... in response to Cameras, why don't you buy, posted by Jack on May 18, 2002it's the size of the compact flash memory card. If your getting lousy pictures, what you have to do is don't compress the photos.
I've had my Nikon 950 for atleast 2 years now and the first thing I did was buy a larger CF card.
If their photos they are shooting are only capturing 50k worth of photo I can guarantee that's where you problems are coming from. That's too small. All of those photos I have take were from my digital camera.
Your right on about the speed of the cameras in low light situations. That's why you "TURN OFF THE 'FLASH' and shoot the picture without the flash... yea.
Have Rostick try this out the next time he is at a disco and of course fwd the pictures to us, for critical viewing - of course.
This will solve some problems for those posted shots in low light, but for the folks that are dancing (fast moving) well, that's where you've got to shoot that picture with your 35mm with a big flash.
Depending on how many pictures Rostick takes, I think a CF card no larger than 48MB would be ok and would be really cheap in price, probably less than $30.
Where as if you a guy getting ready to make his first trip to Ukraine/Russia. Buy a Nikon 995 and get a CF card 128MB or larger. I've got a 160MB Lexar 8x card, and I've yet to fully max it out with 700 pictures,, I think last June I shot close to 575 pictures, which were photos of all sorts of things. Buildings, statues, girls, city streets, more girls and ladies too.