[This message has been edited by yoe]
I thought I would do a simple outline of what I would think a prudent (if this is possible) attempt and marrying a foreign national
1. look through many site-spend 1-3 months just looking (unless you see one girl that just eats at your inner soul)
2. assuming that you find that one girl-write her for 3-8 months
a. also contact agencies that deal in this area
b. find other girls in this area just too maybe chat with as friends ie via chat rooms
c. if you find more than one write them all and weed them out in a few months.
3. if you are serious-do not make a girl wait for a year before you go. these girls are serious and men lie to them-always
a. plan on making your FIRST VISIT within 3-8 months
4. After you get engaged (90% of you will) get all information for a k-1 visa
a. make sure that you have visit many k-1 visa sites and the INS site to get your paperwork to take with you
b. if you do not make the love connection-do not worry-contact the local agency
c. do not feel obligated to marry this girl-
d. do not let your financial investment or fear of being alone for the rest of your life make your decision
5. this process will take 3-12 months
a. assuming you made a love connection-file the paper work
b. use a lawyer if you want but you CAN do this by yourself
6. plan on visiting your lady again in 3 months
(I say this just so that the initial Disneyland effect may have worn off and you can see if you your 'fiancé' can actually spend another week with you
a. I would not wait 6-12 months to be with your fiancé again
7. after your fiancé gets here........be patient, be strong and listen to her needs
8. God willing-----get married and live happily ever after
9. if you did not get engaged repeat steps that are necessary

10. there is much left out but the key is INFORMATION.
a.Have an agency in your back pocket.
b. to not feel rushed-especially if it is money
c. would you buy a BMW if you could not afford it? why travel across the world to force a wedding?
d.. always be honest with the girls but mostly to yourself
e. Good Luck and I hope this helps
ps I am sure that there is much I forgot or may have errored on so if anyone wants to add or edit-be may guest