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Author Topic: Ok, hope this works- PICS...  (Read 6728 times)
« on: April 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

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Hope this time it works! ;-) Just click on the thumbs to enlarge them.


« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

I must say:

1.) I'm so happy, in the fact, that your son came through with flying colours after the operation!

2.) Your' wife is a stunner!

and, yes...

3.) You look like a Swede from the 18th century (compliment, BTW).

Cheers, Vaughn

« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

You did very well.  She is a beauty!  Las Vegas is not the worst place in the world to get married.  Every time you visit again, it will be a "honeymoon"!  Congrats and best of luck to you and your family.
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to WOW, posted by KenC on Apr 18, 2003

Thanks Ken, but actually, we didn't get married in Vegas.  We had exactly 2 days to plan our wedding after finding out that her son needed surgery so we got married at my sisters home with about 20 people..  It really came off amazingly well.  My sister and cousins really pulled out the stops and made it very nice.


« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

Congratulations!  She's a beauty.  You two look very happy together!
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

Michael B
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

Really cute kid (and his mom aint exactaly ugly either), so glad he came through the operation OK. Hey, where did you guys stay in LV? Did she like the place? (the city in general and/or your particular hotel). Did you win enough to pay for your trip? (ha ha).
Here's a little something extra, just to make MtMay happy:

You will need: 2 hydraulic rolling floor jacks, 2 safety stands, 1 17mm box (or combination) wrench, 1 8mm box (or  combination) wrench, 1 flat blade screw driver, metal drift or tapered wood dowel +/- 3/8 in diamater  (optional, 1 17mm box rachet wrench).

1. Disconnect electric wires from engine (1 screw connector on genetator, 3 pull apart connectors, generator, fuel shut off selenoid, choke).
2. Remove 8mm barrel bolt which secures throtle cable.
3. Remove fuel line, plug with dowel.
4. Place jack under main transmision mount, raise rear of vehicle as high as possible.
5. Secure safety stands, one each under the renforced areas where the tire changing jack would be installed.
6. (working underneath vehicle) Remove 2 17mm nuts on lower engine mounting studs.
7. (working underneath vehicle) Remove 2 8mm barrel bolts securing heater control cables.
8. (working underneath vehicle) Disconnect 2 heater vent connecting tubes.
9. Remove safety stands.
10. Lower vehicle (but do not remove jack).
11. Place second jack under oil drain plate, raise just enough such that the saddle of the jack slightly supports weight of engine.
12. Reove 17mm nut on upper engine mounting stud, remove 17mm engine mounting bolt (both of these are easier to remove if using the box rachet).
13. Grasping a tailpipe in each hand, pull the engine backward and slightly rock it from side to side as you pull. When engine is back far enough such that the transmision pilot shaft is clear of the clutch, the engine will now be free and will be balanced on the second jack.
14 Reach between the engine and body and remove the throtle cable from its tube.
15. Using the first jack, (which is still in place) raise the vehicle as high as possible, roll the engine out from under the vehicle on the second jack.

Installation is the exact reverse. If you have removed the pressure plate for any reason, be sure the clutch disk is properly aligned before attempting to install engine. Don't forget to feed the throtle cable back through its tube before pushing the engine forward (once it is place, you won't have access to the inside end of the tube).

« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Nice pictures, Oscar, posted by Michael B on Apr 17, 2003

We stayed at Mandalay Bay.  It's one of my favorites.. She loved it.  We had a total view of the entire strip from our room on the 23rd floor, the rooms having floor to ceiling windows.  It was an amazing view.  She loved Vegas.  And no, we didn't win! LOL!  Problem is, it was a very short trip as we had to come back quickly for her sons surgery.
So we are now confirmed for Hawaii in June for 13 days, going to 3 islands (Oahu, Maui and Kauai) as a belated honeymoon..  Should be nice, I have never been there before.  Were looking at going on a cruise but found out that if she leaves American territory even to visit a caribbean island for one day, she won't be admitted back into the USA!  So we went with Hawaii..


Michael B
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Nice pictures, Oscar, posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 17, 2003

Been there, seen the sharks, can't afford to stay there, ha ha. If we EVER finally get the K-1, Martha wants to go there (the city, not that particular hotel, she doesn't know one hotel from another out there), maybe even get married in a casino. We'll see, depends on the budget---humm, wonder if the Gold Spike does weddings? (Just kidding, I wouldn't to THAT to her)

Say, looks like your wife could use some 'advance parole' papers, then you can go where you like and she can still come back into the US.

« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Nice pictures, Oscar, posted by Michael B on Apr 18, 2003

Actually, when we stayed at Mandalay Bay, it was only $99 per night and that was the 23rd floor with a complete view of the strip!  They have been running some great specials, lately, especially for a 5 star hotel!  And their pool is incredible..


Stan B
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Nice pictures, Oscar, posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 17, 2003

I hope we can get together while your here. My wife and daughter will already be in Ukraine for their summer vacation thou. So where are you staying on Maui?
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to aloha, posted by Stan B on Apr 17, 2003

Hi Stan, we haven't booked our rooms yet (will get them through because we are trying to change our return flight for one day later right now so don't know if we will be in Maui for 4 nights or 5 nights.  I am sure we will be booking in the next 7 days.

We are flying in to Oahu and will stay there 3 nights.  Want to go spend a day at the Polynesian Cultural Center, see Pearl Harbor, and snorkel in Hanama Bay..  Then it's off to Maui for 4 or 5 nights and then to Kauai for 4 or 5 nights..  It would be great to meet you in Maui!


« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

nice to see such a genuinely, sincerely happy couple. Thanks for sharing your joy. It does serve to give hope to others. Although you have found your happiness, I do hope that you continue to post and share your experiences. There are a number of contributors whose posts I read and advice I heed. You ( and Dan, Jack, MarkinTx, WmGo and a few others ) are one of them. The aforementioned are well thought out, stay focused on the purpose of this board ...... meeting, befriending, falling in love and successfully marrying an FSU lady...... vice some of the unrelated "happy horsesh!!!!!t" (everything from economics to finance to politics to diplomacy ect..... What's next? Auto repair? ) that doesn't belong here. Best of luck to you, your wife and your step son.
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, hope this works- PICS..., posted by Yeahbaby on Apr 16, 2003

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