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Author Topic: prenup in IL  (Read 24864 times)
« on: June 07, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

A friend of mine tells me that prenup is meaningless in Illinois.
In the first 10 yrs of marriage, your ex gets nothing from your asset; but after 10 yrs she gets 50 % regardless of a prenup. Is this really true?
Robert D
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to prenup in IL, posted by romachko on Jun 7, 2003

This is a terrible place to get specific legal advice.  It would be worth $50 to ask that question from a lawyer in Illinois.  In some jursidictions, you must get a pre nup done long before the marriage date or it can be attacked on grounds of duress when executed.   The language in some states must be specific, etc.  So spend the bucks to get the opinion and more bucks if you want one drafted.

Robert D.

« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: prenup in IL, posted by Robert D on Jun 9, 2003

......I am a blooming idiot, I am incapable of handling my own affairs, my I be considered a ward of the court, I will submit to the "English" Bar and all of it's "copyrighted" laws, you will look after my best interests won't you?HuhHuhHuh??

That is what you are saying when one puts blind trust into any lawyer. Not meant as a slam, just stating fact and yes there are a few good lawyers out there, but bottom line is they all swear allegance to the Bar and in procedings they represent "both" sides.


Griffin redux
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yes your honor........, posted by Lynn on Jun 9, 2003

« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to How do you feel about surgeons?....n/t, posted by Griffin redux on Jun 10, 2003

[This message has been edited by Lynn]

The medical field in America today was molded into what it is by the Flexner Report, funded by John D. Rockerfeller by way of the Carnegie Foundation. It did in effect squash almost any type of medical treatment in America that is not surgical or chemical based treatment. Take medical grade ozone infusion, Germany has been using it very successfully since the late forties--------it is against the law for a clinic to administer it here except under "research" conditions. My best friend put life in the hands of supposedly capable doctors, three surgeries later he was left to die with intestinal cancer, the surgeon would not return his calls after the last surgery. Thru my studies on the subject, I believe he would be alive today if he had had the ozone infusion treatment. Why is it not available-----there isn't much profit in something relativly simple that works.

There are good surgeons, lots of them, but most are like the rest of the sheeple in this country-----they do what they are told and don't ask many questions.

I believe the quote goes something like this "to become a doctor in America requires about the same ammount of education as anywhere else in the world, the extra time is spent brainwashing them into thinking they are "God"." I believe that quote came from a book named "Dead Doctors Don't Lie".
There are exceptions, my mother's doctor for 20+ years was a very strong Christian and was known to get down on his knees beside his patients hospital beds a pray to the Almighty for them and to have prayer before any surgery.

Robert D
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: How do you feel about surgeons?....n..., posted by Lynn on Jun 10, 2003

Sorry the Doc could not cure cancer.  Shame on him.   I am sure there are supplements that naturalist know about that cure cancer that the medical community is just keeping quiet about so they can make more money from sick people.  Not to mention drug companies that want profit over cure.  That's it.  

   What is great about this is we need not see doctors, as we can be our own regardless of our education, we can be our own lawyers, for the same reason.  electricians? plumbers? Heck we can design and manufacture our own cars, planes, make our own drugs, fertilizer, nukes if we want, why not, itis a free country, Why, if I can not make my own nukes, it is a conspiracy against me in the hightest degree, who needs a degree anyway.  They just waste time doing nothing, and learning nothing.  Heck anyone can pick up a book and be and expert on anything. 30 minutes on the internet should do it for most folks.  Why I should be able to do brain surgery on my kids if I want, or my wife.  Heck who's business is it anyway?   So what if I wish to use the kitchen knife,  it worked for early man in his development.

    You are right never EVER take the advice of a professional on anything.  They are just in bed with the government, waiting to take advantage of you  and give you bad advice just for the fun of seeing you screw up.  That's it.  
   And while you are at it, never trust anyone over 30.  Oooops, did I say that?  Don't watch Tv because the commercials are filled with little suggestions you can not see that control your mind.  And don't join, the Masons, knights of columbus, or even the Salvation army, as they are all in it with the government.  Spies all.  Never use the phone, as it is tapped, all are ya know now that the Patriot act has past.  Heck, their is an FBI agent in hidden in every home.  And this internet thing, watch out!!!  They get into your home that way.   Heck, I will build my own internet, and keep everyone else out but me.  That should teach them. Heck I invented the internet anyway.

   Sorry if this was heavy handed.  But frankly it is not skin off my nose.   It seems that people who do things like you suggest normally mess up and make even more work for lawyers, doctors, and electricians, etc.  

Robert D.

Robert D
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: How do you feel about surgeons?....n..., posted by Lynn on Jun 10, 2003

Sorry the Doc could not cure cancer.  Shame on him.   I am sure there are supplements that naturalist know about that cure cancer that the medical community is just keeping quiet about so they can make more money from sick people.  Not to mention drug companies that want profit over cure.  That's it.  

   What is great about this is we need not see doctors, as we can be our own regardless of our education, we can be our own lawyers, for the same reason.  electricians? plumbers? Heck we can design and manufacture our own cars, planes, make our own drugs, fertilizer, nukes if we want, why not, itis a free country, Why, if I can not make my own nukes, it is a conspiracy against me in the hightest degree, who needs a degree anyway.  They just waste time doing nothing, and learning nothing.  Heck anyone can pick up a book and be and expert on anything. 30 minutes on the internet should do it for most folks.  Why I should be able to do brain surgery on my kids if I want, or my wife.  Heck who's business is it anyway?   So what if I wish to use the kitchen knife,  it worked for early man in his development.

    You are right never EVER take the advice of a professional on anything.  They are just in bed with the government, waiting to take advantage of you  and give you bad advice just for the fun of seeing you screw up.  That's it.  
   And while you are at it, never trust anyone over 30.  Oooops, did I say that?  Don't watch Tv because the commercials are filled with little suggestions you can not see that control your mind.  And don't join, the Masons, knights of columbus, or even the Salvation army, as they are all in it with the government.  Spies all.  Never use the phone, as it is tapped, all are ya know now that the Patriot act has past.  Heck, their is an FBI agent in hidden in every home.  And this internet thing, watch out!!!  They get into your home that way.   Heck, I will build my own internet, and keep everyone else out but me.  That should teach them. Heck I invented the internet anyway.

   Sorry if this was heavy handed.  But frankly it is not skin off my nose.   It seems that people who do things like you suggest normally mess up and make even more work for lawyers, doctors, and electricians, etc.  

Robert D.

« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A conspiracy in every pot???, posted by Robert D on Jun 10, 2003

[This message has been edited by Lynn]

Sorry if I hurt your feelings. The truth does hurt sometimes, but as Winston Churchill once said "When the average man stumbles across the truth, he usually brushes himself off and runs along on his way wondering what happened". And speaking of the "truth", I seem to remember some time back we were at odds on a certain fact and you refused to answer me directly, instead chose to dishonor my question by trying to change the subject.  

Considering your profession, I can understand your stance. If AIDS could be cured by a simple non-intrusive procedure, what would we do with all those millions laying around? If people realized that a lawyer wasn't needed every time they stumped their toe, what would you be doing? Fliping burgers at MickeyDee's?


Robert D
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to My, did I step on your little toes?, posted by Lynn on Jun 10, 2003

no buddy you missed the point, my feeling were not the least hurt.  Just pointed out what I thought were a few valid points that most of us who have benefited by more than 500 years of western civilization have realized.   Specialization is what has made us prosper to the point we have to date.   Otherwise we would all grow our own food, build our own buildings, educate our own kids, and not be as productive as a society.   In other words, once we stopped being hunter gatherers, we as a species developed into modern man, and were able to break the bonds of our individual limitations.   It allows those with differing talents to expand upon them, and thus we have professions and trademen, etc and even the internet because we are not spending all of our time gathering food and hunting etc.  That was all.

    If we followed your logic to its illogical extreme, we would be doing the with pen and ink, using a runner to transmit our thoughts which would take months.

    Robert D.

« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My, did I step on your little toes?, posted by Robert D on Jun 10, 2003

[This message has been edited by Lynn]

Specialization has also led us to the point where most people couldn't change a dollar without a calculator and if the simplest thing goes wrong in their home they have to call someone else to fix it.

America is full of self-proclaimed patriots, most of which don't know any of their rights under the Constitution and yet wave the flag in front of their house all week long not knowing that by doing so they are suspending their Constitutional Rights by doing so because their flag is mutilated to begin with. Oh, yes we are specialized. To the point we as a people don't think for ourselves and are unaware of the facts.

Robert D
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Illogical extreme? LOL, posted by Lynn on Jun 10, 2003

I am all for being self sufficient, but frankly draw the line at certain things like brain surgery and the like.  What may I ask do you do for a living since you know what I do?

As for knowing the facts, well there are those that could not find a fact if lead directly to one.  Many people are blinded by their own agenda so as to not be able to see the facts but color all facts to fit their agenda.  Like the fact that lawyers make pledges to their Bar association.  NOthing is further from the truth.   We take an oath to uphold and defend the consitition, and to abide by the cannons of ethics in our state and federal bars.  The ethics codes and violations of those are frankly simple rules that help (but does not assure compliance by anyone) keep the bar free from those that are not inclined to do the right thing by their clients and the courts.  Ie lawyers, like our former President, that lie under oath, can be disbarred.  Strange concept.  Or those that violate their contracts with their clients or betray their trust.  (this list of disbarred lawyers in every state grows each year.  It does not mean that the system does not work, just the opposite, that it does though it is not a perfect as we ask doctors to be that can not cure cancer, shame on them and us for not being making all of those who practice perfect.  And by the way, more lawyers have lost their license to practice than doctors or any other profession I can think of because of incompetence or ethics violations.

Robert D.

« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Illogical extreme? LOL, posted by Robert D on Jun 10, 2003

"to abide by the cannons of ethics in our state and federal bars." Is that not a pledge? Are the state and federal bars not directly linked to the English Bar?

"We take an oath to uphold and defend the consitition," Are you saying that our Constitutional rights are in full effect and may be used in "any" court of law? Or judge's chambers? What jurisdiction did you say the courts were held under? Oh, sorry to open that old wound. Wink

My profession? I'm just an old redneck carpenter.

Robert D
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Illogical extreme? LOL, posted by Lynn on Jun 10, 2003

Ah!!!!!!   A carpenter, a specialist by any other name and no we have no connection to the english bar every since we did that tea thing in Boston Harbor a while back.  I too do some carpentry work, but when it comes to the hard stuff, I hire a guy that knows what he is doing, and I suspect that is why people hire you buddy, and that was my only point.  I am sure you are good at what you do, and that is good.  And there are docs and lawyers who are good at what they do as well.  
That was the only point I was attempting to make.

See the my jokes below, and lighten up, so I do not get banned.

have a good one
no wounds here
Robert D.

« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Illogical extreme? LOL, posted by Robert D on Jun 10, 2003

Are you a fast carpenter?

A slow carpenter?

Or just a half'ast carpenter?Huh

Robert D
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A little humor for you.....if you do a l..., posted by Lynn on Jun 11, 2003

I was a lousy one, funny.   To tell you thet truth, I am game to try anything but have my limits.  Once when I was 13 I was helping my Grand Dad build something.  After we were half finished, he told me, "NOw son, Grand Dad is glad you worked with him, (as he took the tools from my hand).  But promise me one thing.   Be sure you go to college, (in his soft and understanding voice.)
  It was his way of saying that I would starve if I had to make a living with my hands.

it worked
Robert D.

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