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Author Topic: A Belarus Bride,Belarus&Chernobyl's Radiation  (Read 2706 times)
« on: May 25, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

It's always good to look at as many avenue's as
possible when searching for something. There are many
lists to read, websites to check out, decisions on what
fork in the road to take. From what I gathered in the
months that I searched for what my direction was going
to be; I knew the "tour", mega shopping mall sites weren't
my choice. They have no shopping cart, so you have to
look at all the ladies of the age group that fits
you. Also these are mostly average looking ladies
that have jobs. No Hotties loafing around wondering
how they can get into your pockets. Alteast from my
experience and from what others have personally met
told me.
   There are other agencies out there that have the
same idea as A belarus Bride in mind. Your the one that
has to make your choice. I went with Greg and Nina's
agency for numerous reasons. Biggest reason is it's
a smaller town less influenced by western ways. If
you are worried about saving a suggetion
would be forget a wife from Eastern Europe. It's
going to cost thousands of dollars and if their fee
scares you I'd say you don't have enough to pursue
this endeaver.
   No I'm not affiliated in anyway with them or their
business. I've been pleased with all transactions through
them. Are they the most expensive or cheapest? Well
it's your money and you can spend it as you want. I
wanted the maximum chance to meet a lady that was serious
about making a new life. In 10 days I'll be spending
over 3 weeks with the lady I've chosen from the many I've
corresponded with. We'll see what developes and I can report
if someone wants to know how my experience went.

   As for the Nuke comment....look at a map of
the radiation cloud that was released and a map of
Belarus. If you will you'll notice that Vitebsk is
in the north east part of Belarus. DAH I hate to
say that the cloud never got even near them. Yes the
southern part of Belarus is wasted, but I'd also stay
out of Northern Ukraine and SE Poland as both have
been effected.

   For the posters that have said nothing but BS.
like the "shill" comment. Sheeze grow up. Funny how
some folks get big chested behind a keyboard.

   Good luck finding your soulmates.


« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A Belarus Bride,Belarus&Chernobyl's ..., posted by BruceS on May 25, 2002

Hey, Bruce
Just wanted to thank you for your comments here, and also wanted to wish you Good Luck! and Best Wishes!

I am also traveling to Vitebsk in June, also using the services of ABelarusBride. I am arriving in Minsk on June 25, will be in Vitebsk on June 26. I'll be there for about 2 weeks, also have another trip I'm trying to set up for August, also for about 2 weeks. I had hoped to bump into you during our visits, but it sounds like you'll be leaving just as I'm arriving. It would have been really cool to get together with you and Tatiana, and Sveta and I. Maybe next time?

I agree with your comments and your reasoning here, that's probably why we ended up using the same agency. Also agree that the approach to this taken by ABelarusBride won't appeal to everyone, but their somewhat unique approach to this was in line with what I had in mind; I've been very happy with everything that's happened in the last few months. Greg and Nina have helped me with every aspect of this, they have been a pleasure to deal with.

Your comments on the Chernobyl fallout are good information, and it's accurate information. I've checked into this, anyone who isn't sure about this can try a word search with 'Chernobyl'. There are maps available on the internet which show which areas were affected and which ones were not.

You're also right about there being a lot of good info here on the forum and in the archives. You might have to wade through a little infighting and BS to get to it, but there's some really useful stuff in the archives. Hope it keeps coming, it's really appreciated.

Good luck Bruce, I sincerely hope you've found your one and only!


« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A Belarus Bride,Belarus&Chernobyl's ..., posted by BruceS on May 25, 2002

Re:  "For the posters that have said nothing but BS.
like the "shill" comment. Sheeze grow up. Funny how
some folks get big chested behind a keyboard."

Bruce,  Thx for adding some intelligent input to a simple question that I originally asked... AND I agree to the above comment 100%.  I am neither for nor against this agency, I just requested info about it and that you gave me.  And just think, you managed to do it without swinging through the vines and thumping your chest in an effort to prove that you are, indeed, king of all the monkeys!  Amazing!

« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: A Belarus Bride,Belarus&Chernoby..., posted by robobond on May 28, 2002

   Well thanks for the comment, but as others point out there
are many ways to go about finding your soulmate in the FSU.
Also we all can be monkeys at times!  *-) There are also others
that have more time invested and more experiences in  this
endeavor...some much more. They may know others ways than the
road I'm taking. I wish everyone to have good luck with their

Bruce S.

« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A Belarus Bride,Belarus&Chernobyl's ..., posted by BruceS on May 25, 2002

I think anyone who's first post blatantly promotes a specific agency runs the risk of being labeled a lackey of that particular agency.  This is especially true when it is an agency that has no history on this board.

Most of the people who have posted in regards to this agency have become somewhat defensive when questioned about it (in fact old robobond down below seems to have some anger management issues but that is another story).  What gives?

Now my shill post was not directed at you (nor at robobond for that matter), but if the shoe fits...

« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to A Belarus Bride,Belarus&Chernobyl's ..., posted by BruceS on May 25, 2002

Well, how about that. I was born not too far from there in Grove City...

So... I don't think I've seen you around here before... Tell us more about you...

How old are you? How long have you been looking? What made you decide to go to the FSU for a bride...?

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