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Author Topic: time flies  (Read 11554 times)
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: I couldn't agree more, posted by AronM II on Oct 8, 2003


You are spot on here:

"Why am I finally speaking out? ... It is, however, my firmly held opinion that this group has gotten too clique-ish, and too negative. ... Today... what newby is going to dare post any questions that might catch the wrath of our resident demi-god? ..."


I said that before. And that is why everyone who is fed up with the crap *should* speak up.

He's only here because he has an audience.

That's why he used to threaten to "leave into the sunset" all of the time... so people would beg him not to go.

It is pathetic how much he needs this board.

Last I heard, he wasn't interested in a Russian Bride... so why does he hang around?

But as long as he is cherished by "the old guard" he'll stay... and the board is worse for it.

You are right. Once people see the attacks on Travis, KenC, Stan,  and everyone else... the newbies will stay away in droves.

Without new blood, this board will lose its usefulness...

« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I believe you are correct, posted by MarkInTx on Oct 8, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP] little puzzy-whipped friend. If needed this crap I'd be posting all over the place. I'm not here for weeks at a time. Second, I'd be on lots of other boards sludge pumping about how lucky I was to get lied to. I'm not...but I hear you sure are. You have no idea how pathetic folks think *that* is, I get emails about it on occassion. At least I'm up front with you. Doesn't it occur to you *why* few speak out about all my "crap"? You really are cluless. Maybe they know something you've been refusing to believe huh?

Old Guard? Yeah, they're lining up behind me ain't they? They're everywhere, look at all the posts. And if I had a real need for accolades shouldn't I be filling it by being a "nicer" guy? Honey versus vinegar and all that? Newbies staying away in droves? I sure hope so, this is no place for them to be getting advice.

Don't fret, we'll meet again one day. Then it'll be your big chance to make good on your promises. Or you can have her do it for you, I notice thats your style. lol, until then keep it coming. Hell, I may even stick around a little longer just to screw with you...

« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I couldn't agree more, posted by Globetrotter on Oct 8, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

...The guy clearly missed my point. Stan may have beaten the odds but what he did was still the hallmark of a loser.
Doesn't mean I wished for him to fail, only means the odds were against him and for others to use his experience as a guide would be foolish. (It's sad I even have to point that out)

And you're absolutely right in that the frequency of deals gone bad is way up, these clowns keep missing that because they think they're immune to it. Btw Aron, I'm where I am by choice and proud of it. You're where you are for the same reason. The difference is I *am* immune to it. I have what you have with none of the risk and there's plenty more where she came from. What's your excuse? Couldn't catch one locally? Or did you just *have* to be married to feel ok about yourself?

As far as personal things, you keep forgetting I've met the piece of work my pal is married to so I know what the real facts are. Not a bad lady persay, just that deceit is unaccpetable to me. Until he's willing to grasp that he won't feel different. Besides, he likes to hassle me so it's great fun hassling him in return.

What do you expect from a guy who can't even read?  I read you've been married 19 *months*...yet another "success" story. Say, did you also  propose to her after 6 days?

AronM II
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Good for you also...., posted by LP on Oct 8, 2003

Do I "have to be married to feel ok about myself"?  

Gosh, LP, haven't you ever heard of LOVE?  Is it only mal-adjusted people that get married?  Does the concept of marriage escape you so completely that you are that lost?

"...what he did was stil the hallmark of a loser."

He took a chance.  So what?  How many people in this world play loose with the odds every day  The result, so far, is that he gambled and is winning.  Why can't the guy celebrate a little?  You're offended that he rolled the dice and came up good?  Too bad.

"...couldn't catch one locally?"

What?  Do you want a resume of my prior dating life?  It sounds like your convinced that everyone here is a "loser" of one type or another and that "you" are the only normal one.  sigh.  Your own comment condemns yourself.

"Say, did you also propose to her after 6 days?"

Maybe I did.  Maybe I didn't.  Who cares?  There are risks in waiting even 6 years.  This entire business is fraught with risk.  The best you can do is minimize the risk and be willing to accept the consequences if you lose.  I am.  He is.  Mark is.  Why can't you accept that?



« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Do I "have to be married to feel ok..., posted by AronM II on Oct 8, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

..listen yer honor, I don't feel at all how you think. I believe in love, I've been there. Might be there right now, not sure because eveyone defines it differently. Some simply define a need for it as good enough.

My point was that you shouldn't need it to feel ok. You're ignoring the fact that many MOB men do and their actions prove it. It isn't about being in love, it's about what some will do to get it. All I'm saying is their actions are proportional to their need. I have no problem with any of the guys you mentioned, they have a problem with me...or themselves. I could care less about them, it's their bad advice that needs to be addressed.

I also point out my behavior is at times directly related to those who hassle me, it doesn't mean at all I feel a certain way about any particular subject. Do I have to explain such simple stuff to you? Geez, I hope you excersise better judgment on the bench.

You want to focus on the good and ignore the bad? Good, you do it. I'll do the opposite because nobody needs protection from the good. If you've been around here as long as you claim it should be obvious many need to be slapped at times. In additon there are a few weenies who have real problems letting go of things and thats their problem, not mine. As long as I'm hassled by these clowns I'll hassle back. Not much mind you, just enough to settle the score. Trust me, there are many here who think they deserve it and then some.

And if you honestly don't think this business is full of losers you've got your head buried somewhere. Me thinks you're lack of involvment now that you have your prize has lead to a certain degree of ignorance on your part. Or that you focused solely on yourself when you were involved. I've taken a different path, it's why I'm still here when I really don't want to be.

Btw, what mystique? It was thankless depressing work and I'm glad to be out out of it. You ought to know better. Not that it matters but the mystique factor is far higher in my current vocation. Finally, I've got no quarrel with you. You keep defending the smucks and  let the more intelligent ones (who, ironically, don't need to have their idiocy pointed out to them) stick with

Otherwise, I accept just about everything you said.

Stan B
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Good for you also...., posted by LP on Oct 8, 2003

Now I know you are full of sh!t as well as an *sshole.
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to you think you met my wife?, posted by Stan B on Oct 8, 2003 it again. lol, you really *are* clueless!
Stan B
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I couldn't agree more, posted by Globetrotter on Oct 8, 2003

What lp states is that most of us our desperate losers chasing and marrying scummy scammers. When in fact he really doesn't know more than a few people on this board, yet he proclaims to have knowledge about us and our situations. If he stuck to his advice and warnings I'd have no problem. But he can't and I'm tired of his bs.
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to read a little, posted by Stan B on Oct 8, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP] it. I never said everyone is marrying scammers, only that I know someone who was lied to and accpeted it because he's blinded by the light.

You have everything you wanted so why even come here? I know only what you've written and the photos you've posted and thats plenty. The fact is anyone who proposes to a woman (forget a woman from a different culture) after 6 days has a problem. And any women who accepts does also. This is completely independent of how it turns out.

Just stop as many people on the street as you'd like and'll get the same "bs". But you won't because you know what they'd think of you...and they'd be right. I suggest you just enjoy what you have and be happy you lucked out and leave guys like me (where luck had nothing to do with it) to do the same.

If you're getting tired of me it I suggest you take my advice and try to not give a crap about what people say or do on a BB. Or are you gonna let me win? Kinda tells me you be a little weak in some areas but thats no surprise. After all, you certainly didn't seem to care about what they thought of your method of filling the hole in your soul.

Lol, and thanks for calling me *thats* a badge of honor.

AronM II
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Then don't...., posted by LP on Oct 8, 2003

read it.

"...I suggest you take my advice and try to not give a crap about what people say or do on a BB."

Hey?  You gotta love the irony of this statement.  This means that LP really does care about us!  Otherwise, he wouldn't bother reading our posts and hit us with witty insults.

Either that, or he's just mean-spirited:-)

Stan B
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Then don't...., posted by LP on Oct 8, 2003

You can think you're winning, put all I am doing is pointing out what an *sshole you are. If you think your bothering me, then your aloud to feel that way, after all we all know how much you need to feed your feeble ego.
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to time flies, posted by Stan B on Oct 3, 2003

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