... in response to THOUGHTS ON CHEMISTRY... , posted by Zoidberg on Jun 28, 2003[This message has been edited by LP]
..lol, no offense Zoid but yer killin me. I don't know which state is more amusing, the one where guys are still searching or the one after they've found "the one".
Don't get me wrong, it's a good post and on the surface reflects what appears to be insight but everything you wrote is common sense. No surprise there and another clear indication that WOVO (as normally done) can seem risky.
Whats important to note is that 90% of the girls I met turned out being much closer to what I wanted than I first thought *after* I had spent more time with them. While only one turned out to be "close enough", most were far closer than I thought at first and I bet most would have made fine mates. This discounted the other cases where there was obvious friction or incompatibility, a clear and present danger as it were. (I dumped those during the writing/telephone stage.)
No matter how you feel about each other when you meet you're still strangers..period. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves, only romatic fools and deperados think along those lines. It's simply common sense and if you think back on it you'll see you already know this from your domestic dating adventures in days of yore.
My goal was always to write long enough so that I could spend some time living with them after I got there and (other than a few I met as a lark) I acheived that 100% of the time. Ironicly, many of my trips were to visit only one or two but I made sure I'd be shackin up with them for at least a week. The point is that I did all my screening during a fairly lenghthy correspondence with that goal in mind. I never had a case where I met a woman and wanted to bail right away. (And if I did I always had a backup plan. I still believe this method is sound and I'll go back to it if I ever re-enter the fray.) Those who prefer quanity and cold contacts to quality are in for a long frustrating haul in my opinion.
We all know how Princesses can turn into Witches after a time. Well, it also works the other way around but no one ever thinks that way. Besides, the dating game at home is not played under the same rules and often we just never attempt that second date after the first goes down in flames. We simply trust our judgment is such matters, often a very bad thing to do when it comes to the complexity of people.
It's just another reason to spend time with *any* woman. I mean *real* time, under the same conditions as after you marry her if possible. Assuming she posseses the basics of a good heart, a kind soul and you feel a physical attraction to her...well, the chemistry thing will cause blood to come shootin outta yer nose if you think too much about it. In my opinion, excessive focus on "chemistry" muddys the waters too much and is a detriment to sound judgment.
We want to see the best in people, not the worst, and this takes time. It's human nature to think most people are good. (This same quirk explains why old flames are often rekindled after bad experiences.) I maintain that long relationships are not powered by the "love" and romance people feel during the courtship phase, they're powered by the understanding that only comes with time and effort by the parties involved. The infatuation felt at the begining is nothing more than a fragile birth, easily destroyed for quite some time after. While there are no promises, you demostrate an understanding of this so you might just do ok.
As long as she's obviously not Ma Barker, letting you grow on each other will usually make you surprised at just how different each may feel after spending more time together. We all know people can often grow on us if we give them a chance, why that isn't done more often in MOB is puzzling. After all, they'll be a lifetime of growing on each other after the "fog of infatuation" clears. (Or at least until the divorce happens.) Best to get it right beforehand by sampling the goods, and I don't mean in a physical sense. Frankly, I see no rocket science here. How do I know this? Because I'm told all the time by other people how I grew on them after an inital bad impression. (lol, if you can imagine that.)
Good luck....