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Author Topic: Other Board Challenge  (Read 14266 times)
Bobby Orr
« on: April 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I frequently read and post on another FSU board.  That particular board is run differently than this board.  The format is different.  Many of the posters are the same for both boards.  Anyway, the guy who runs the other board gave a poster whom I know gives credible information on this board a challenge - the next thing you know there was some support for the individual who regularly posts on this board.  I thought, hmm.... this is interesting, there is alot of support for the individual who had the challenge thrown at him.......lets see how he responds.  What happened?  The threads were deleted, no response ever occurred.  The next thing I know, I heard the guy who regularly posts on this board ran from the challenge.  I would like to know what the response would have been?  Maybe that individual could respond on this board???
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Other Board Challenge, posted by Bobby Orr on Apr 29, 2003

Spencer from has registered and can rebut any accusations if he wishes.  I've also removed from the spam list so the URL may be posted.  It was originally placed there soon after they started up when somebody used this board to recruit for the new one.

I prefer to keep forum squabbles contained to the forum they originate on, but since there seems to be accusations flying against Spencer, I'll make an acception and allow at least some dialogue as long as things don't get out of hand.

« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Other Board Challenge, posted by Patrick on May 2, 2003

I appreciate the opportunity to post here. Hopefully this situation is cleared up, but in the event it persists, I will make a detailed post regarding the events surrounding it.

I will also send you traffic through my site in the form of link placements, as my appreciation for the removal of the URL block.

Best Regards,


« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Other Board Challenge, posted by Bobby Orr on Apr 29, 2003

Sadly, this kind of stuff never ceases on this board.

There is no "protection" of any agency on the RWG. And those posters who frequent the board know this.

I myself have started and continued criticisms of these so called protected agencies, such as LTP.

Any assertion to the contrary is clearly not true. And it is sad that you Jack are promoting this. You and I have always had a decent relationship in the past, and I have had no problem recommending your agency to RWG posters.

I now wonder whether I should reconsider that recommendation, considering that in bashing RWG and the moderators of RWG, you are bashing me. And I dont appreciate it.


« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sad to see this stuff continue..., posted by squirecam on May 1, 2003

Hey Squirecam,

I appreciate your post, and sentiments, but you are wasting your time.

P-L is Jack Bragg's playground, and a marketing tool for FirstDream. Everyone knows that. I don't know why... but it is undeniably true. Sadly, he can say and do whatever he wants here.

There are some good guys on here. There is some good advice given. But over all, the board is tainted, and has been for some time...

When certain banned people are allowed back (multiple times) while others are not... when one agency is allowed to pimp his services, while all others are run off... when despicable personal attacks against women are watched mutely by the masses... you have to realize that you are not posting in a fair forum.

And any attempt to bring any sense of fairness is wasted here...

« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to And you were expecting...?, posted by MarkInTx on May 2, 2003

Hi Mark:

You wrote: "...despicable personal attacks against women
 are watched mutely by the masses..."

I think this must be about the thing between you and LP about whether he met your wife or not. I see you still feel bad about this regarding people who didn't get involved. Maybe I am speaking for some of us when I say that (1) we didn't like reading any of this, (2) it seemed like you two could have written about this privately if you had wanted to, and (3) that how can we take sides when we had no involvement? How do I know if he met your wife? I wish it could have been handled privately and/or not brought up by LP in the first place.

« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Mute Masses  are watched mutely by the m..., posted by Scaught on May 3, 2003

You know what...

I agree with practically everything you said, Scaught.

Except... when a man calls a woman a c*nt... I think common decency should at least call for some sort of protest... don't you?

But, other than that, I completely agree...

Hope things are going well with you...

« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Mute Masses  are watched mutely by t..., posted by MarkInTx on May 10, 2003

Hello Mark:

I hope things are going great for you and your wife.

I missed the swear word. That kind of language clearly should never have been used. I hope he apologized for that.

My sitcheeashun is that our 129f has been approved and we are waiting for Warsaw to handle her of-169 and schedule a medical exam, then an interview. I hope it won't take more than three months because she'd like to study at the local college, and they start up around August 20th. Thank you for your kind wishes!

« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to And you were expecting...?, posted by MarkInTx on May 2, 2003

..."that was no lady, that was your wife."

Undeniably true? Thats pretty funny, coming from the master of deniability himself.

« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to And you were expecting...?, posted by MarkInTx on May 2, 2003

I hope you will reinforce your previous warning given to myself and xxxxxxxxxxx. I have not replied to or mentioned dickhead by name (ooppps, guess I just did). He has continued too, and has on many occassions, violated your warning. This is what you told the board and I on January 17th,.....


Jack and MarkInTx warning
Post a follow-up Return to Forum FAQ Edit Message
Posted by Patrick on 01/17/2003

The next one of you to reply to the other, or mention the other in any post will be banned for a week.


Patrick I am sure I am speaking for many, certainly for myself, when I ask you to please keep this warning and condition in effect. As you can probably tell a majority of his contributions are negative in nature to the board and many of it's particapants.

I am sure you have noticed how peaceful and polite the board has become Patrick when a certain instigator does not give us his daily dose of wisdom that changes weekly.

Talk about newby's being confused, not wanting to post! I am sure many newby's do not know what to think when they see an individual who is Planet Love's second all time leading poster one day advise the board, and I quote " Believe in true love -- be careful of who you marry -- love her like it's never going to end AND GET A PRENUP SIGNED!!!!". He strongly advises everyone to get a pre-nuptial, except when it comes to him! Or how one week this individual advises that a person must write many, visit many to be successful and then after writing one, visiting one and marrying one, now this is without doubt the most successful way of doing things. How he threatens that once after his bride get's to America he will never post anymore in hopes people will beg him to stay (and no one does) and than does quite the opposite by posting even more, which wouldn't be so bad except for the constant flip-flop of advice and opinions and mis-stating of facts and statistics which do not exist in his hopes of proving his method the best way. How he advises newby's that, and I quote " I know there has been much discussion on whether you should expect sex when going to visit your FSU girlfriend. I would say that A) a true gentleman never expects sex – no matter what continent he is on" and then loads up on viagra himself, wonder why!!!! And as far as how long a guy should wait until getting married during the 90 day K-1 period, and again I quote on 12-05-01 " In other words... use the three months to really decide if you BOTH will be happy here, together" and on 11-23-01 "Three months isn't very long, as you said Tootsie. And yet, many people don't even bother using the three months they are given." And then marries with-in the first 10 days himself!!! Come on, when can anyone take this guys advice when he does not even practice what he preaches? Can you say 'clueless'?

It seems almost all the advice he gives turns out just the opposite for him. Don't have sex, get to know the woman before marriage, write many ladies-visit many, only meet nice women, etc

One of the few things boy blunder has ever said that makes any sense was on 10-18-02 when he said the following " I mention these because it has made me face one fact I would rather ignore: The Internet is a good source for information... but it is an equally good source for mis-information." Yes, I think we can all agree with that. And look at the source of the greatest mis-information.

Bobby Orr
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sad to see this stuff continue..., posted by squirecam on May 1, 2003

You clearly are barking up the wrong tree.  If I were you I would talk to Jack to learn the truth prior to making unfounded accusations.  I do not believe anyone is saying anything negative about you.  I respect your opinion because, like I, you have been there done that through some of the same agencies - funny that our opinions about these agencies happen to be very similar..........maybe you should just just admit that you need to get informed on this one?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Wake up and smell the coffee!, posted by Bobby Orr on May 1, 2003


I moderate the scams section. That's right. Me.

I get a copy of each and every post to those 2 sections. If Jack had posted a scam to either of those sections, I'd know about it. And it would not have been deleted by me either. Or, I would have asked Spencer why the posts were deleted. So either he never posted them, or they were not posted in the scams section, because they certainly were not deleted under my watch.


Bobby Orr
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Wake up and smell the coffee!, posted by squirecam on May 2, 2003

Do you really think every section sticks to the original topic - or do you think it is possible that a thread may change direction somewhere after it started.  I know that threads change, as do you if you think about it. with Jack to find out the truth.  You are starting to make me laugh because you are revealing how unimformed you are on this topic.
Bobby Orr
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to As if sections are orderly!, posted by Bobby Orr on May 2, 2003

I think it would be nice if you retreive his response for him and post it directly on your "scam" section.  What will you do after it is yanked within six hours??
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Other Board Challenge, posted by Bobby Orr on Apr 29, 2003

I know who you are talking about Bobby Orr!

Spencer wrote me last week, asked if I would like to come onto his board and prove my statements I had made to Burke on a Planet Love post earlier during the week. Spencer said he would start a new thread titled Jack Bragg and he would allow me to reply.

Well, what really happened was Spencer started a thread about me, starting ranting and raving, making several slanderous and erroneous remarks and made the following statement,...."Jack, I invite you to come on here and make good with 'proof' on your accusations."  Ok, great, no problem. So I write a response proving my remarks to Burke, I go to sign in on the SRG (Spencer Russian Guide, formerly RWG) and am restricted from posting. I write Spencer an e-mail last Friday and told him I am restricted from posting my reply on the SRG. As of today, some 5 days later, no reply from Spencer.

Today, when he was asked about Jack's response to his earlier tirade, he simply replied Jack had nothing to say. He is misleading the poster he was replying to as well as the other members of the SRG. Jack does have something to say, would like to respond to Spencer's post, but is unable too.

I think Spencer changed his mind Bobby Orr.

Hopefully Spencer will honor his earlier public invitation. Just as Spencer has the respect not to air his dirty laundry on Patrick's superb Russian discussion board, I also respect's Patrick's board and would rather respond to Spencer directly on the SRG.

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