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Author Topic: Green Card Meeting [CONT]  (Read 3137 times)
« on: April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

The other day I posted a message respective to one's financials being investigated and/or validated at the AOS Green Card interview. I appreciate the couple of responses I received. However, let me get down to the real issue. As I mentioned, economically, things really soured over the course of the last year to the point where I am just barely making it right now. We are virtually "broke" a week before the next bi-weekly pay check is issued. I'm working two jobs, she's still learning English (and no job) and the daughter is in college where we learned we now owe in excess of $5500 for the current semester wherein we were originally led to believe her tuition would be fully covered (as she is very bright) by scholarships, grants etc etc etc . . .

That being said, I have no familiarilty with this upcoming interview process scheduled for June, but can I present my case at this time to the interviewer and negate my sponsorship of them? Again, my original I-864 and the attached tax returns were overflowing with a strong picture of true wealth. Now, that world has gone upside down. Also, a couple of my friends suspect (without actual evidence yet) that my wife's looking for someone richer right now. What happens if I refuse to attend this interview? Are they sent back courtesy of the government?

Sounds cruel, but I'm being VERY honest! I never in my wildest dreams anticipated this outcome!

« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Green Card Meeting [CONT], posted by f12phantom on Apr 24, 2003

Your best be is to widthdraw the kid from school and tell she needs to join the US Military (if her english is good enough, which it probably is).  Let Uncle Sam take care of your daughter and get her out of the house.

Then you can focus on rekindling your relationship with you wife.

What kinds of work do you do and what is your wifes background?   IF she's like any good russian lady she'll have a knowledgable background working in a garden, thus there is a plant nursery in every little town in America.
Minmium wage, but atleast a job to boot.

Jeff S
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Green Card Meeting [CONT], posted by f12phantom on Apr 24, 2003

« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Are you married? (n/t), posted by Jeff S on Apr 24, 2003

[This message has been edited by tfcrew]

..between the lines I could discern perhaps some needless and undue paranoia.
PS... Profiles, though most are very limited, should provide an update marital status of the members.
John F
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Green Card Meeting [CONT], posted by f12phantom on Apr 24, 2003

You brought a special lady into your country, knowing she didn't speak the language and that she would be high maintenance for awhile.  You made some bad career decisions that resulted in a substantial loss of income.  And now you want to dump your wife and let someone else send her home in a most undignified way?
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Is this correct?, posted by John F on Apr 24, 2003

I know one thing..
There isn't any financial institution or government agency that takes presidence over my wife.
The "game" (for me) was to get her here..documented.. and then take a stand.
We all have/have had/or will have monetary difficulties.
Sometimes we have to punt on 4th down.
This is what financial/bankruptcy courts are for.
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Green Card Meeting [CONT], posted by f12phantom on Apr 24, 2003

Firstly, there is no such thing as "courtesy of the government".
The government just is not a very courteous entity.
Any supplemental travel arrangements will be at your expence.
This stated, regarding the AOS interview, what is required will be your last 3 years IRS returns.
Assuming that you have filed your 2002, this should/would be included.
You are not required (or should you) volunteer any further information.
All for now...(have to take my wife to work now you see?)
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