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Author Topic: St. Petersburg  (Read 3157 times)
« on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

For those of you who have never been, think about adding this to your list of desinations, even if there is no one in particular to meet there.  A simply amazing collection of architecture and interiors that makes all of our memorials in Washington, DC seem ordinary and plain by comparison.  We were only able to spend two hours in the Hermitage, and I don't recall even looking a more than a handful of paintings because the place itself was so overwhelming.  Same for Catherine's Palace at Pushkin/Tsarskoye Selo and for the fountains at Peterhof.

You probably won't want to try it the way we did.  My M-I-L booked the whole family (5 of us) on a Russian tour company trip.  The bus was great, which is important for a 14-hour drive, and the tour covered a lot of great places in 3 days--Peter and Paul Fortress, Kazan Cathedral, the Alexander Nevskiy Monastery, a canal tour, and a night at the Neva River, among other places.  Not everyone would be happy dealing with the hotel (marginal even by Russian standards) and meals (good food, but very repetitive), but we were able to do it for a price I couldn't even imagine (less than $600 for all five of us for the whole trip, not including presents and some minor grocery shopping and cafe tabs).

However you do it, though, I do hope you get to someday...

« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to St. Petersburg, posted by SteveM on Jul 26, 2003

Ghetto with a huge park attached.  Where there was these huge white buildings, that had big fences and concrete barriers in front of them.  Real inviting place.

And the drivers, oh gosh, you gotta have a lead foot in that town...  Been there done that.

« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to St. Petersburg, posted by SteveM on Jul 26, 2003

I think I went on the same Russian tour, except it was with a train ride to and from Moscow and did include all of the things you did including the Peter-hoff(fountain tour).

The Hermitage is a great tour, but the old palace was (or is still) in great disrepair. I would love to spend more time there, a 3 hour tour only sees less than 5% of all of the art on display...the place is huge!

Even though at the time the tour gide only spoke in Russian, nearly half of the Muscovites that were on the trip to St. pete also spoke to me in English. I enjoyed a great political debate with a older gentleman who was surprised of my knowledge of Russian history and politics....suprised my wife also because she did not know what we were talking about!

« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to St. Petersburg, posted by SteveM on Jul 26, 2003

St. Pete is a wonderful, beautiful city that I think every guy should try to see. And as I have expressed before, I think no city in the FSU has as many beautiful ladies as does St. Pete.

It has been a bit hectic in St. Pete the past three months due to all the celebrations over the 300th birthday of St. Pete., but things are beginning to settle down now. More flats and hotel rooms are becoming available and the prices are beginning to come down to where they were last year.

I would try to always set aside two full days on each trip to see the Hermitage. If there was a day that was cloudy or a little rain, go to the Hermitage. On a day that is beautiful, go to Peterhof. Take a morning train and see the country side on the way down, on the way back to St. Pete in the afternoon take the Hoovercraft. The Palace of fountains is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking.

« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to St. Petersburg, posted by SteveM on Jul 26, 2003


  I agree completely about St. Petersburg! Having been to St. Petersburg 3 times, (which is the full extent of my former FSU travels), I will always look forward to traveling there. In fact, I've remotely considered LIVING there. Actually, I DO have contacts there (including a nice woman that I have established relations with).

  I know an ex-pat who has taken-up permanent residence in St. Petersburg to be with the woman he fell for there. I created a little basic website for them, as he and his lady Nina will assist visitors with virtually any service, in addition to deliver flowers way more reasonable than a flower service. They'll even include high quality digital photos for a tad extra. Their site address is "flowersbynina" dot com. Tell them "Chris" sent ya!

  Sorry, I couldn't resist the little plug for my friends there. We spent 5-6 hours in the Hermitage, and still couldn't see it all. There's practically a statue, monument, museum, or some other incredible landmark on almost every other block in the heart of the city. Anybody wanna browse through my photos can do so at ""

  A lot of them are of a more personal nature, but a lot are geographical of St. Petersburg. I've been there in winter, spring, and summer.

Cold Warrior
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I concur, posted by CFonde on Jul 26, 2003

Glad to see that you're still around and on the right track. Good luck with your lady in St.Pete.
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey Chris....., posted by Cold Warrior on Jul 27, 2003

« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I concur, posted by CFonde on Jul 26, 2003

I'd have to say Lena looks like a pretty decent girl for you.
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I concur...pretty decent pictures CF..., posted by wsbill on Jul 26, 2003

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