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Author Topic: High expectations  (Read 59969 times)
« Reply #60 on: January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Why is it all about money?, posted by Jski on Dec 31, 2002

[This message has been edited by vagn]

One day a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel
attached to his crotch. So the bartender says to him,
"You know you have a steering wheel attached to your crotch?"

And the pirate says, "Aaar, its driving me nuts!"

« Reply #61 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

My wife also did ok back home. Now she laughs at the jobs they offer here in what she calls, "my golden country". Get out side any metro area in the states and a thousand bucks is lottery money too. Maybe that is why many girls ask for a refund-because when they get to the glorious USofA they got a country full of imagery and no substance and a fiance full of know what. My wife has talked to countless women who live in small apartments, or country style homes in small towns where the the girl is the only Russian within miles. They cannot leave the house, have now driver's licence or car. Actaully they are a pauper's slave. Now that is as bad as it gets. Come to America-be a poor man's slave.....Smiley Many of these girls are suffering great hardships and they have no one here to help. So I do not feel too sorry for many of the men. They went there looking for a showpiece and puppy to put on a leash. Think of the poor Asian girls though....They are in general less vocal about this stuff. Russian women were bred a little different. Oh well all's well that ends well. After Putin gives his secret signal all of the wives will take over bank accounts, households, come together and take America from within. They have that secret know...
My wife told me all about the great conspiracy. They are just drones for the new Communist...If I cooperate, I get to be king of Idaho!!!!
Don't tell anyone! hahaha
Good Post
Oh what your new wife puts in your food-it is mind control serum. And they also have new implants they put in your ear while you are sleeping. And we were worried about aliens...
Happy New Years Gang!
« Reply #62 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to you got dat right ma brotha!, posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

Did not know you were black, bro.

If I do say bro, excuse me,
yes, excuse me ahead, because, we french-canadian, know that we are  "les negres blanc d'Amérique".

In english, america white negro (had another word to use here).  Now we have to be politically correct and say
African American.  

Have a happy one, it is from the heart, trust.

« Reply #63 on: January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: you got dat right ma brotha!, posted by micha1 on Dec 31, 2002

leave the border open...Smiley
its kinda like keepin an indruder skunk in your house. Just open the door and let the neighbors worry about it!
« Reply #64 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

I believe it has been acknowledged on this board that some men are not entirely honest to their prospective partners, just as some women aren't.
  The standard of living in Russia is improving? It might seem so from Oslo, take a trip to anywhere outside 100 km from Moscow and try explaining to the locals that your wife is earning 1000 bucks a month in Russia. I can assure you it is not likely to show any improvement in the forseeable future.
  I recently visited my relatives in Russia, a pretty wealthy family even by the western standards (they live in Moscow and i would never ever, not in my wildest dreams call them average). Their son recently returned from a working trip to the US, he had to work there selling ice-cream over the counter for 12 hours a day for no great pay, and he would like to live in America, even though he comes from a relatively wealthy Russian family, for reasons other than money. Some people don't measure everything in $$$, believe it or not.
  I have read through just about the whole archive on a RW forum. It's true, they thought that America would be different from what they later discovered it in fact is, but almost none of them regret coming to America anyway.
  And the last point, you've got a spelling mistake in your nick, it's Horoshij, not Haroshij. Are you sure your wife is Russian? Smiley
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: High expectations, posted by id on Dec 31, 2002

« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: High expectations, posted by id on Dec 31, 2002


Well first about my nick. You're right, I discovered the mistake after having registered, so I'll have to live with it.

You are probably right that many Russian don't feel the result of the growing economy very much. However, people do get their salaries which they didn't some years ago. Pensions are going up, but what I was referring to is the fact that there is a growing middle-class in Russia. Also in the USA you will find a growing populations of poor people. The Russian middle-class is able to live good. I can tell you that Norwegian cod is reported being sold for more than 100 Norwegian kroner pr. kilo in Moscow ( 1 dollar = 1 euro = 7 Norwegian kroner). Who do you think is willing to pay so much? Norway is exporting more and more smoked salmon to Russia. Who do you think is buying it? Nothing that is produced in Norway is cheap.


« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: High expectations, posted by Haroshij on Dec 31, 2002

Yeah, every time another Mexican runs across the border we just added another poor person.  If we controller our southern border a little better I think we would have about 10 million fewer poor people.  Mexicans also do not tend to move up the income scale much because they do not pursue education to the same extent as other ethnic groups (like us southern rednecks).
« Reply #68 on: January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Growing population of poor people?, posted by BubbaGump on Dec 31, 2002


I must add that there are poor people here in the US. There are many reasons. One of the reasons is NOT opportunity. The truth is some people chose to be poor. How? I worked for a construction company that was told to hire Black workers by the Social Democratic government of Jimmy Carter. We paid for advertising, went to the employment offices, recruited every day, to avoid fines by the government. Almost every day we had men who came to work. At the end of the summer we had one man who worked for one whole day. Why? They chose to be poor. They preferred the easy life of Welfare to hard work. I am not saying that Black people do not work. I am saying that Black or White, many poor people chose, or find ways to chose to be poor.

Some people chose to ignore an education; they have chosen to be poor. Some people chose drugs over a normal life; they chose to be poor.

It is the same way with fat Americans. They do not refuse the extra hamburger, and they get fat. So they chose to be fat. They could walk to work, but they chose place their fat bottoms in the nice soft leather seat of the car. They could excercise, but they do not. So they chose to be fat.


« Reply #69 on: January 03, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Growing population of poor people?, posted by Quasimoto on Jan 1, 2003

I worked way too many hours at the office a did eventually get fatter but at least I did not get poorer.  Common sense could solve so many problems if people would use it.  I guess that's why common sense is not common.  

One of my friends had a car repair garage on the poor side of town.  He worked as an engineer during the day and worked on race cars in the evening and on weekends as a hobby.  He often got guys coming around asking for money and so he decided to ask them if they would work for it.  Hard to believe but he said every single one of the guys took off when asked to work for the money.  That just proves what I always thought.

« Reply #70 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Growing population of poor people?, posted by BubbaGump on Dec 31, 2002

Your President and his brother might lack a few votes. Also who is going to mow the lawns, andn do all of the crap work that 'Americans' do not want?  By the way this is how the Jews began. They took all the crap jobs, basically accounting and invetory jobs-then they knew the business better than the owners. I think that the Mexican will suprise everyone in a few years. California is just the beginning. Have you taken your Spanish lessons yet? Viva Los Americana...
next is Texas and Florida to have 50% Spanish Speakers
White folks will be real happy they have these Mexican when the the terror train start rolling in. The Mexicans and the Blacks will be the Army!
« Reply #71 on: January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to if it was not for the Mexicans..., posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

Yoe, I like you better than most, as you have a rather radical and interesting perspective. However, I have heard this idea that Blacks made up all the combat troops in Vietnam. In fact, they were largely, but not entirely involved in infantry because of math scores. This has been researched and proven more than once. Race had nothing to do with it. And if we are invaded by say, "clones" from Quebec, then I am certain that at least a small minority of white men will pick up arms just as they have done in every other war we have been in.


« Reply #72 on: January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: if it was not for the Mexicans..., posted by Quasimoto on Jan 1, 2003

we haev some true heros. It is just that many poor people-mostly black and hispanic-take the grunt jobs. Our prisons and military are unbalanced. I feel that people do choose to be poor. But it is due to lack of oportunity, education and respect. Would you rather sale drugs for $1000 day or work for $5 an hour and be abused verbally, physically and mentally? I was not given the opportunities that some people were given because I did not know the right people and I grew up in a very conserative, racist environment-yes I was a bigot at one time. I had to be unconventional and break many rules to beat these asholes. So I have no answers except-Do not Kill-Heal. I do not believe in the prison system, death penalty and I do not believe people are hopeless. Education is key. Believe it or not, the system wanted to put me away when I was young-I had crazy notions. Since then I have given seminars in areas where these people are and made more money that entire generations of these morons. So I only speak from my own experience and maybe most people are not as lucky or as willing to change as I was.
« Reply #73 on: January 01, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to if it was not for the Mexicans..., posted by yoe on Dec 31, 2002

[This message has been edited by BubbaGump]

The last time I saw a group of marines there didn't seem to be any blacks or mexicans in the group but they must have been around somewhere.  I guess you have not read about the Reconquista, where mexicans in the US want to take back the southwest and make it part of Mexico again.  If they do that they'll just be in a poor country all over again.
« Reply #74 on: January 02, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oh yes, the Mexicans..., posted by BubbaGump on Jan 1, 2003

Yeah... I've heard of them.

And you are right... if they had Texas, they would inflict it with all of the stupid socialist programs that Mexico has, and soon it would be just like Mexico.

Don't worry, though... All we need are 189 Texans, and we can hold it...

BTW... did you hear the news report:

An Iraqi patrol was out and they heard a voice over a hill say: "One Texan is worth five Iraqis!"

Angered, the commander sent five Iraqi soldiers over the hill. There was the sound of gunfire and fighting, and then they heard the voice say:

"Ha! One Texan is worth TEN Iraquis!"

The commander was really pissed, so he sent ten soldiers. More gunfire, more fighting. Then silence. And then:

"One Texan is worth FIFTY Iraquis!"

The rest of the fifty sodiers charged over the hill screaming battle cries. A terrible firefight ensues. Finally, one lone Iraqi soldier crawls back over the hill, and drags himself to his commanders feet.

"Sir!" He croaks. "Don't send any more men! It is a trap! There are two of them..."

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