... in response to Re: You alittle off your rocker on you q..., posted by wsbill on Jul 11, 2003A national ID card is not a good idea. While Lynn can sometimes be a little paranoid for my taste, he does have the right of this.
Your argument about the credit card would be valid, except that people don't *have* to have a credit card, ATM card, or even a checkbook. You can still walk into WalMart and pay for items in cash. While most people don't, you still have the freedom to do so. At least today you do.
Personally, I don't care to have Big Brother knowing everything I do, and every place I go. We should have the right to personal privacy, even if it wasn't included in the Bill of Rights. The ACLU is fighting the idea of a national ID card, as well as many privacy groups, and plenty of others.
If you want an idea of how bad it could get, there are a few literary visionaries out there who have written about a future society based on extensions of the ideas you so quickly espouse. If you're in the mood for some darker SciFi reading, try "Lacey and His Friends", by David Drake. If you are a comic book fan, try reading the graphic novel "V for Vendetta", by Alan Moore and David LLoyd. If you are into the classics, try "Brave New World" by Aldus Huxley or "1984" by George Orwell.
Don't trade your freedom for security. If you do, you will end up with neither.