... in response to 2100 children abuducted each DAY!, posted by yoe on Apr 12, 2002There are not 2100 kids abducted each day. I don't know where you got this figure. There are over 300 stranger abductions annually in the US. I know that over 5,000 kids are abuducted annually in the US by estranged or non-custody parents. I also have heard of Hispanics and Filipinos being forced into labor in sweat-houses. Kids are molested by clergy and neighbors, and live-ins. But the same situation happens elsewhere, including Ukraine and Russia. Are we to compare how many kids are molested. There is no way. Rapes - we only know through organizations in Russia/Ukraine, that it is more frequent, especially "date-rape". But lets talk about stranger abductions - and the fact remains that in a comparable population to the US, 850,000 Ukrainian women would be ABDUCTED each year and forced into prostitution. That is mind-boggling. And far worse than anything we face in this country.