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Author Topic: Mix it up a little?  (Read 1347 times)
« on: February 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

On this board I noticed it is full of posters that tend to use the same tactics to find that life time mate. That is paying for addresses, using agencies, flying to the FSU countless times and compeeting for the same ladies other AM are interested in.

My guess is the AM is looking for a wife for a reason and that is because he is tired of the single life. With that said why not mix things up and creat your own formula? (so to speak)

As many of you know I met my wife while on vacation in Moscow and this city I've learned is where all the small town girls dream of living and it's full of them, and many speak English.

So to make this short and simple, why not make plans several months in advance to any big city in the FSU and use an agency such as Jacks and also allow time to meet ladies on your own. If you meet one that lives far from the city have her come to you.(I wouldn't go for less then 3 weeks)

Before going use chat rooms or any other way to meet girls that are less likely to have been contacted by many AM and through comunication prior to going you'll have a little insight to her charactor.(just a little)The agency would be there to assure some female contact.

The nice girls don't like the idea that they are being looked at as if you're in the market for good live stock so you'll need to be tactful when meeting ladies on your own. That's why the "I'm here on vacation not a mission" will less likely tip them off as to why you're not with them every day nor will they care.

The chances of meeting many many hopeful wives on your first trip are high. If you want you can keep going back if money is of no importance and you're sure that the lady you like also feels time will stop until you return, or you can come back and do some thinking and invite one here for a free vacation, and don't get her hopes up for more. (K-1 - there's no limit)

This will give you a chance to know her,their culture,and the adjustment thingy much better, and if it doesn't turn out the way you had hoped you will have at least learned many many things about this whole process and will be 10 times better off then the men who go over time after time with no luck and learning only a little each time.

As I've mentioned before by bringing them here you'll only be out of the cost it takes for one of those return trips to the FSU, but what you'll learn is priceless. (plus it'll be nice to have a lady in the house)
Anyway it's just an idea that I think would work if I had to do this.

Mike- who likes to make things simple, quick, and effective (thanks to the marine corp!)

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