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Author Topic: The Passing Away Of Mother Russia...  (Read 7819 times)
« on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

whatcha' think? (solid front-page till 3-3-3)

I can't see how this shouldn't disturb many men in this quest, nor in their general sensibilities. For, they (the attractive ones - RW/UK females...) will be 'us' and concerned of their 'Motherland.' The 200-1, in 'The East (China vs Russia in 2050),' should prick an ear or two, eh?

No sleep till...

« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to The Passing Away Of Mother Russia..., posted by BURKE89 on Mar 1, 2003

When worlds collide
Benjamin Fulford, 02.17.03

Russia's desolate Far East looms more enticing as a granary--a homegrown one--for crowded and hungry China.
Russia's external threat these days seems to be concentrated on its Muslim front, with Chechnya the worst rub. But a potentially deadlier conflict, though one with a longer fuse, could erupt on the land border between the civilizations of the East and the West.

A display in the history museum in the far eastern Russian city of Khabarovsk shows a typical residence of the inhabitants of the region 140 years ago. It features a giant wok over a cooking stove that sends its smoke under a bench that heats the next-door living room. A few miles out of town is a new village of uncannily similar houses. The former residents, Chinese peasants, are back, and now they mean to stay, setting the stage for what could be the biggest geopolitical problem of the 21st century.

History explains why. Russia took the region 140 years ago while China was too busy fighting the Opium Wars to object. Through pogroms, massacres and mass deportations between 1860 and 1937, the Russians ended a Chinese presence that dated back at least a thousand years.

And the Chinese haven't forgotten. Chinese maps still show the region as an illegally annexed part of China. Dozens of Chinese interviewed in the Russian Far East insisted they were still in China. They said they have begun to take their land back.

"The Russians have good reason to be scared because we Chinese are not afraid of anything," says Wei Dai Tong, a Chinese merchant in Vladivostok. "In the past Russia was strong and China was weak, but now China is strong and Russia is weak."

"The Far East is a Russian colony and all the empires lost their colonies," explains Igor Ilyushin, who, as a professor of journalism at the Far Eastern State University, has contact with all levels of Russian officialdom. "We are already in the middle of World War III. But we don't feel it yet, so we think it is in the distant future," he says.

"China will clearly--clearly--play a role in the future of this region, whether hostile or friendly depends on those in power now," says Pamela Spratlen, U.S. consul general in Vladivostok. So far the omens are not good.

Officially, Sino-Russian relations are friendly, and territorial disputes are limited to a few islands. Unofficially, the Russians are terrified and desperate to keep the Chinese out, while the increasingly confident and nationalistic Chinese view the return of their land as destiny.

The Russian Far East is larger than China, but with a population of only 6 million that has shrunk by 12% during the past decade. Since the fall of the Soviet Union regional GDP has fallen by 68% as Soviet-era subsidies have ground to a halt. Next door sit 1.3 billion Chinese, many newly prosperous, who could utterly dominate the local economy.

The Chinese have reasons other than pure revanchism for moving in. Even as much of their country prospers, environmental problems are so severe in the impoverished north and west (along the Russian border) that, in tandem with the collapse of state-owned enterprises, they've created at least 100 million economic and ecological refugees.

« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Similar article from Forbes, posted by BubbaGump on Mar 1, 2003

If the RUSKIES want our help with the CHINKS...They'd better start keepin their mouth SHUT about the AAYRABS!

I think the case could be made for American assistance in protecting Siberias vast natural resources (OIL).  We can't allow the Chi-Comms to control those resources.  It would seriously undercut our plans for world democracy.

But seriously, if the Russians don't get off their DEAD, CORRUPT, ENTRENCHED, CRONY, COMMIE, BACKWARD AZZES and start implementing real economic reforms so that maybe twenty or 30 years from now, their country can achieve some level of prosperity...they're gonna be TOAST!!!

And ya know what else...They'll deserve it!

« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ya Know....., posted by ChrisNJ on Mar 1, 2003

One of the former CIS countries already ceded some territory to China but it was mountainous terrain that had few people.  I would think that fear of China had something to do with it.  With Siberia's resources it would be a big loss to Russia.
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ya Know....., posted by ChrisNJ on Mar 1, 2003

It is easy to see, reading you, that there is not one once of prejudice in lucky old you.

However this forum is about love and people looking to marry girls with different
background than theirs.
So what in hell are you doing here?

« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ya Know....., posted by ChrisNJ on Mar 1, 2003

[This message has been edited by yoe]

after the next barrage of terror------that we cannot combat because we have over extended. If you think it cannot happen.........lets put it this is not if it is when. Mother Russian is the last white man strong hold. 10% of Americans hold passport and only a fraction of these travel-------yet they all claim this is greatest country in the world.
While Americans sit here in there Lazy-boys getting fat and talking big, relying on a complete network of cyber connectivity ,,,,,,,,,it would not take much to bring this country to its knees.......then who will we ask to 'help us'? The BRITS?
Anyway, the Russkies have no obligation to forfeit their stance just as we do not. So sit back in your Lazy-boy, have another Big Mac, turn on Fox News and Pray to God.......that is the best strategy for the flock. Meanwhile, I will be eating Brie in Paris.....Au revoir
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to that is what the rest of the world will ..., posted by yoe on Mar 1, 2003

cause the Latins are climbing in my windows...Sorry...I mean ventanas!
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Similar article from Forbes, posted by BubbaGump on Mar 1, 2003

[This message has been edited by BURKE89]

it's not a matter of if, but when.

Call me a foolish 'Historian,' despite my Thermopylae/Vienna-esque thoughts; but, were in full-fledged retreat, Bubba.

Despite W's banter...

What's the URL?

« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Interesting article, yet I believe..., posted by BURKE89 on Mar 1, 2003

That's the whole article.  I guess it can be found on but it's a subscription site and I would have to ask for my password again.  I get their daily emails and the magazine already.  I've a few other similar articles on Siberia and Vladivostok.  Pat Buchannan also mentioned it in his book Death of the West.  Changing demographics is destiny unless the current course changes.  We are pretty much in retreat unless we can convince women to start having babies again.  Less than 50% of professional women have children now.  Is that what equal rights for women was for?  We want to have it all except for kids.  There are plenty of other societal aspects contributing.  Stability of careers for one thing.  My best friend makes much less money but he has always had a stable government job.  Nothing is stable in the private sector anymore.  That affects your decisions to settle down unless you can put up with the instabilities on your marriage.
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Interesting article, yet I believe....., posted by BubbaGump on Mar 1, 2003

Patrick has a 'new angle' on this scenario - next month. T.D.W. -has been translated into Russian, have no fear. With great accolades, indeed. I need shipping discounts... soon. LOL...

Russians, despite their 'new media,' love, Patrick J. Buchanan.

Thanks again - for the Forbes article.

Vaughn (poor smuck, involved in U.S.Manufacturing)

« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey, Bubba!, posted by BURKE89 on Mar 2, 2003

It's on Russia's mind too.  I believe the incentive's I mentioned a couple of weeks ago for Russian couples to have kids was in Vladivostok where they're worried about being overrun by Chinese.  It's like our Mexican border is for us and since Russian took it from the Chinese when Russian was strong it makes the parallel even more similar.  

I enjoyed my weekend in O.C.  Visited my friend in Diamond Bar.  I wish I had plowed money into real estate there when my friend talked about how home prices have gone up.

« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hey, Bubba!, posted by BubbaGump on Mar 5, 2003

I thought I saw a similar article recently, however, if I recall correctly, the city was in the Southern Volga region. Maybe it's a Russian 'trend.'

I share your convictions regarding So. Cal real estate investments, yet I fear another cyclical movement, soon.

Pats' new book was supposed to be released this month, but I think we're looking at April - hopefully.

« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Interesting article, yet I believe....., posted by BubbaGump on Mar 1, 2003

Why quote,  Buchanan here.
All he knows about is to ask for money.
He is the guy, who went to Detroit to ask for their vote
and support.  What was wrong,  he drove there in a Mercedes.
Perhaps, he is one of the things that are wrong in the US.
Along with others like him.

« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Interesting article, yet I belie..., posted by micha1 on Mar 2, 2003

Russia's problems are discussed here often and Buchannan did use Russia as an example of the problems we are heading toward but albeit at a slower rate.  Just because he is conservative does not mean he doesn't make important valid points.  It seems surprising to many in the USA that we and Eastern Europe are among the few countries in the world with a conservative movement.  

Russia is heading for a sharply declining population over the next 50 years while China encroaches in the east and muslims from the south.  At least for Russia's sake their muslims are not considered for the most part extremes like those in the rest of the muslim world but things could change.  

« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Interesting article, yet I belie..., posted by micha1 on Mar 2, 2003

or, shall I say: "The new arbitrator of off-topic justice."

That M-Benz incident, came up after 'our' victory in '96, in NH (nice sled - if, I do say so myself *smile* - especially after Pats' sis (Bay) -popped on Hank Sr. & The Damned heheheh...). We were eatin' 'on the cheap, Kaf-dewd. We didn't have the 'cashhhh' of the 'Dole-folk.' (We were 'poor Republicans,' Dewd - without corporate assistance).

Yet, we won!

You attack the wrong individuals, despite your $.50 health-care system. Back to... French-Africa... you go. Then, perhaps, you might describe the 'evil european' in earnest.

However, my friends in Russia wish to meet you.

Is this appropriate?

Warmest regards,


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