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Author Topic: With war with airline tickets go up or down?  (Read 16006 times)
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Touche Jack..., posted by LP on Mar 17, 2003

drove Muslim recruitment into religon 3 fold
especially among the prison population.
Some prisons do notallow the Bible, but overlook to Quaren
We must be Politically Incorrect, and realize that all muslims want qorld domination. by word or by sword whichever is faster.
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Touche Jack..., posted by williethesheik on Mar 17, 2003

Face it, when we look back in twenty years, there will be the consensus that we, now "back" in 2003, are in the early years of WWIII. Responding to the destruction of the World Trade Center, and simultaneous attacks on the Pentagon and the Capitol (albeit the latter was foiled), by reacting boldly to embark on a first-strike policy to deter attacks, the military might of the United States of America overthrew several world governments-- Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, and others, fought terrorist networks in Indonesia, the Phillippines, and many other nations on all continents, sustaining tens of thousands of American military and civilian domestic casualties due to biological, chemical and radiation attacks, but prevailing in the end, dragging the Moslem World kicking and screaming away from barbarianism, into modernity and eventually taking significant steps toward joining the ranks of free, liberal, Western democracies in "The End of History" (as defined by Francis Fukuyama, not by those who didn't bother reading his 1989 essay).

Either you see it now, or you don't.

« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to                    W  W  I  I  I , posted by Scaught on Mar 18, 2003


if you want to know what future is read the Holy Scriptures. It is laid out quite clearly. Most has already come to pass.

The present world situation is all about laying the ground work for the End Times.

It is all about the battle for Jerusalem.

It is not about flesh and blood.

Good luck.


« Reply #33 on: March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Been there........, posted by LP on Mar 17, 2003

Hey LP,  sorry we couldn't meet, when you came over.
Send me an e-mail,  I will give you the phone number
and all that goes with it.
As far as my betherens, well not too much for me,
France is only the mouthpiece for Germany and Russia.
As for the politicians not listening,  look at Blair, 81% of the
Brits are against the war.  The same for Aznar,
the three of them, if you include Bush, won't be elected
dog-catcher next time around.

To hell with them,  just get here, the wine and food will superb,
the girls are nice too, but I do know that you would not cheat
on your girl friend.

« Reply #34 on: March 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Been there........, posted by micha1 on Mar 17, 2003

Blair received a boost when Clare Short, who threatened last week to resign and accused Blair of pursuing a "deeply reckless" policy, announced that she would vote for the government. She also pledged to remain as secretary for international development, in charge of Britain's aid agency.

President Bush has given Saddam until Wednesday to leave his country or face military action after abandoning diplomatic efforts at the United Nations.

Blair said U.N. action on Iraq was paralyzed by division between the United States and its allies on one hand, and France, Germany, Russia and their supporters.

"I know why it arises," Blair said. "There is resentment of U.S. predominance. There is fear of U.S. unilateralism."

"And there is perhaps a lack of full understanding of U.S. preoccupations after the 11th of September," he added.

A poll published Tuesday in The Guardian newspaper suggested that the public was increasingly rallying around Blair. Support for military action to disarm Saddam has risen by 9 percentage points since February to 38 percent, while opposition fell 8 points to 44 percent, said the survey by ICM.

The Guardian's ICM poll was based on telephone interviews with 1,002 adults last weekend and had a margin of error of three percentage points.

« Reply #35 on: March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to $100,000 homes in suburbia?..., posted by LP on Mar 16, 2003

Radioactive dirty-bomb on Wall Street and you see the implications of that crash, I doubt if you'll see many folks put much money & faith in the ole'stock market ever again. (probably take another generation or so).

You do know about the missing radioactive stuff that came up missing from Haliburton in Nigera back in December, go reread the yahoo stock news on HAL.  Funny how the media has kept quiet about that news.
It's kinda like the day ole'Scotty Ritter was giving a lecture at the University of Arkansas in Jonesboro on Iraq adn weapons of mass destruction, etc...  The news media didn't say a word about this, but they certainly carried the news of 3-4 Pakistanis (Al Queda member) being arrested in a little town in Arkansas.  These guys were speeding through this little town and were pulled over and of course the media jumped all over that...

Gee, I just gotta wonder about those 2 CH-53's that came roaring into Millington that evening.

« Reply #36 on: March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to $100,000 homes in suburbia?..., posted by LP on Mar 16, 2003

Should be interesting times ahead.  Like as to where the middle class went, as more people will darn near be defined as rich or poor.

Well, I'm definately not rich.

Just a bump on a log I suppose.

« Reply #37 on: March 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Where did the middle class go ?, posted by wsbill on Mar 17, 2003

Where did the middle class go,  well for one at the tax collector's office to give their money to the thieves so that
the $900 toilet seats and the $700 screwdrivers can be paid for.  The richs don't pay taxes as for the poors, they
have precious very little to be stolen from them.
Schools are shortening their teaching year, in Oregon for one, because they have no funds.
45-46 states have to resort to the gambling dollar (casinos and race tracks slots), to help (they hope) balanced
their budgets and not go bankrupt.
So wouldn't the 500 billions (it is just a start) be put to better use, like helping the middle class, instead of
spending it against a military dwarf,  when arm in the Gulf War,  Irak could only inflict 8 casualities to the USA,
(eight lifes anywhere are still too many in my view).  So how strong are they today, after the sanctions and the
inspectors' work.
So in conclusion, the middle class is on his way to the poorhouse.
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to $100,000 homes in suburbia?..., posted by LP on Mar 16, 2003

I do hope you live in California.  I know housing prices there long ago stopped being reasonable, but I would hope that other states are still more reasonable.
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