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Author Topic: Am I being scammed?  (Read 6263 times)
« on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Here's a bizzare situation for you all.  A woman I correspond with and will hopefully be visiting sent me a photo of herself recently.  A friend found the exact picture I was sent on Yahoo Personals, posted a few days after Olga and I began corresponding.  In her ad, she lists my town as her location.  The account has not been active for many months, and before I confront Olga with what I have found, I would like a few educated opinions. Note I have purposefully omitted some details to not "tip my hand" if this is some sort of organized scam. I've spoken to her on the phone, but that means nothing really does it? Being the Devil's Advocate, do these sound like plausable reasons for her picture to appear in a local personals ad:

1. She already knows someone who lives here and the
  entire reason she contacted me first was to get    
  here.  I'm the patsy.

2. She is making sure she has a "backup" plan in
  case things don't work out with us if/when we
  go for a K-1.  Yah know, meet a few more local
  guys in case things don't work out.

3. She posts a local ad to find a local guy to verify that
  I exist.

4. It's a scammer, using a picture of
  someone to troll for other idiots in my town.
  Perhaps as SPAM bait, who knows. The person I have
  talked to and emailed for 6 months is a phoney.

I really don't know what to think, and before I confront Olga with finding the picture she recently sent me, I'd like some input from you guys.  I'm curious if anyone can think of legitimate reasons why there is a local personals ad in my town using the *exact* picture of a woman I am corresponding with who lives in Ukraine.  Do the girls do this to cover their asses?  I don't think I am being paranoid and I hope that SOMEONE can say they have seen this and at least explain it, even if the news isn't good.
Waddya guys think?


Cold Warrior
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Am I being scammed?, posted by Cal on Apr 21, 2003

[This message has been edited by Cold Warrior]

Tell her you're considering moving to another city, wait and see if she shows up in a yahoo personal there.
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Am I being scammed?, posted by Cal on Apr 21, 2003


« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:What is your GUT FEELING.....n/t, posted by wsbill on Apr 21, 2003

A couple of friends who date told me I was being contradictory because I'm talking to more than one Russian girl anyway.  Rough 50/50 split between "hedging the bet if she comes" and "trying to find a local guy to verify I exist".  Nobody thinks it's an organized scam based on the fact I've gotten letters and photographs via postal mail, and sent *nothing* in money.   I had flowers delivered once and a CD mailed, both which she verified.

Rather than not think she is a "keeper" I have a different way of looking at this - if she IS serious, why would she not check up on me?  And if she and I don't hit it off, she's stuck in America for the modulus of 3 months?  Nah, if she was smart she would have a backup plan.  I mean, I've got a Plan-B, so why wouldn't she?  Either way I look at it, she's a smart cookie and I can respect that.  So here's what I emailed to her, or to the guy who is pretending to be her:

Privyet Olga,
I am having some difficulty understanding why your photo is listed on a local Yahoo Personals advertisement.  A friend recognized your picture and notified me. The account has not been active for many months, yet I am concerned because this was unexpected. I am not upset, I would just like you to explain why this is so.  We are both intelligent and clever Olga, we can discuss this issue tomorrow morning when I call you.  I am sure we will both be amused.  Were you checking on me, dear Olga?  You are a clever girl indeed.  Is my clever girl still with me?

« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The question has been asked..., posted by Cal on Apr 21, 2003

The account has not been active for several months? Can someone still correspond with her through that personal ad?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to The question has been asked..., posted by Cal on Apr 21, 2003

You should probably go through a agency.  The vast majority of russian women... Do not own a computer.  Even using a internet cafe is like out of their price range, as most average ladies are not rich and make $50-150 a month, depending on their job skills.  Divided that by 4 weeks in a month and your lookin at some low pay.

But computers, cellphones etc... are priced at our rates.

What I'd recommend doing is saving up your money and going over to meet this girl say like in the Fall.  Plus, during tha time frame you can be writing a few others.

« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Am I being scammed?, posted by Cal on Apr 21, 2003

I met my soon to be former wife on a local personal ad. It wasn't her that posted the ad, it was her best friend. Her intent was to met someone from here, bring her here on a K1 visa, get married and after she drained what money she could, leave and live with her best friend. These two have also been trying to do the same with other friends they have back in Russia. Your problem sounds like option 1; your the patsy. Don't go through what I am going through!
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Am I being scammed?, posted by Travis on Apr 21, 2003


Did you reveal to this forum before about this situation?

If so, I will look in the archives as I would like to read about it. If not, could you post more about such? Is she getting away with her little scam? What is the status?

« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Wow, posted by thesearch on Apr 22, 2003

I posted some details a while back. She's still trying. My divorce isn't final until August 4th because she contested it. Of coarse she played the abuse card, tried to take my house and wanted $1350 a month in support for the next three years...keep in mind I filed for divorce 61 days into the so called marriage. The judge threw out her request for a protective order (this is what she wanted to take to INS for her green card) based on her testimony alone. I didn't even get to testify! She got three months support at $750 each month but thats all. Basically I'll be at the INS office on August 5th with the court transcripts, divorce decree and other material demanding that she be deported and not allowed to succeed in her scam! If for no other reason than the principle of it.
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Wow, posted by Travis on Apr 22, 2003

So sorry for all of this. What a bummer to be a victim of such a plot. Thank goodness you acted as soon as you did. The longer you would have waited most likely the worse it would have gotten as to its impact on you.

So, what is your take/position now on finding a woman from the FSU? How have you changed from all this?

« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Terrible, posted by thesearch on Apr 22, 2003

I'm not looking for any more women from the FSU. I just don't want to take a chance on going through this hell on earth again. I won't discourage anyone from this, I would just advise them to be careful...which I wasn't :-) I don't feel that most of these ladies are running a scam but there obviously are some with ulterior motives wheather it be money or a green card or both in my case.

I don't think I've really changed too much after my expierience other than being a lot more cautious and lot poorer. And bitter and PO'ed and the like, but that should subcide after her @ss is deported. At least I learned a new language :-)

« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Terrible, posted by Travis on Apr 22, 2003

Thanks for sharing. It is good for readers to hear these things and get a good dose of what reality can be with these FSU marriages.

I just do not think that some are cautious enough yet others get away with it (not taking caution) and find happiness.

But you know somthin  --- you might find yourself back into this a few years down the road. One never knows. What ever happens - good luck ot you.

Michael B
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Am I being scammed?, posted by Cal on Apr 21, 2003

1. She already knows someone who lives here and the
entire reason she contacted me first was to get
here. I'm the patsy.

Possible, but why doesn't she contact him directly...let's say she lost his address, are YOU going to give it to her? Not likely.

2. She is making sure she has a "backup" plan in
case things don't work out with us if/when we
go for a K-1. Yah know, meet a few more local
guys in case things don't work out.

Maybe, but if that's the case it's a sure sign she's not a 'keeper'.

3. She posts a local ad to find a local guy to verify that
I exist.

Maybe, but similar to #1, if some guy gets the hots for her, is this guy going to help her catch YOU? Not likely.

4. It's a scammer, using a picture of
someone to troll for other idiots in my town.
Perhaps as SPAM bait, who knows. The person I have
talked to and emailed for 6 months is a phoney.

Maybe, in fact pretty likely if you're dealing with a 'pro scammer' ring.

Two other possibilities you didn't think of:

1) Honest mistake, her English is only so-so and she thought she was filling out the form "I'd like to meet a man from __(city)__." Not "I'm located in __(city)__."

2) You have a local enemy who doesn't want this relationship to work....ex wife? spiteful co-worker? AW girl friend not willing to let you go?

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