!
You know L.P., when a woman is murdered, the number one suspect is the husband/boyfriend. And they are usually correct.  
My ex-sister in law, was murdered by her husband and then he committed suicide. There was an 8 year age difference. He was pissed cause she went to a "Stones" concert.
Both were Americans. Bad things happen in life, and more laws won't stop it.
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Another one bites the dust..., posted by jrm on Oct 3, 2003

Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. Anyone that
would not want to go to a Stones concert is a real
peckerhead. I saw them twelve or so years ago during
their Steel Wheels Tour. They were great.
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Another one bites the dust..., posted by jrm on Oct 3, 2003

..As I said, it was all FYI. I'll make little comment other to agree with you about the kid.

You don't have to tell me bad things happen, I used to be a cop. I remember a case where a guy killed his wife over a piece of bacon. They'd been married 30 years. Made quite an impression on me, I was 22 years old at the time.

But it was more than bacon (or a Stones concert in your case) thats behind such tragedies. They're always a long time in coming and most could have been prevented. This one never should have happened and will only confirm the public's perception there are some screwed up people involved in this game. Sure, there are many such homicides each year...but it's the MOB facet that's remembered. Thats what the press loves to jump on and it only fuels the fire.

Something needs to be done and I've no doubt something eventually will, whether it's effective remains to be seen. Frankly, as long as there are older guys who think marrying kids will work, nothing will change. They may not all end like this one but they'll be plenty of misery to go around.

It's why I get so testy when I see MOB stupidity in action. Patrick points out it's a rarity but if the current legislation was born out of only one case, it won't take many more to rachet it up.

« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I hear ya..., posted by LP on Oct 4, 2003

I am afraid you are right regarding the implications of more MOB murders having a lasting effect on our legislature.

Reading your post,I was reminded of a old song. Goes something like this, "if you want to be happy for the rest of your life,never make a pretty woman your wife. From my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you"!

« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I hear ya..., posted by jrm on Oct 4, 2003

It is not the external beauty - it is the internal beauty. Some of the ugliest women are the about the same inside and some of the most beautiful have the same beauty inside.

It is just that it is easier to be humble if you are not as attractive and it is easier to be full of yourself if you are beautiful and eveyone is reminding you of it.

Also, as time goes on and one matures, the more beautiful women become easier to meet as they have learned more about what is important in life.

« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I hear ya..., posted by jrm on Oct 4, 2003

Nyet, nyet , nyet!!!!!!!

Yes, there is wisdom in avoiding the total beauty
queen model type, but go ugly - NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Shocked

Not here, not there, not anywhere Wink

Stan B
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Another one bites the dust..., posted by LP on Oct 3, 2003

I just read an article that said Maine has about 20 murders a year and that about 90% are domestic violance. Which leads me to believe its just as dangerous for AM-AW marriages as MOB marriages.
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to not just MOB, posted by Stan B on Oct 3, 2003

...Ah yes, the old "all this stuff happens to American couples too" argument. That viewpoint is laughable, shortsighted, and always floors me because it misses the point entirely.

Do American husbands kill their American wives? Sure...but how may 58 year old American husbands kill their 26 year old American wives? Not many I bet, because no woman in her right mind would marry a guy that old. Nor do domestic marriages often share the language and cultural differences. Nor does the typical groom "pool" in domestic marriages comprise a high percentage of men who are losers to begin with. The point is these are the kinds of people often involved in MOB, on both sides of the equation. In short, it's faulty logic to compare the two.

I'm willing to bet this tragedy is directly linked to age and cultural differences. While I can only speculate, it's not difficult to guess at the probelms. Why would a 22 year old Ukranian girl marry this guy in the first place? Consider the few possible reasons. (I'm not saying she is guilty of any particular one.) Lets forget HIS motives, they're blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain.

1) She was a scammer or a visa shark.
2) She was in love with him.

Number one is self explanatory. Number two could be true (as in "love" as a 22 year old can be I suppose), but if so it's likely the oft quoted and somewhat inaccurate claim that FSU women wanting older men could have been involved. After all, I'm sure she had many foregin suitors to chose from, most much younger. Or maybe this guy simply took advantage of her immaturity. The point is this union would likely not have occured between two American people, nor would it be common even in the FSU. And as with most marital problems, it's the children who pay a heavy price.

On the legislation part, of course it will be ineffective. Even if the guy had a record of domestic problems it won't stop him. And ineffective legislation only leads to another attempt down the road. Since you can't legislate the age delta between people who want to marry there will eventually be other controls imposed. Past history shows the government's attemtpts to solve any problem involves a single minded attitude of increased enforcement. From prohibition to the the drug war, it's always been the way they they operate.

« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: not just MOB, posted by LP on Oct 3, 2003

Because she was probably poor living in a 3rd world country.

This is a no brainer.

The age difference is astronomical and anyone in one of those relationship is just asking for trouble, course back in 1998 the MOB Agency was selling this guy on the notion she's from the OLD COUNTRY and will be by his side for ever... Maybe in Ukraine, where everyone is poor.  You can repress the women folk.  

But over here, it's just the opposite.

« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: not just MOB, posted by LP on Oct 3, 2003

I usually see some logic in your posting, but not this time.  The article you posted is clearly more acommentary on the stresses of divorce and not a condemnation of marrying a foriegn woman.  I assumed that there were a significant number of violent acts committed during stressful relationship break downs, so I checked it out with a quick search.  This is what I found:

Every day four women are killed by their husbands or lovers. Villarosa, Linda (ed.). Body & Soul, 1994.  

In 1990, approximately 3,000 women, according to FBI statistics, were killed by their husbands or boyfriends. Knapp, Caroline, "A Plague of Murders: Open Season on Women," The Boston Phoenix, August 1992.  
Women are 6 times more likely than men to experience violence committed by an intimate. U.S. Department of Justice, 1995.  

Among all female murder victims in 1995, 26% were slain by husbands or boyfriends, while 3% of the male victims were slain by wives or girlfriends. FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 1995.  

Hmmm, seems like this is a bigger problem than just with AM and RW!  If we can identify only 3 incidents involving MOB marriages in the last few years, I think your argument is hooey.

« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to not this time LP, posted by KenC on Oct 5, 2003

One of America's biggest traps is that we think things (and people)  can, and should, be logical.

And we're frustrated when they are not.

How can two people look at the same facts and come away with different conclusions?


It's because of personal bias.

Your personal bias will necessarily filter the facts and determine your outcome.

And, maybe more importantly on here... so will everyone else's.

Everyone comes to this board with a bias. Yours is that age differences are irrelevant to the success of a marriage. And that is understandable, considering that you are happily married to a much younger woman.

Someone else's bias might be that no one can truly be successful doing this... because he himself was unsuccessful.

As the saying goes: If an opinion is had, facts will be found to support it.

Which is why I am always amused at the Pompous Asses on here who will act as though they are right because of their infallible logic.

As any scientist knows an improper premise will invariably lead to an improper conclusion. Don't believe me? Next time you want a good laugh, go back and read a science book from twenty years ago. You will find a lot of "Logic" which has been proved wrong by time.

Or, just stop to think about it. I'm sure that you can come up with a list of ridiculous ideas, that have been disproved through time...

The sun revolves around the earth...

A heavier object will fall faster than a light object...

Columbus would sail off the edge of the earth...

Yeager could not travel faster than the speed of sound,…

A reputable agency owner would never create a fake identity on here, because if it were discovered, it might ruin his integrity and effect future business...

On and on...

The point is that there is little point in trying to debate and argue logically with someone who has already made up his mind.


« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The Logic Trap, posted by MarkInTx on Oct 6, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP] attempt to argue logic presented by a notoriously illogical individual, with all the expected inaccuracies. An individual whos "success" was predicated on lies and deceit. To people in the know those are the logic required.

I'll point out truly logical people don't allow bias to enter their viewpoints, something clearly missed by those who do. It's why they end up being suckered by the lowerest forms of life that infest this business.

Otherwise I'm left speechless, a rare event. Perhaps this eloquent (and logical) response will shed some light on the matter:


« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to not this time LP, posted by KenC on Oct 5, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

...I said the age delta would be unlikely here, not the homicide. And since I believe one was directly linked to the other I stand my ground. I also point the numbers involved, there are lots more domestic marriages. And do you really believe these have been the only cases?

The article was not a condemnation of MOB marriages? I never said it was but it clearly seems like it to me. Why is the MOB angle mentioned at all? And why the "expert" opinion? Of course it was a swipe at MOB, are ye blind? No matter the intent, how do you think the public will see it? As a closet pervert who exploited a young girl due to ecomonic and cultural conditions or simply two people in a love gone sour? You get one guess...

I wasn't passing judgment other than to say she was having a affair, a very common problem in any relationship with a large age delta, MOB or not. If you're in a such a relationship the odds are excellent she'll screw around on you, it's merely a matter of time. In fact, I can pretty much guarentee it'll happen and "love" will have nothing to do with preventing it. Nor will individuality, it's a simple matter of human behavior. As the  saying goes: Sure you're an individual...just like everyone else. (I don't expect this opinion to be popular, especialy with you Wink

I remind you all the problems encountered in MOB (especially during the hunt)are a result of the failure of the people involved to understand or control their behavior. This marriage should never has occurred and it did so primarily due to MOB. Now this poor kid has to suffer for the rest of his life.

Your references are common sense but I feel the 1995 statistics are inaccurate, it's more than 26% these days. Most people are slain by those they know. That would mean a great majority of the remaing 74% in your example are being killed by other than boyfriend/hubbys. Now add in your claim that women are 6 times more likely to be hurt by intimates and it shows 26% is way's much higher than that. Look at the recent DOJ statistics for 2000. (Did you know 67.3% of all people make up their own statistics? Wink

And anyone who thinks there isn't more domestic violence in MOB (adjusted for the numbers) isn't keeping up with all the reports of it. Is the supposedly informed opinon of the person in the article any less credible than say, your Ms. Knapp? In spite of the crys of "no data" there has been several studies done and they all show one thing: MOB unions are on shakey ground to start with due to the mitigating factors involved. I suspect they'll be plenty more studies to follow. After all, your gum'mint wouldn't pass laws without researching an issue would they? Wink

My two points are these: 1) If these two losers had been closer in age one would probably still be alive today. 2) A comparison of domestic and MOB marital problems are not valid in many cases due to the unusual factors involved. (In fact, seems to me you're making the same point.) Anyone who constantly pushes that "this stuff happens to everyone" is missing both the point and the value the data represents. It really is a shortsighted viewpoint.

I suppose a final observation is that MOB people aren't expected to be objective about anything involving this business...and they seldom disappoint.

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