What do Agencies Pay

This is a good question, and depending on the Ciy , and Agency, this can very greatly.
Being an Agency Owner for sometime, I can tell you that in Chernvotsy, I have hired University Students for 50 cents an hour before, with excellent english abilites.
I have also send clients to Kherson from time to time, and I hire students there for 50 sents an hour. I can tell you that this rate is more than 2 other agencies pay there Ladies in Kherson.
As for othr Cities, such as Kiev, I have no first hand experience, but can tell by the emails I have received for the co-operative website so far, It does not look to be much differnce.
As for Appartments, many prices, and it can vary, But it seems to be most of the emails I am getting, it pointing to be about a price of 10 to 20 for small to meduim sized Cities, Chernovtsy, Lugansk, Khrakov, and the prices I am getting for Kiev and Odessa look to be great also. I have recived 4 emails for Kiev, offering relatives ( in laws) from 20 to 35 a day.
As for being stuck with out a key, and or a phone. I dont think you should ever rent a flat that does not have a phone. And if you are one who might lose a key, Most owners are wize enough to leave contact info, for emergency, and one can always go to the neighbor, and contact the owner or your Gilrfreind. But if you are one who needs your hands held, it would be wize to go through an Agency, and have the comfort of always having someone there, than to save 10 to 30 dollars a day, rather then end up stuck on the streets for the night.
It just depends on what your plans are, and what your neeeds are.
Should have the site together soon, will let everyone know when.
Keep sending the contacts, ( appartments, and etc,,) plus if you would like a link to your site, send that as well.
Thanks again to everyone.
Steve2344@excite.com or drew@academicplanet.com