... in response to Re: Sorry...., posted by genoramix on Aug 20, 2003[This message has been edited by LP]
Well, assuming you can hear me over the background noise of the big flys (you know, the ones that are drawn to TX sized horsesheet) I'll respond:
...no first i didn't nailed her if you read my post. we just slept together....
How sweet. Pardon *my* English but in these parts "slept together" means you bumped uglies with her.
...Second this is a trip report. What are trip reports for if it's not to have some feedback about what you're doing?...
You're getting feedback. Did you expect only peaches and cream?
...And i don't feel it's disrespect to tell a bunch of stanger what i have done. She won't never read this list anyway...
Uh...just because you're getting away with it doesn't make it right. It's a bad start. Besides, your business is your's, not some yahoos on a internet BB.
...As for the boozing : how did you act when you were 28 and on vacations? if people drink i drink with them...
When I was 28 I already had a wife and two kids and was more focused on career. Guess I was more serious than most. Thus far, I've never seen any reason to have another wife and so far I'm glad. I would have missed out on lots TLC delivered by women who were more than happy to share my life without all the legal consequences. A good thing too. If you want really kids then fine, otherwise you're short changing yourself by marrying at 28.
Btw, when I was 28 I was putting people in jail for excessive public drinking. (It was crime back then.) If I got faced on vacation I had to be sure it was far away and I couldn't get caught or I'd be out of a job.
It's the same now except I'd be out of a job *and* be the one going to jail.
I admit it's tough not do in Rome as the Romans do but there is a place for it. With her family it's ok. Out and about, why do it? Try to always show them you're not like the local male talent, especially with booze...it's a cancer on their culture. They prefer mature men, men with confidence and in control. From what I've seen thats a rarity in MOB circles. Don't be like the locals, they can get one of them anytime.
...And else it's more than a pretty face. I have met a lot of pretty faces there but still i have liked her a lot from our frist meeting. I like her for her pretty face but mostly for what she is (or represents) for me. She is sincere, really family oriented and i think we have a lot in common...
Ok, fair nuff. But from your previous posts she seems less sincere than you might be assuming. There are many fish in the FSU sea, wasting too much time on one who's not sure what she wants is for desperados.
...Now after meeting her again and clearing things up a lil more i know she is not playing with me. She is sincere but just doesn't know what she wants. I guess she just wants to engage in a long distance stuff only if she is sure it will lead somewhere...
Better be sure or you'll waste lots of time and money. I applaud taking time but not having it wasted. If she's not sure "what she wants" now you'd better get it figured out for yourself. Remember, tt's what *you* want that matters.
...As for dissolving into a pile of goo as i said she is not just a pretty face, there is more to it. Second i think i made it clear tonight for her that i have my limits and even though i can seem like the guy you can do anything to i'm far from being stupid....
Remember that many relations have a meteoric rise and burn out just as quickly. And if you're not stupid don't act stupid...stupid is as stupid does.
...Remember you judge people only by what they are posting....
Jeesh Kreskin, I'll try to keep that in mind. 
...I wrote mostly about the bad stuff in her because i was wondering about it. But i didn't tell everything about the positive. I don't need explanation for that...
Yes, you do need explanations for good behavior. *Especially* for that. Do you think some FSU women are such good manipulaters because they use bad behavior? No one here can help you make decisions. Follow your head, mostly forget your heart...and leave the rest in your pants unless you simply can't help it. There are millions of people who were once where you are now and most of them are divorced. I bet 90% of the guys looking for FSU girls have had at least one divorce. Many of them have had two or more. Funny how they always seem to blame it on the women huh?.
...and sorry for my english but what is a pushover?...
Letting *them* be in control of *your* situation. Doing what's best for her and not you. Letting your emotions overule your intellect. Also, see the part above about about not being able to help keep it in your pants.