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Author Topic: Jewish Life In Russia...  (Read 17639 times)
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 1971, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 17, 2003

you're going to get yourself in trouble...

NOT with RW/UK folks, but everbody else... LOL

The 'reform' was in 1965 - at least in a proportionate national origin sense (Thanks, T. Kenn...). I'm not familiar with Ricky's '71 gig ( is the spot for non-PC conversation on the subject).

Good luck to your Rangers, & my B-Hawks.... for that matter.

Bobby Orr
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to 'Puck Brother'..., posted by BURKE89 on Feb 17, 2003

I'll check my facts - either way I do not see why I'll be in trouble with everyone else for just believing that the immigration reform act of 1965 has dramatically hurt the US (I'll check on 1971 - I guess my memory may be off today from all the snow).  Darn, I cleaned my driveway, my neighbors driveway, my sidewalk, two of my neighbors sidewalks, my tenants walk..........sheesh - 2 feet today - it feels like we have more snow than Siberia.
Bobby Orr
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to ok, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 17, 2003

Thanks for the re-education.  1965 was the landmark bill - so Nixon is off the hook for that one - another strikeout for the Johnson administration - but it figures.  VDARE does look like a good site for non-PC talk on the subject - thanks.  Rangers still suck - even with all their high priced talent they may not even make the playoffs.  For hockey's sake I actually hope they do not make the playoffs.
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I stand corrected, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 17, 2003

[This message has been edited by yoe]

you forgot to say that "Jesus loves Alabama Porch Monkey too." Guess what Bobby.......FSU chicks are now marrying those Darkies.......many marry them damm sand niggers.......hey what are ya going to do? I know......they need a few more good men in the Marine Corp.......See ya
« Reply #34 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to spoken like a true conservative............, posted by yoe on Feb 17, 2003

I present: a H. Cell or block (not swell Indiana, but reality in L.A.) Say, out of your first 700: you've got 17-20 near the pile - who wish they were in O.C., & an equal amount of Asian lad's watchin' the 'the pile'tight. Then, you've got 60-80 br... Then, 500-600...

Tell me 'bout, farm boy.. poppin' s... to me...

If Bobby, wants a European Lady.

Then, you just babble on your: Marxist/Porno mission!

Eh, boy?

Nuff said.

« Reply #35 on: February 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Bo-Bo..., posted by BURKE89 on Feb 17, 2003

our dear euro-trash sucker insinuated he would NOT date these 'un'white folks and then he has the audacity to claim the rest of us think like him. As far as the neo-porno-facsimo-idealogue crap...........just because I have a diametrically aimed sense of humor has no reflection on my belief systems........And the last time I was not bad and racism was........just because a bunch of wacko Americans cannot deal with sexuality do not blame me. It is the white man's burden. Ashamed of his own penis so she labels them all sinful..........this is chronic social brainwashing. I love watching people have sex....come on over and you can watch me.......God made it that way. If any of these neo-conservative fascist believe that God invented clothing to hide sex-----well that is their loss. I have a mouth to eat with and a penis to love my wife with........Thank God
« Reply #36 on: February 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to the truth shall set you free..........., posted by yoe on Feb 18, 2003

am lucky to be alive, despite my 'middle-class' upbringing!

You've popped a couple, of good one's into this equation, of late. Yet, now... "something you'll erase shortly, I hope, at least for posterit... sake.' Please erase, what you have just written, if not...

I wish you the best, at least for your Russian...

It will please you, in the fact, that I now live: back in NM. (old Spanish rebel gig... et al.).

Turn the dammned thing off... Computer, that is.

H.B. is still waitin'... the 'short-haired' kids keep the neighborhood ---- pristine!

They've been trained well, indeed!



« Reply #37 on: February 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Joe, I too..., posted by BURKE89 on Feb 18, 2003

peace love and tenderass!
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I stand corrected, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 17, 2003

[This message has been edited by micha1]

For you Burke and Bobby,
as you know in Montréal and Québec, there are a few hockey fans.

Well, the subject of this post.
They start playing very early and very young.
What do you think is the budget for a year,
for a team of Novice AAA, those are nine years old boys.
Sure they play all over the province, which is 2 and one half time
the size of  Texas, but what the hell....
$200 G's.
Some of the kids have agents, simply incredible,
while the kids are trying to play, the parents are
fighting in the stand.
A lt-detective is on trial, because he said that he was
going to kill the ref.
It is a wonderful world, n'est-ce pas......

Is there anything new on the western front.

« Reply #39 on: February 18, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I stand corrected, posted by micha1 on Feb 17, 2003

your English is improving...lil red Micky!

Oh, well. If not for the fact, that Russian Men & Women didn't agree with me.... you might win!

'How much is the 'lil doggy - in the window?

Query: How many of you - are there?

At least - you all(') respond in cadence!


« Reply #40 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jewish Life In Russia..., posted by RickM on Feb 17, 2003

Here in Schenectady, NY, there is a similar "network" of extended FSU Jewish immigrant families.

Certainly there was large scale anti-semitism in Soviet Russia.  As we know, it does not die overnight.  I have never discussed it with my Russian friends so I have no personal knowledge.

My observation is that there is a significant support group within the former FSU Jewish community here that provides INS "red tape" assistance, legal advice, support, post arrival adjustment counseling, language lessons, and other job and education assistance.

I belong to a Scottish Heritage social society, the St. Andrew's Society.  Here it was founded in 1803 to provide similar assistance for Scottish immigrants.  Today we support many charities without any ethnic ties.  It is the American way, I believe.

My only wish is that we who want to sponsor the immigration to America of our FSU loved ones could organize the same support and influence the INS as positively.

« Reply #41 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jewish Life In Russia..., posted by RickM on Feb 17, 2003

Anti-Semitic sentiment. Surprisingly so - and I suspect it is similar in Russia.

As I understand the US Government's *past* position (may be changed after 9/11), people that are the victims of widespread religious persecution are allowed asylum into the US relatively easily.

In fact, there was quite a lot of press given these rules a few years back when the Ukrainian immigrant living in California (don't recall his name offhand) killed many of his family members there. He had immigrated to the US under the asylum provisions as a persecuted Evangelical Christian.

I'm not sure what modifications, if any, have occurred since 9/11.

- Dan

« Reply #42 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to In Ukraine I've Observed Very Strong . ...., posted by Dan on Feb 17, 2003

Dan, you make several sound points. When this 'question' is brought up: I always harken back to a comment made to me on many occasions, by my best friend in high school. He was a Ukranian American, whose father escaped the gauntlet of repatriation in 1945, in Austria, prior to coming to the states. His intense feelings on the subject matter, made me investigate the subject matter in earnest. Lest, I digress...

His repitive comment: was in inference to a plaque in his father's home town (Simferopol, if I remember correctly), which celebrated lost members of the KGB during WWII. Well, this stone memorial plaque was engraved with approximately 30 men. Yes, every name upon the plaque - was of Jewish extraction.

I'm not trying to make any form of social nor historical commentary here; for that, is a task of true scholars, unlike myself.

A friend, in Russia, has informed my of the storm of controversy such a scholar has envoked by asking just this question. His name is... Solzhenitsyn.

Perhaps, a few have heard of the guy?

Best of luck, with the little one 'on the way.'

Regards, Vaughn

« Reply #43 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to In Ukraine I've Observed Very Strong . ...., posted by Dan on Feb 17, 2003

Anti-semitism is spreading all over Europe once again.  Ofcourse no one wants to admit it.
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: In Ukraine I've Observed Very Strong..., posted by ChrisNJ on Feb 17, 2003

But it is certainly not an issue here in England.
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