... in response to Re: I must disagree with you, posted by tim360z on Jul 28, 2003I've done quite a bit of traveling around the world in my life and USA is definetly a world of it's own by comparison to Russia,Europe,Asia etc...
Most of us travel great distances at lightning speed daily because we have the ability to...something many other countries simply don't have ability to do daily...
We watch 70 tv channels here on an average and wonder why we are so imaginative and restless...Living in FSU is like watching paint dry...
Our kitchens here for most of us have cooking devices most other countries could only imagine about...
Our medical facilities,technology and abundance of available medicines blow the doors off most third world facilities...
And our food supply and size of average super-markets,malls and mini-market plazas make almost anything available at a hands reach...That's becoming true even in our rural areas...
I would not want to live anywhere else in the world...At least not now in my "earning" years...