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Author Topic: A new twist on the marriage visa scam...  (Read 19797 times)
John K
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You alittle off your rocker on you q..., posted by wsbill on Jul 11, 2003

A national ID card is not a good idea.  While Lynn can sometimes be a little paranoid for my taste, he does have the right of this.

Your argument about the credit card would be valid, except that people don't *have* to have a credit card, ATM card, or even a checkbook.  You can still walk into WalMart and pay for items in cash.  While most people don't, you still have the freedom to do so.  At least today you do.

Personally, I don't care to have Big Brother knowing everything I do, and every place I go.  We should have the right to personal privacy, even if it wasn't included in the Bill of Rights.  The ACLU is fighting the idea of a national ID card, as well as many privacy groups, and plenty of others.

If you want an idea of how bad it could get, there are a few literary visionaries out there who have written about a future society based on extensions of the ideas you so quickly espouse.  If you're in the mood for some darker SciFi reading, try "Lacey and His Friends", by David Drake.  If you are a comic book fan, try reading the graphic novel "V for Vendetta", by Alan Moore and David LLoyd.  If you are into the classics, try "Brave New World" by Aldus Huxley or "1984" by George Orwell.

Don't trade your freedom for security.  If you do, you will end up with neither.

« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You alittle off your rocker on you q..., posted by wsbill on Jul 11, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

...goofy Mother. (Rest of message deleted, it served it's purpose.)

I'll leave this however:

« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A new twist on the marriage visa scam..., posted by John K on Jul 10, 2003

.......simply marrying an illegal immigrant gets 'em a green card and all that other good stuff?

So this means a guy can smuggle a R/W in thru Mexico, or on a boat, plane...whatever...and marry one to bypass the K1? Or you can marry one who ran out on her original K1 and stayed in country? Then all is hunky dory with BCIS? You wish it were that easy.

Then again, knowing our gum'mint....

« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Huh?..., posted by LP on Jul 10, 2003

marrying a US citizen is a pretty easy way to a green card. you have to follow the rules to make it look like a real marraige rather than a sham.
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Huh?..., posted by Alfred on Jul 10, 2003

The US Gov't has sat on their laurls too long.

The open door policy needs to be shut.  You can still bring  your wife in through Mexico...

Heck, why don't you fly her to Cuba, get Cuban Citizenship and then ferry her in to Key West and announce to the world she is a political prisoner.  You gotta get her on dry land, if she's still in the water, they'll send her back.

Or you can bring her her and don't apply for a social security card, just have her go to work for you own business - growing tomatos and selling them on the side of the road.

100% cash business.

It would be helpful if you already have children as to when you die, you just can't will it to her as her identity will be be discovered as a illegal.

Live in a small town where she can walk to the store.
As soon as she pops out some kids - they'll be automatically US Citizens...again home births, of course.

National ID are for anyone requesting to use gov't propery.
Drive a car, get insurance etc...

These ladies have lived without insurance in the past, or you just pay out of your pocket.

« Reply #35 on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You guys do have to admit, posted by wsbill on Jul 10, 2003

That ID card may come along and with it some questions about how you support yourself, you know---all of need to be stamped, indexed, de-briefed, cataloged, evaluated and indoctrinated, you are honest and up front about all that cash aren't you....
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Careful........, posted by Lynn on Jul 10, 2003

I really should go down and get on the food stamp program and tax the gov't along with the rest of the nation.

It's like my employer, they buy their food off the Sysco truck and I've yet to see them ever sell anything they bought to the general public and their suppose to be millionaires.

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