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Author Topic: A little more on the MOB regulation bill  (Read 3515 times)
« on: July 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A little more on the MOB regulation bill, posted by Travis on Jul 10, 2003

The law also seeks to limit the number of fiancé visas a U.S. citizen can apply for. The stipulation is an attempt to outlaw what Larsen calls "the wife lottery" where U.S. men can simultaneously apply for a number of fiancé visas for different women and accept the first visa-approved prospective bride that comes their way.

It's a!@#$%^&les like this that give this whole pursuit a bad name.

Can you imagine those poor girls that didn't come in first?!

« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Huh, posted by ChrisNJ on Jul 11, 2003

Or for that matter, the poor girl that did!?
Cold Warrior
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Huh, posted by ChrisNJ on Jul 11, 2003

[This message has been edited by Cold Warrior]

I wonder if they are interested in drafting up a bill to protect men from false abuse claims( Travis case for example). One common name in all the reports is that of Lali-Muro, a feminist with an Bahai agenda (whatever that is). Lali Muro was instrumental in helping African women to claim refugee status in the US for fear of genital mutilation in Africa. So one way to get your lady over is to claim the she might be circumcised in her her country.
Jersey Mike
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Write to Larsen and Cantwell......, posted by Cold Warrior on Jul 11, 2003

You're absolutely right regarding the false abuse claims issue.  The way the present law is written, a woman with conditional permanent resident status can have her conditional status removed in an expedited fashion by claiming to be a battered woman.  This actually promotes false claims to be filed, not only by the scammers, but by any woman who feels that her marriage may be in trouble during the two-year conditional waiting period.  There is something wrong the present system which rewards false charges with permanent residency AND may result in the falsely accused husband forced to provide support.

(Actually, I would like to see them extend the length of marriage from 2 years to at least 5 years.  I believe that too many women enter into marriages with the idea that even if the marraige doesn't work out, two years isn't such a long time to hang in there long enough to get the green card and then get out.)

Perhaps I am wrong, but I have heard that in most other western countries aside from the US, if the marriage doesn't work out, the spouse must return to their country of origin, for the obvious and sensible reason that these countries do not want to promote people entering into marriages simply for the sake of immigration.  I would like to hear from anyone living in places like western Europe or Australia to hear how their countries' immigration laws handle this issue.

Cold Warrior
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A little more on the MOB regulation bill, posted by Travis on Jul 10, 2003

[This message has been edited by Cold Warrior]

Re: ``These men aren't real men they are weak men`` - oh, really?    10:01PM PDT, Jul 10, 2003

The point is... that American women are just jealous of us. My husband was married before and his ex was a typical american woman. She nagged him all the time, she was fat, did not take care of herself, she cheated on him, she did not support him during hard times. Not all, but many American women don't have traditional family values. They use men for money and are ready to ditch them if they see someone more rich or (as they see it) successfull. So, American boys, we love you and there are still a lot of pretty, single and dedicated women all over the world. Good luck finding your love. ---------- so hook me up


``Many American women subscribe to the theory that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle``

Some theories are far from reality. Besides some men do not agree to be just another bicycle.

``If material things (money, cars, house, etc.) are what's important, why marry someone to get those?``

Why? - so they can wring every last cent out of their ex in the divorce settlement - good business here.

``The successful American women I know of don't need or want a man to buy them things, they earn the money to buy them for themselves``.

For every so called successful American woman you mentioned there are plenty other - those``true american dream`` depicted in pop culture shows called "Who wants to marry a millionaire".

``Many American women no longer define themselves by marriage or children``.

So good for them,while their exes will find someone else( 4 000 - 6 000 marriages with foreign women + remerriges with natives - statistically divorced men more likely to remarry).

``This is a good thing, but not all American men like it. It takes a very secure man to forge a relationship with a woman who can't be dictated to, can't be coerced, doesn't have to make compromises because of financial circumstances if she doesn't want to``

OK,that sounds true, but who told you, that all so called ``mailed order brides`` are submissive, coerced or forced to make a compromise?

``In short, a relationship based on equality rather than a presumption of dominance. Especially where there is a blurring of traditional roles in the relationship``.

That is an interesting point. IMHO some American women care too much about gender equality - those who really feel equal do not waste their emotions about it.

``The bottom line is that everyone, male or female, ought to go into a relationship with a position of strength, the ability to walk away if the relationship doesn't work. That's absolutely imperative``.

OK, my bottom point is that: life is too short to spend the most productive age to walk away and come again. The better and firm relashionship you have in your family the larger possibilities to realise your opportunities.

Regards. Olga

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