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Author Topic:, for something completely different...  (Read 24805 times)
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You're Welcome Mark . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 22, 2003

No connection, if you are asking me if they are one in the same...

Just cut from the same foul-smelling cloth.

Eventually Fog will be banned as a troll. He is not too bright, just belligerent.

LP is more clever, and always shades his troll droppings in veiled innuendos that he can later deny. But when his accusations were challenged directly by Victoria, you saw him back down. If he were telling the truth, he would have met her. Instead, he prefers to hide behind the shadows, and make innuendos and hope that people are listening.

But, most people know what he is now. When he backed down from Victoria's offer to meet him, my email was full from the guys writing me in disbelief... Personally, I knew he would never meet her face to face. He can accuse her -- as long as he can hide.

As for FOG, he also hides behind his "persona."

So, they are not the same person.

But they are basically the same kind of a person.

And your steadfast defense of both of them is, sadly, predictable...

« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You're Welcome Mark . . ., posted by MarkInTx on Jan 22, 2003

....I backed down. ;-) Challenged? You call her broadcasting the same stuff she's been telling you a challenge? As if that makes it true? LOL!! Can't you even read??? Man, you really are clueless! I did exactly what I said I would do and it's all there for the world to see. lol, you be amazing!

You keep forgeting one thing: *I'm* not the one who needs proof, I've had it all along and even shared it with others. It's YOU that needs it, it'ss why YOU asked for method that, amazingly, would've proved nothing. Keeerist! Well, your proof is now online if you'll just use that tiny puzzey-whipped brain to find it. I'll even give you a hint: "street adress".  You want perdictable? lol, look in the mirror.  

And thanks for the kind words, you've made me a happy man. You've help me  solve a problem I've had for months. In fact the word "glee" comes to mind. lol, I luv ya man!

« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You're Welcome Mark . . ., posted by MarkInTx on Jan 22, 2003

I will (and have) steadfastly defended posts from many, many people on this board.

I value conviction and commitment and admire those who pursue this endeavor with some intelligence and common sense. Unfortunately, that represents a small enough percentage of the guys involved in this so as to warrant serious concern.

LP has surely garnered more than a small amount of appreciation from many on this board. I don't know FOG - and the circumstances of his emergence are unfortunate - but I have the sense that he, like LP, is able to offer a healthy dose of reality to the board.

You may, or may not, recall Mark - but some time back I also defended YOU. I have openly stated that I liked some of your posts. The romantic side of you - and your obvious writing skills are to be admired. But they also have limits.

I feel some resonance with the more romantic elements of your posting style - and I also resonate with LP's logic and analysis - both are of value.

While I feel a greater affinity towards the logic of LP - I sometimes find myself wishing I possessed more of the romantic that you shared with us in the past.

The only "sad" issue that I can come up with Mark - is that you have gravitated dramatically away from your style of posting of some months back. Your posts are now typically hateful and confrontational. Not universally so - but enough that they characterize most of your recent posts.

In fact, if FOG has only recently begun to read the board, that may explain his very antagonistic perspective towards you Mark.

Somehow, I recall saying most (or all) of this in the past. I am reminded of it falling on deaf ears then - and things have grown more tension-filled since.

Now that Mark - is "sad."

- Dan

« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not "Sad" At All Mark . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 22, 2003 that this guy is a moron in the truest sense of the word. Cluless beyond comprehension, he possesess neither writing skills nor rational thought. All he can do is offer us consistant evidence of how co-dependant and desperate he really is, the hallmark of an MOB loser. For the very first time in this entire affair, I'm beginning to have no pity on him. Thats good, because it means I feel no guilt for spilling it.
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Whats really sad...., posted by LP on Jan 22, 2003

is the sad fact that Mark Ass-hole has declared war on most of us here. It's obvious he obsessively wants to be absolute ruler and dictator of all the discussions on PL.

His obsession with you pulling his chain all these months is absolutely neurotic. You shouldn't have pity on him at all. He is such an egotistical prick. If you read is so-called "informational" posts, basically is all about him and his arrogant ego. He keeps cramming his spew on here like there is no tomorrow. Judging by his extremely prolific posts, it seems that PL is a major part of his pathetic life. Patrick should take sympathy on his wife and ban his ass. Maybe something could be salvaged from that marriage.

I don't know how someone can spew so much garbage responses and say very little of use. Mark Ass-hole certainly does this. The fact is, Mark Ass-hole doesn't really care about giving useful information to help someone, he just comments to boost his arrogant ego. I wouldn't care if it just were that, but he also uses passive-aggressive attacks against Jack, you, I, Dan, Oscar, and others. He baits us into a fight, calls us liars, and just attacks enough to cause a fuss, but not enough that Patrick loses his patience and bans him. That is his tactic. He won't stop until he runs off everyone who disagrees with him. It a game to him and he has put a lot of his life into it. He has to win, even at the cost of his marriage.

If you've noticed, I haven't been posting that much. I got a life and much more important things to do. Life is much too short and this board has outlived its usefullness. I have a much broader knowlege and access to more than this board can provide. I'm not sharing either. Not as long as the greedy arrogant Mark Ass-hole is around.

Perhaps we can petition Patrick to ban him for the sake of peace on the board? There can be no peace as long as he is here.


« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Whats makes me want to vomit..., posted by BarryM on Jan 22, 2003

« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to C'mon Barry, don't be shy, how do you re..., posted by Oscar on Jan 23, 2003

[This message has been edited by LP]

...right outta my mouth. Jeesh Barry, you're me...except I exercise more control. I did have pity on him, I wasn't gonna be responsible for wrecking his deal. He deserves to be as happy as much as anyone, even is he is operating with an aft center of gravity. But he's pushing my forgiving nature to the limit these days. He sure does hold a grudge doesn't he?

I just wish he'd quit pushing his little storybook fable, no one else feels a need to do it. Some of use have done OK and we don't offer it up for consumption. (Or subsequent regurgitation. In my case, he's better than Kaopectate!)

Lol, if he knew the truth, he'd be the one vomiting.

« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Lol, you took the words....., posted by LP on Jan 23, 2003

unfortunately, Mark Ass-hole's presence is poisoning the board to such a degree it has become intolerable. I believe in speaking my mind and when I pissed, I say so. I have used extraordinary restraint over the last 2 weeks by not responding to the ongoing slugfests even though I wanted to. I had better things to do and this board has become polluted and poisonous because of him. Today I decided to break my silence for a few posts.

BTW, I don't think there is anything you can do to wreck his deal, he's doing a fine job of that all by himself, but if it were me, I would pull the trigger on him about whatever info on hand and still have a clear conscience. Remember, he has declared war. He made a choice to be antagonistic and he brought all of the bitterness upon himself. He deserves to be drawn and quartered.


« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to yep..., posted by BarryM on Jan 23, 2003

...spilled it and don't feel bad about it anymore. It's now slowly spreading like the fungus it is. It won't matter though, it's clear that he would've married her no matter *what* she did/does, he was/is that desperate. How anyone could have read my "apology" and taken it as sincere is amazing. Yikes! It's a riot how he's such an ahole one day and suddenly the next he's posting like nothing happened. Watch for a repeat of his classic pattern, coming soon. Btw, you do speak your mind, I'l give you that. Nice job!
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not "Sad" At All Mark . . ., posted by Dan on Jan 22, 2003

what is up with this, yearning for romanticism stuff. And my God son you are more analytically serence than I have ever seen. Did the Zoloft just kick in or what? hahaha
You know I am funnin, right?
Anyway I am very impressed with your  line of reasoning and level of sheer provocation and demand that your last post require of the reader. Kudos........
It reminds me of this old drunk that I used to know. One day I juiced him up on some bennies (speed) and the guy sobered right up. He was actaully not only pleasant but very articulate and comical. The next time I saw him his had pisses himself la vie
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Dan, somebody has taken your name and is..., posted by yoe on Jan 22, 2003

They'll probably do a better job than me anyway.

Yoe, I've probably gotten more 'yucks' from you than any other single poster on the board - and I have been mightily impressed at the few times you have opened up with glimpses into your background and difficult life-experiences.

I wish you well - and keep up the irreverent (and sometime incomprehensible) sense of humor --smile--.

- Dan

Cold Warrior
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to, for something completely differen..., posted by BURKE89 on Jan 21, 2003

As of this post PL has 7,839,692 hits. I am sure the ranking ought to be higher.
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to, for something completely differen..., posted by BURKE89 on Jan 21, 2003

...for relative popularity ratings?
« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What's the website?, posted by BubbaGump on Jan 22, 2003

To search individual sites, I had to add the bottom screen (Alexa tool-bar) to my favs, first.
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by BURKE89 on Jan 23, 2003

Wow, the Drudgereport was number 335 but is much higher than that now.
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