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Author Topic: Hey MarkH /others receiving slanderous e-mail  (Read 8738 times)
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Drew is a mad dog that needs to be p..., posted by Jack on May 30, 2002

Get the Harpoons !!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Drew is a mad dog that needs to be p..., posted by Jack on May 30, 2002

If you don't take action, he is going to keep on with the attacks. You have enough evidence to sue him for slander and put him into bankruptcy. His sending of viruses to you and your clients is a criminal act. Many of his attacks contained veiled threats which is good cause for his arrest. The authorities can confiscate his computer and through the process of evidence discovery, expose all of those who have organized a conspiracy against you. There may even be enough evidence for racketeering, which falls under federal statutes. A recent bankruptcy would prevent him from obtaining a K-1 and a criminal conviction could be cause to have any visa from the FSU cancelled. It would be true justice to prevent this evil monster Drew from getting his slimy claws on a RW/UW.


« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Drew needs to be made an example of..., posted by BarryM on May 30, 2002

Barry M.  You are so full of crap,   you want to press chrages agaisnt me ?? for what ??   All you do is make up lies everyday, and post them on here, in hopes that if you say a lie long enough, it will sound true,  yet the only truth here, is what a poor excuse of a human you are.
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Drew needs to be made an example of..., posted by BarryM on May 30, 2002

BARRY, my man, please calm down.  Maybe I need to send some valiums down that way or something!

BarryM, liar scum bag chicken boy Drew baby is a pain in the side yes, he is a sick wacko yes, but as I sit back and look at things, in the long run he has been a shot in the arm from a business point of view. A lot of guys I never heard from or new will write me and reference wacko Drew baby and with most of these guys we end up doing some sort of business. So I don't mind writing Drew baby back and keep reminding him of the scum he is and to keep the flame going so to say. As previously mentioned the only thing that I really detest is the nasty things he is writing other guys! Hey I have thick skin and I can take Drews very best shots ten times over what he can offer, but the other good guys shouldn't have to experience Drew baby's wacko side and this is the only thing I wish I could curtail.

« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Drew needs to be made an example of..., posted by Jack on May 30, 2002

Jack is already an example of a waste of reproduction, a con-man, a Fat pig, a liar, a thief ) did you send Pete his money yet, to pay him off from mentioning how you scammed him in Odessa, and blame it on your Mother- in law ) Huh   and lastly a example of what a bald headed Fat Walrus look's like.
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Jack is already an example of a waste of..., posted by Drew on May 31, 2002

Eewwwwwhhhh Drew baby, I just love it. Seeing you work so hard, trying so hard and desperate to be able to find something scam related about the way I do business. Thousands of transactions a year, you look and look, you say to yourself, "D@mn, I must be able to find this guy doing one scam"! "Cheating one person, doing something illegal". D@MN, in this scam filled industry I must be able to find or prove Jack has done something, ANYTHING, that can be concieved as a scam!

ho-hummmmm,....yawwnnnn,..... keep looking Drew baby!

If this is the best my arch enemy can do, living in this big glass house that I live in, if this is the best you can come up with.......well, like I said,... I just LOVE it!!

Drew baby, I see you bring up Pete's name again.

On March 16th on another Russian discussion board you posted one of your many slanderous reports about me using one of your many false names. This time you used the name of Pete and you were pretending to be Pete Cruz and you were talking about how bad and sorry I am.

Well to your great surprise, the REAL Pete Cruz read your slanderous report and on March 26th, 2002 wrote the following,.....

"Notice to the person posting as myself "Pete" above.
For you to asume my identity and write on this subject as though you are me is very immature, childish, rude, and none of your business in the first place.

From my previous dealings with Jack Bragg, the only problem I had with his agency, he rectified the problem to my satisfaction in a timely manner.
Mind your own business!"

eewwwhhhhhhh, Drew/Paul, Steve, Bill, Sven, Lars, Jerry, Carl, Karl, Eddie, Brad, Embarrassed Also, Get a life, Doug, Dave, Anonymous,Paul, George, Warren, Trent, Chris, Tim, L.D,. I.D., James, Rick, the truth, Truth, Net, jj, Patrick, Jack, Jack is a crook, the real Jack, Jack is a scum bag, Slava, Dmitry, Wilson, Shane Harris, PI, Johnson, TomR,Randy, Todd, Elwood, """""""PETE""""", Belzak, Gomer Pyle, Roy Likso, that must have hurt!  ANOTHER kick in the face (no wonder your so fcuking ugly looking, ha-haaa)!

Don't give up (and don't give up your day job), keep trying liar scum drew baby! Keep trying and trying and trying and trying and tr

« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to .........ewwwwhhh, ...I just LOVE it......., posted by Jack on May 31, 2002

Well in my search, I have found another one of Jack Bragg's (Firstdream ) alias's "Fred Walters"
So now you have posted under Ralph, Sherlock, Watson, Emabaressed, Fred Walters, and who know's how many others .

Everyone needs to take a look on the Russian Women Guide Board .
Jack Bragg has ben posting under another
one of his many alias's "Fred Walter's", You can go to a search
under the word "Fred', and you will find many messages where Jack
tries to self promote his own agency, under the fake name (alias) Fred
Here are a few copies of just a few "

By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 10:19 am:

You might want to consider writing Jack Bragg at Firstdream. I rented a flat from his company a few months ago and it was on the main street, the one that starts with a "K", it's hard for me to pronounce or even write but it is the very center of the city. I paid $40 a day and thought it was a great deal.

A few other guys rented there flats from him also and one of the guys said he had a jucuzzi in his flat and his flat was behind the area with the large fountain.

By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 - 11:44 am:

Hello Corey,
It seems everyone wants to give you a little piece of advice and their own recommendation so I thought I might also.
I would advise you to be leery of the larger agencies. My first trip was with such an agency and it was not very productive at all, most the ladies were so called social scammers and some agencies have the same ladies meeting men after men after men.
I would recommend that you consider the hand full of smaller, better known agencies out there. I was most impressed with the company First Dream that I used on a trip last month. There were about a dozen guys on this trip and I understand that all there group trips are this size for the sole purpose of being able to give all the guys the individual care they need, such as I got. Corey there were two young guys on this trip I went on, one guy was about 25 and the other was 27. If you have one half of the amount of success that these two guys appeared to have you will be quite happy I am sure.
I will be making another trip in the Spring. I met a few fine ladies, one or two I think could be my future wife as I am corresponding with these ladies often as I get to know more about them and there lives.

By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Saturday, August 04, 2001 - 05:26 pm:


I got the flat thru the Firstdream agency,I dealt with Jack. His number is (removed)

By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 09:37 am:

Hello Dave, the fastfox,

This is Fred, when will you be in Odessa? Are you going to Kiev? When you are in Odessa will you have a way for someone to reach you?

I talked with Jack over the weekend and he said he thought you were going to the Firstdream social. If so I hope you will take several photos and give me a report when you get back.

Ok, I am packing my bags now, trying to get out of here.


By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Friday, July 13, 2001 - 04:48 pm:

I don't know this Mark who has a girlfriend named Ira. Is he an American guy? Does he post on this board?
What's the deal with Mark, has he started the fiancee visa process?
I have heard that Chernovtsy, like Lugansk, is a city that one has to be very careful in. There are supposed to be a couple of major scam agencies there. Hope Mark is being careful.

By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 04:09 pm:

Thanks Ben,

I will have to save what you just wrote and go over everything slowly when I have a little more time, but I do really appreciate the effort.

I just returned a few weeks ago from a most unforgettable two weeks in Odessa and Kiev. I went with a company that offers smaller, more personalized group tours. There were 10 of us in Odessa and 12 in Kiev. I have never met so many beautiful, sincere ladies in all my life. I think about half the guys found a wonderful woman that they are in the process of getting a visa for. I came away with really good feelings for three ladies I met and am writing and corresponding with. I will see how things go

By Fred Walter (Fred1) on Monday, June 18, 2001 - 04:51 pm:

Hello Apex,

As I indicated in my last post regarding my first social, after thinking about the events of the second lady and the third lady, I would be repeating myself.

What good was it going to do to tell that when I met the second lady it was much the same thing, a young beautiful woman who was so interested in me, the 23 years difference meant nothing. {and I am trying to convience myself she is right and this relationship could work} The evening ended with this lady NOT going to my hotel room. Then the third day of the social Apex again I find myself with another fine young woman with only 21 years difference in our age.

This lady I ended up spending the next several days with, well until I came home. I made several, several mistakes. I did not meet several ladies and when the socials were over, I had this one lady and it was either her, a for sure thing, or just pal around with the other 5 or 6 guys who didn't have ladies. I elected to spend time with her.

Apex, one side of my brain was telling me these ladies weren't real and the other side of my brain was telling me that, well, maybe she is real. Maybe I am lucky and I found a wonderful woman who is really crazy about me.

The truth of the matter is there were many, many social scammers. There were many young, slender, sexy women, just beautiful women, and they were all interested in us. Then you had many beautiful ladies whom were from about 28 to 34 who were not dressed quite as sensual, whose dresses were not as short, these ladies were a little more reserved, but STUPID Fred and most the other guys ignored these ladies for the young, tight, shaplely foxes.

Everytime I look back on the events I can just kick myself in the ass.

The experience was at least a good teacher. I promise it will not happen again.

So Apex, I really saw little sense in completeing the story. Many of the experienced guys around here knew exactly what I was doing, as they had seen, or been involved with the same situation.

I really hope that my report on my fall social will be more interesting. I have started developing a game plan and am so excited I can hardly wait. Three months, thirteen days, 21 hours, 33 minutes to go, but whose counting!

« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Drew needs to be made an example of..., posted by Jack on May 30, 2002

if he crosses my path and messes with me, I'll file a restraining order against him. I consider obsessive nutcases such as Drew to be dangerous. There have been too many internet incidents that have ended in violent crime because the threats from insane scum such as Drew were ignored.


« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to It's up to you, but.., posted by BarryM on May 30, 2002

Bary M and his tuff words again,  

You are a child !!

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