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Author Topic: Medical Exam Cost @  (Read 22313 times)
« on: January 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

Does anybody have any idea of the medical exam cost in Kiev @ the Hospital for Oil-Refining?

Would be a great help, also if your lady needs vaccinations are the cost extra?

Thanks in advance,

« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Medical Exam Cost @, posted by TomTx on Jan 9, 2003

Hello Tom from Texas,

  As you are asking about the Hospital for Oil Refining, I have the information below in both English and Ukraine, in case you want to send the info to your fiancee.

Hospital for Oil Refining Industry of Ukraine
9, Spusk Protasov Yar
252110 Kiev 110, Ukraine
011-380-44-277-4181 or

Poliklinika Neftepererobativayuschey Promishlenosti Ukraine
Spusk Protasov Yar, 9
252110 Kiev, Ukraine
380 44 2774181

The prices vary between the different clinics, from $65 to $100 for adults and $25 to $50 for children.

Input that I have gotten from various clients whose fiancée's have done the exams over the past year (and as recent as a few weeks ago) between the clinics is that the Hospital for Oil Refining Industry seems to be the clinic of choice by most the ladies. Very professional with minimal wait time. It is the more expensive of the clinics but with the minimal time one usually has to wait it is probably the hospital I would recommend guys to consider.

I would suggest you have your lady call the clinic and ask the personal about what records they need to bring and to get as much information about the shots as possible before she goes in for her appointment.

Tom, the prices are somewhat of a moving target in that depending on what shots are, or are not needed, the prices can vary.  I am aware of on at least three different occasions where the cost for a medical exam cost the ladies $110. This was because they had to be given a shot that is not so often given.

My advice that I give to guys when they ask about the pricing, and if you go to the Hospital for Oil Refining, is to give your lady $120. Hopefully she won't need it but you would rather be safe than sorry.

On another note Tom, it looks as though your fiancée will be here in a few months. Myself, and about another 85 RW/AM couples would very much like to meet you and your fiancée at the 7th Annual Texas men's appreciation for Russian women Bar-B-Que and May Day Celebration on May 3rd. Write me at if you might have interest to attend.

« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to (*/*), posted by Jack on Jan 9, 2003

Jack thanks for the information. My lady will be here first part of June, we are going to wait until her son finishes school in May.
Thanks for the invite to the BBQ, maybe next year.

Thanks again,

« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: (*/*), posted by TomTx on Jan 10, 2003

Good move on your part in allowing the child to finish school.

We will have our 4th annual Galvaston beach party in July or August, maybe see you there.

« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Medical Exam Cost @, posted by TomTx on Jan 9, 2003

Tom, drop me an email.

Victoria can talk to your fiance if you would like...

BTW, we paid $90. $65 for Victoria and $25 for Stas. (I have the receipt right here in front of me)

Victoria says that for the immigration visa, you need all of your shots, but for the Fiance Visa it was not required... she can get them here. At least that was what Victoria was told. But... then again, she had all of her vaccinations already, so it was not an issue.

Neither she nor Stas got any shots in Kiev. Victoria had an X-Ray and blood tests done, but that was all part of the $65. SHe thinks that up until age 12, a child doesn'tneed all of that work done, which is why it was cheaper for Stas.

If you do want her to get all of her vaccinations in Kiev, it will be extra. But Victoria is confident that she does not need it.

Victoria cautions that your fiance must be ready for a LONG wait. She waited almost 6 hours for her exam. (from 10::00am to 3:30pm) It was REALLY hard on Stas who was VERY bored the whole time.

« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Medical Exam Cost @, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 9, 2003

contact 'Honest' Jack Bragg at He can get you a better deal. He also has a plethora of information concering most other issues. I would honestly avoid rogue adventurers who have made a trip or 2 and are unable to make a truly educated evaluation. Again that is 'Honest' Jack Bragg at for real and accurate information...
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My objective opinion is to..., posted by yoe on Jan 9, 2003

I am sure 'Honest' Jack Bragg would know best... you are right...

He knows MUCH better than my fiance who was just there two months ago.

I agree whole-heartedly, Yoe, thanks for setting me straight on this.

Really, as long as Jack Bragg is back... I guess everyone else can just stop posting...

« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Of course, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 9, 2003

"I guess everyone else can just stop posting"...  More bad advice from you MarkinTex? Or maybe you are just trying to be a smartass? naaaa, not you MarkinTex. YOU would never try to be a smartass!

The fact is I enjoy reading post's from knowledgeable people, as knowledgeable people help to educate me. There are many knowledgeable people who post here, there are many good people who post here who seek more knowledge, then there are a few, who for some reason, like to give out false information, facts, outright lies and even slander. You are a very good example as to one who will attempt to slander, lie, quote very mis-leading (and I suspect in-correct) facts and statistics, as I pointed out in my last post to you when you took your last cheap shot at me. Many posters have commented to me as to why you didn't address even one of the fifthteen statements in which I challenged your facts, statistics and even called you an out right liar, even after you claim you have proof and evidence!

It seems you are even now making false statements about LP's girl. You call her young, when she is older than your wife. Well, I guess that is subject to debate. To an 80 year old man 60 would be considered young. You call LP's lady impressionable when your,...well let me let you read for yourself. We all know, as you have told us, and we all believe you, that you never read anything that LP writes, but in an attempt to expand your limited knowledge, I am sure you read everything I write......

".....impressionable Asian chick (who is older than our dear Vika) is a Stanford educated microbiologist. Unlike some other folks I personally know, not as easy to bed and incapable of telling a lie. Trust me, in the future you'll be dearly wishing you'd thrown one back also. If she has twice the balls you do (that wouldn't take much), have her come on here and publicly deny it. She won't do it and you're to chickensheet to ask why. Maybe because she knows I'll blow her little charade outta the water. lol...go ahead, make my day..."

There, that last quote was direct from LP. Now we know you have read at least one recent LP statement. Just as I wish you could justify many of the statements you claim as fact (and you don't), just as I wish you could provide us with proof of the statistics you quote (and you don't), maybe, since Vika reads P-L now, you would like to clear the air and let's prove to everyone that LP is indeed wrong!

« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to More bad advice!, posted by Jack on Jan 10, 2003

I didn't respond to your diatribe because, frankly, I didn't make it through all of it. I got the gist of it...

But I saw no sense in a point by point rebuttal.

Maybe "Many posters have commented to [you]" that I should respond to it... but no one (that I saw) asked for a response. I think that most of the board breathed a collective sigh of relief that I didn't post a blaring point by counterpoint rebuttal.

Jack... believe me... no one cares.

If you have some actual topic that you would like to debate -- such as why I feel that your method of finding a wife is not the best way for everyone -- I will.

To debate the fact that you think I am an "azzhole" is senseless. At the end of the debate, you will still think I'm an azzhole,  (And you will quickly be backed up  by BarryM, Oscar, and probably LP.)

Does anyone honestly believe there is one thing I could possibly say which would lead you to say: "Oh... you know... I never saw it that way before. You're an all right guy, MarkinTx..."

As for LP, I have no intention of trying to sort through his constantly shifting story either.

To be honest, I think he has the wrong woman. Certainly nothing he has said about the Vika he met resonates with the Victoria I know.

But... I'll tell you what. This is really easy to solve.

I'll do it in a separate post.

As for Victoria... she has requested a login name, and has not received approval from Patrick yet.

However, she has no intention on coming on here and defending herself like someone out of a "Nathaniel Hawthorne" novel, and I won't let her...

« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to As sensible as I can be, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 10, 2003

still picking fights, I see. The fact is, you are an azzhole, and you may always be an azzhole for your remaining days. You proven it repeatedly to such an extreme that it's like beating a dead horse. You should change your name to Mark Ass-hole so people are not so bewildered about your behavior when they encounter you and when the comment is made: "there goes a real ass-hole" about you, it has a double meaning.

I should stop being surprised at your stupidity since, after all, you did announce to everyone here that you slept with your current bride in the first 15 minutes of meeting her. Now you are going to involve her in your fights and spew on the board. It's hard to believe that you're so stupid. Any sensible person would enjoy family life and stay away from this crap, but you seem to want to complicate your life and the relationship with your wife. You are going to regret involving her in this board, maybe not now, but down the road when your marriage falls apart because of your stupid selfish ego. She is going to look at all you post and consider you to be a complete jerk.

The ONLY reason you are posting here now is because of your EGO, not that you give a crap about this board. You just want to flaunt your new bride and take jabs at people. The smartest thing you could is to stay as far away from PL as possible and keep your new wife away from here also. Just forget that this place exists and do something better with your time. Your presence here is alway going to start a fight and your wife will be drawn into it also.

But, of course, you want to be a stupid selfish egotistical jerk ass-hole and keep posting here. It's your life and your marriage, lets see how much you can screw it up by posting on PL.


« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to hey azzhole..., posted by BarryM on Jan 10, 2003

Always wonderful to hear from the devout Russian Orthodox...

And... what a surprise! You are attacking me and sticking up for Jack.

BTW, Victoria is the reason I still post.

She read all the things that you (and others wrote) about her, and about me, and she said: "You cannot let them write the ending to our story."

So, I stuck around. For how long, I don't know. I haven't set a timetable.

Am I flaunting my wife in front of everyone?

No, Barry.

Most of the guys on here are happy for us. Just as I am happy for them.

I think Ken and Lena are a wonderful couple. Karl's wife and mine have chatted, and we look forward to getting together sometime. I love to hear all of the cool things that are happening in Paradise with Stan B and his wife. I even enjoy reading Oscar's fiance's ironing of the sheets story, and their kid's first day in school

I don't consider any of these "flaunting." I am happy that they all found what they were looking for.

It is only the miserable losers who were unable to succeed in this venture (and some of those who have never even had the nerve to try...) who consider it flaunting when I say:

I married a wonderful woman, and we are very happy together.

MOST of the men nod and say: "Good... that's what this is all about..."

Only you and your pals get bitter and apoplectic

AronM II
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to hey azzhole..., posted by BarryM on Jan 10, 2003

My opinion, it's this guy.  geesh.  get a life.
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to As sensible as I can be, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 10, 2003

"If you have some actual topic that you would like to debate "

MarkinTex, there are several items I would like to debate with you!  However, as you followed this question with a "such as this topic", "to debate this would be senseless", "at the end of the debate you will still think this, and backed up Moe, Larry and probably Curley", "does anyone possibly believe there is one thing I could say that would make you say this", makes me think you want to limit any such debate to a certain area or subject.

Which of the following could I debate you on; (1) Whose understanding of the word banned is what counts, yours or Patrick's? (2)  Your statistics reflecting that WOVO is more effective than WMVM, (3) Your opinion on statistics, (4) Factual proof reflecting women you respond quickly to ads are usually scammers. (5) How the average man writing several ladies will not be able to draw the intimacy thru letters that a man writing only one woman can. (6) Kiev's street life. (7) When did Patrick refer to my behavior in the words that you quoted him as saying "childish". (Cool How after I replied to MarkH only after he mentioned my name, do you consider I was unable to let my dispute with him go. (9) The names of the agency owners you know that I have run off. (10) The agencies I have admitted to have an interest in. (11) The other person who seem to have vanished when I was banned. (12) The requirements I ask of serious men who seek a good Russian woman. (13) The evidence you have to prove Jacks new identity. (14) The number of newspapers my clients ads are located in when he runs a personal ad. (15) The extent of help and guidance I offered BarryM......No, scratch that one. I will not be able to discuss such personal information about a client. (15) At what point does one lose faith in an individual who makes certain claims and does not do them. (16) Which is the best clinic in Kiev to recommend for ladies exam's (based on service, not price). (17) In our various opinions what constitutes a good Russian woman and a bad Russian woman. (18) In our various opinions what would constitute a woman of good morals compared to bad morals. (19) The amount of time you would recommend in taking to get to know your newly arrived fiancée before getting married. (20) The importance of $500, or $2000, as it relates to the time needed in deciding if a person is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. (21) Who would be most knowledgeable, someone doing something once, or someone involved with doing something 50 times. (22) The amount of money it takes for one to do business with FD. (23) Since you know the system I expect guys to follow, I would like to debate this with you. (24) Recommending agencies who show photos of eligible ladies on there first page who are scammers. (25) Recommending sites that show nude photos of ladies seeking a foreign husband. (26) How to write an effective personal ad with 25 words or less. (27) Planet Love's two most inane poster's. (28) Whose opinion decides inane and what are the requirements this person has set forth in defining inane. (29) What qualifies someone in calling another individual dummy. (30) What does it take for someone to have as you classify "a mentor". (31) How Planet Love is considered a commercial Internet site. (32) Commercials posted by FD on Planet Love. (33) Your constant badgering of Oscar. (34) How being married to a Russian woman is no different than being married to an American woman. But, yet, (35) Why you wouldn't want to eat at home for American woman, but you do so with Russian woman. (36) The efficiency of Delta airlines over LOT on international flights. (37) Your source as to they hire inferior pilots. (38) The much higher percentage of beautiful women in Dallas over Kiev. (39) Why it is ok to lie to Russian ladies in letters. (40) A good price for good flat in the center of Kiev. (41) The advisability of taking a viagra pill just before meeting your Russian woman for the very first time. (42) Should a man change clothes, shower, shave before meeting his special lady after his long trip.

I have several more items of interest I would like to debate you on but first let's see from this group of questions you might have interest in debating.

« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: As sensible as I can be, posted by Jack on Jan 10, 2003

can you keep track of this stuff-you are the most amazing person in the WORLD. Again I am blown away. Please send me another 'Honest" Jack Poster for my room-the other has worn a little from my pillow!
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to how in the world........, posted by yoe on Jan 10, 2003

hummmmmph, I wonder if you are spending enough time with the wife?
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