... in response to a question for anyone in the medical fie..., posted by keithandkatya on Jun 4, 2002I do not have any knowledge of a US program but I do know that the UK recruits nurses, teachers and is just beginning to recruit policemen from foreign countries.
The primary qualification is English language skills.
An amusing related story is that a school district in the English Midlands recruited some high school teachers from St. Petersburg. The school authorities were concerned that there would be language problems or student prejudice against the Russian teachers. At the end of the semester, there had been zero problems, the school authorities asked the students for their evaluations of the imported teachers. The students said they particularly enjoyed the new teachers English. It was clearer and more precise than their old teachers. Thank you BBC.
I am sure you would prefer to have your sister in law here in America with you but a move to the UK might be a step in the right direction.