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Author Topic: BarryM, have some good news and some bad news  (Read 1189 times)
« on: January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

Hello BarryM,

  First I guess I should tell you the good news.
  Our 5th (or 6th, I forget) annual Texas mens appreciation for Russian Women Bar-B-Que will be held on April 6th.
  During a recent computer crash I lost your e-mail (as well as many others) so send me an e-mail when you can for details.

  Now Barry, for the really bad news. Are you sitting down?  One of my competitors has claimed that BarryM is really Jack Bragg. I know this comes as an insult and slap across your face and I am sorry. It seems you must have made a complimentary statement towards me our my company so this means you have to be me and I am using the alias as BarryM. If it makes you feel any better (and it probably won't), two other guys I have worked for also made complimentary remarks about me or the company recently, and they are also being accused of being me. To prevent this from happening to you in the future Barry you should probably either say bad things or nothing at all.

« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to BarryM, have some good news and some bad..., posted by Jack on Jan 29, 2002

The email is big but it will absolutely verify to you that it is from me. Since there has been a rash of vitriolic misinformation conspired against you, I felt that it was proper to give you verifiable information.

I've been insulted far worse than I have experienced on here and I don't really care. The truth is always more painful and I often inflict the truth on my detractors.

I can understand the accusations. For the most part, you have stayed out of the flame wars going on here recently while I, having a little more time on my hands recently, have been an active participant.

I am used to having lies said about me and I alway beat the liars. Recently, two cops and a witness filed a false report against me for a traffic accident. I beat them in court with just my testimony.

I see it as unjust all these scumbags attacking you and your business for being upfront and doing things your way. That's why I raise hell against some of these AH's.


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