Gotta say...Things DO get interesting with the in-laws...
I remember last January while visiting in Southern Russia my wife's uncle kept "dis-appearing" for days at a time to "unknown" destinantions and then suddenly "re-appearing" back into the family mainstream as if he never left and the disappointed look on my wife's aunt's face would disappear as quickly as he returned..."Nothing Spoken..."
All in all,very nice people.While vacationing there wife and I helped Poppa buy a new auto(his old one was 27 yrs. old) and then the wife and I made a decision to send them a few grands to help her parents get a newwer home (one with bathroom and running water inside...)We hoped it will give them an easier life and hopefully add some years to their lives.They decided to wait until spring to begin looking for a new home.Seems a lot of the homeowners with houses and land for sale around there take off for the winters and return in springs.
Yesterday,Poppa has sister-in-law send us an e-mail that they have found a house and request that when we send the remaining balance we promised to send to them to buy the new house,that we send it in HIS name only and to NOT tell MOMMA the total amount we are sending...
GEEEEESSSHHH!!!!What's up with that?
-Now I feel like not even sending anything at all....Wife thinks it's quite a normal request...Poppas are always right according to her even if they are a little "unpredictable" at times...I told wife that before we send anything I want to speak with Momma on the phone and we WILL tell her the exact amount we are sending and that's all there is to it...Wife was visibly "shaken" by my comment...