Thought I would pass on an e-mail I received this morning from one of my clients in Kiev this week. He is discussing a street scam that happened to him. It is the same street scam we have talked about many times here on P-L, but I guess sometimes new guys come on and have not been advised of the scam.
Here is his e-mail,.....My first morning in Kiev as I was
walking down Kreshatyk Street this guy looks like he
just found a wad of cash in the street. He puts a
credible act on and moments later another guy walks up
and in another oscar performance proclaims that he has
lost his money, has anyone seen his money? He asks the
other man to look in his pockets, then me. He acts as
if he does not trust us and looks at our wallets and
says no this is not it and returns the money back. Of
course he has used a bit of slight of hand and has
stolen one of my hundreds but he tries to get my
attention by asking to look in my pockets. This
happened again today with another group of men. As the
expression goes fool me once shame on you, fool me
twice shame on me. I just walked away right in the
beginning but was tempted to give them both the finger
however I resisted and walked away. Warn the other
members of these street scammers so it does not
happen to another person.
For you new guys out there, this is the most common street scam done to foreigners. It's done in most of the cities where you have many foreigners, from St. Petersburg to Odessa to Novosibirsk.
I have heard this happening to several guys but have never had it happened to me. I keep hoping it will happen to me! I always carry a spare empty billfold in my back pocket. When (if) it ever happens to me I am going to give the con-man the empty billfold, what a surprise he will see has he looks inside, then as he gives the billfold back to me I am going to start hollering as to where my money is!!!
I do not recommend that any of you do this, I am going to do it as I feel comfortable enough with doing it, am big enough to do it, and I have no problem in dealing with the local police should I draw there attention. In fact as Americans, at least in my experences, we actually can get by with more things than the locals can.