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Author Topic: Your RW could be an African man....  (Read 14939 times)
Cold Warrior
« on: May 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Your RW could be an African man...., posted by Cold Warrior on May 29, 2003

I also just recently found out that my beautiful Ukrainian fiancee is really a Cameroon national! I had sent her $3,000 for visa processing fees after I received her/his first e-mail response because I truly believed that she/he had fallen in love with me from reading my first letter ("power of the pen", and all that).

Since he decided to come clean, and after a lot of thought, and also after he e-mailed me a photo of himself (he's kind of cute), I decided that I have invested so much monetarily and emotionally that I want to give him a chance; I think we might be able to work our relationship out, especially if he agrees to wax weekly. I figure on some complications with having children, but they just announced the cloning of a mule today in the news, so I think that cloning a few of each of us should not be too difficult. My bride should be here in a few months/several months. He is anxious to come here and for us to start our new lives together.

I know that David SD would approve of how I am handling this turn of events-- I am counting on the support of LP, his girlfriend, MarknTX, his wife,  JFKennedy, BobbyBruinOrr, Wsbillybob, OscarMeyer, PorkChick, CoolWarrior, Burke89BC, his pet marmoset, CapnHornblower, StanMarvelComics, and his lovely wife, Tim360zzzz..., AlfredBatman'sButler, Tfcrude, TBirdalmondjoy, Travesty, StevieOzone, mervGriffin, DonPardonme, RoboBonddenturecream, Cesium767, UnitedNutUntilPubertyWhenOneFallsLowerThanTheOther, ZincMultiVitamins, the cast of The Partridge Family minus Daniel Bonadouch, and others too numerous to mention to help me get through this trying time. I am counting on your sympathy and words of encouragement. Please put Smoo-kee-hoo-na-hah and me in your prayers.

Thank you!!!

« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please pray for us, posted by Scaught on May 30, 2003

....count on me, as long as I don't have to pet Burke's marmoset.

"Travesty" and "minus Daniel Bonadouch"

« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please pray for us, posted by Scaught on May 30, 2003

oN THEIR HANDS!!!  lol.

Guess I will have to ask the first question to any potential girl - do you like fried chicken and watermellons?

Cold Warrior
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: SOME PEOPLE HAVE TOO MUCH TIME, posted by wsbill on May 31, 2003

I remember a reporter asking that to Tiger Woods, there was a big outcry of racism next day in the press.
Cold Warrior
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please pray for us, posted by Scaught on May 30, 2003

A Jamaican gay couple was recently granted political asylum in England after they claimed that they were discriminated against in Jamaica.
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Move to England......., posted by Cold Warrior on May 30, 2003

We even have an ex-member of the KKK given asylum here.

Poor soul was being persecuted by your government.

Cold Warrior
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to You wouldn't believe....., posted by Pordzhik on May 30, 2003

Some taliban members were granted asylum, they cannot be deported since they are afraid of their lives if returned. Tariq Assiz has also requested a house(not council flat) in the UK in return for cooperation with the Aliies.
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to taliban....., posted by Cold Warrior on May 31, 2003

D'you think Saddam will want one too?
Cold Warrior
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to If Tariq Assiz council house, posted by Pordzhik on Jun 1, 2003

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Two of Saddam Hussein's daughters want to apply for asylum in the UK, according to press reports Monday.

Raghad, 35, and Rana, 33, are in a family safe-house in Baghdad following the overthrow of their father, said a report in the London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq al-Awsat.

The UK is their first choice, their London-based cousin Izzi-Din Mohammed Hassen al-Majid, told the paper.

But if they were refused access they would try to start new lives in Egypt, Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, he added.

The sisters, whose husbands were killed by their father's regime, are living with their nine children in two rooms having been forced out of their palaces.

"They live in a severe psychological disorder," al-Majid said.

The daughters have to wash their own clothes and cook their meals.

Neither they, nor him, have any idea where Saddam and his sons Uday and Qusay -- who are top of the Anglo-American coalition's most wanted list -- are, he added.

The two women's husbands were both assassinated by Saddam in 1996 after they defected to Jordan, only to be lured back to Iraq by a promise they would not be punished.

Al-Majid fled Iraq in 1995 and only returned after the fall of Saddam.

He told the paper via a telephone call that the women were "very enraged for what had happened to Iraq and I saw the tears in their eyes, especially when we talked about the war and the fall of the regime."

Al-Majid said the two women blamed aides of their father for his fall, the UK's Press Association reported.

Any application for asylum would be decided by the UK government's Home Office. Officials would judge whether those wanting to flee would be persecuted if they returned home.

A Home Office spokesman told CNN no application had been received on behalf of the women.

"There's no evidence that they are claiming asylum and we are under no obligation to give asylum to individuals implicated in human rights abuses."

He told PA that he "was not saying that this would apply in these two cases."

Iraq's National Congress was quoted by PA as saying: "There is no specific threat to these daughters of Saddam. They are not implicated in the crimes of their father. They should feel free to live in Iraq."

The story made the front pages of several UK papers Monday.

Cold Warrior
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to If Tariq Assiz council house, posted by Pordzhik on Jun 1, 2003

I doubt whether Tariq Assiz or any other high ranking member of Saddam's regime will show up in the UK. The umbrella opposition group to Saddam had its headquarters in London, they will probably kill any of Saddam's boys if they are in the UK. Unlike Saddam however, ex-Taliban members are entering the Uk freely, passing themselves off as Pakistanis of the Patan tribe. The Taliban enjoys widespread support in the UK from the more radical muslims clerics like Abu Bakr who was the mentor of the British suicide bomber in Israel.
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to You wouldn't believe....., posted by Pordzhik on May 30, 2003

the KKK took my baby away...

It's been 21 years; so, maybe he will give her back?

« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Move to England......., posted by Cold Warrior on May 30, 2003

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

You know a lot of kind people on this board have been emailing me privately asking about what red flags I encountered. I first suspected just a subtle hint of a possible red flag (or perhaps a light pastel pink one) when I received a color of photo of a African man and an accompanying letter of confession that said he had been scamming me all along. Or maybe this wasn't a red flag. I don't know. I still don't want to believe it. Maybe I should have begun to suspect that there might be something out of the ordinary when that happened, but I overlooked it. The letter professing love for me (the first letter) wasn't a red flag at all because it was totally believable. The request for the 3 grand for fee processing wasn't a red flag by any stretch of the imagination, because we wanted to get half decent service. The sick dog with the 10K health treatment that I paid for could hardly have been a red flag either because we wanted a world renown surgeon to replace all the major organs and do the job right with no leftover parts. The sick grandmother that needed the basketball-sized tumor removed couldn't have been a red flag either because the sick grandmother routine would have been too obvious; it had to be real. And even if it that one were a scam, all those tumor jokes that this episode has spawned (she has a great sense of humor!) makes it all worthwhile. The request for the 55K I sent for a Cray supercomputer wasn't a warning sign, either. I mean I know she could go to the local internet cafe and pay a buck for five hours, but we wanted a good machine for her, and I didn't want her to have to walk out in the winter cold. Also, she is taking a beginner's accounting course, and needed something that could really crunch numbers. The wall-size LCD is a real eye saver, too. Finally, her husband (a really swell guy), I don't believe is a red flag either because people over there are poor and she needs someone to help her, and I also am not so selfish that I would want her to be alone. I know she is safe with him; his tattoos usually scare people.

So really, as you can see, no red flags came up at all. I share my story so that others may somehow learn from it.

Some have suggested that my fiancee is really a lady who is pretending to be a Cameroon guy so I will break contact with her. So I am calling her bluff. It makes life more interesting, like those subplots make sitcoms livelier. It will be really interesting to see who is there at the airport in New York come November. Maybe it will be that cloned mule there to greet me?

« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Move to Angleterre/ There Were No Re..., posted by Scaught on May 30, 2003

Hey.............Keep them coming!!!!!!!! LOL  LOL   LOL   I haven't enjoyed lurking in the background and reading this board since DavidSD wrote his stories of his "marriage" to his tattooed
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Your RW could be an African man...., posted by Cold Warrior on May 29, 2003

a sob story from a 'dole-loving' Kenyan, currently living in Moscow.

Now, suprise, sup.. he has been given 'the go' to America.

God bless him; for, he will fit right-well with the last 12,000 Somali gifts, well, from Dubya's 'Republican' regime.

Insanity is addictive, indeed.


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