In one of my discussions with a woman I met here, I mentioned some of the things I did to prepare for my trip. She was surprised I knew some of these details, but I kind of cheated since I know a couple of Ukrainian ladies at home. First, the "rule" of dark clothing and not smiling on the street is BOGUS. I've been walking around in sandals, jeans and a t-shirt, changing into dress attire only for formal meetings. Smiling at and introducing myself to attractive women is a habit I have, it's not going to change because I am in Ukraine. Rule #1: Be yourself. Rule #2: See rule #1
The concerns about water quality are legitimate for the most part, it's not that the water is bad in Kiev, it just has different flora and your guts will tell you. It's probably much worse in the smaller cities, so drink bottled water. Take Cipro with you just in case. Also, I recommend taking a suppliment called "Primal Defense" a few weeks before your trip. It's various beneficial bacteria that are commonly extinct in your guts, stuff that helps you fight off some of the nasties you might encounter. Eat local yogurt, cheese and kaffir too - those all contain beneficial bacteria. Rule #3: You can get McDonald's at home. You're in Ukraine, try their foods, you'll like them!
Rule #4: No matter what, keep ALL of your important stuff in a small carryon bag. If you can't live a day without it, don't put it in your suitcase, carry it with you. I don't mean passport and money, I mean a clean shirt, clean underwear, sockes, packs of tissues, toothbrush, shaving kit, condoms, etc. If your luggage gets totally lost, go buy some clothes in the local stores and worry about your luggage later. Cheer up, you're not dead. :^)
Rule #5: He who does not adapt to change suffers quickly. The woman I was supposed to meet couldn't make it. Did it ruin my trip? Nah, it's just one of those things. If I eventually meet her, great. If not, I've met two very nice women I will correspond with further and we'll see what happens. I didn't plan on returning engaged anyway, I'd have to be a COMPLETE IDIOT to propose marriage to someone I have only written letters to and met only once.
Rule #6: LEARN HOW TO MEET WOMEN. If you're a clod with women at home, you're going to be a clod here. I've heard enough stories from the women I have met to make me want to puke. Overduing being a gentleman is worst than underdoing it, just chill out and pretend the women you are meeting are interviewing YOU for a job or something.
Turn it the other way around, don't be nervous or needy and just treat the women with RESPECT but don't father them or baby them.