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Author Topic: I hate America  (Read 22249 times)
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I hate America, posted by micha1 on Jan 5, 2002

Germany, Switzerland and all the scandinavian countries combined don't equal the US's wealth. If you combined Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, the combined GDP is only about 25% of the US's GDP.

The big difference is that these European countries don't have regions that are almost third world to drag down the per capita GDP and other economic measurement statistics and ratios. A good example is the Rio Grande valley of Texas. There are still colonias there with no running water and substandard housing.

Since we are putting our personal opinions out there, let me give you mine, a lot of Canadians have an inferiority complex when it comes to the US. I can count numerous posts on various message boards where Canadians seem to have little snide things to say about the US. My country is like my brother, he has faults and I tell him so, but if anybody else has any negative things to say about him, I am going to take up for him.



« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You are wrong, posted by Reagan on Jan 5, 2002

....and your attitude classicly shows what is wrong with Americans in general.

America may have some wealth but in general it also has an arrogant, uneducated, uncultured population who thinks the world revolves around them. Not to mention the scum who run the government and ignore the peoples wishes, political correctness that makes me want to vomit, and absolutely no common sense when it comes to caring for either it's elderly or young people.

This "country" can be defined four ways: It's land, it's people, it's culture and it's government. Everything else derives from those four things. The land is great, the people fat, dumb and lazy, the culture non- exsistant and the current leaders should be jailed as the criminals they are. (Or worse.)

Besides, the very fact that these so called educated people would elect your namesake for 8 years and then hold him up as a great choice is enough to prove my point. (Lets not even mention the moron currently running the show.)

No wonder the world hates us, it's people like you that are the problem. That and our arrogant, interfering politics. I don't agree with Osama's methods, but I sure understand his and his peoples hatred. We made this bed and now have to lay in it.

In general, America is a far cry from the best and it's mostly only good for exploiting. If it weren't for the weather I'd take Canada or Norway *anyday*. The people of these countries alone make Americans look like the true chumps many really are.

« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No, you are wrong...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

First of all, Reagan is my middle name and I was born in 1964, way before Ronald Reagan was elected. I used to post by my first name, but someone registered it when Patrick changed the board. By the way, he will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents. What is your claim to fame? George W. Bush has a really tough job right now and I doubt he cares that a nobody like you calls him a moron. A lot of liberals have called him worse and I have yet to see him use petty name calling to answer their insults. Jealousy, envy, and namecalling are first cousins.

All you do is offer up generalizations. Saying everyone in America is arrogant, uneducated,..ect is like saying everyone in Canada says "eh" everytime they ask a question. There are lots of jerks and morons in every country in the world. Good god, how old are you anyway?

No country is perfect. As I said before, I get tired of dripping faucets, nagging women, and the tired old anti-American hyperbole and whining that Canadians and radical Americans like you like to spew.

Why don't you move to Canada or Norway? While you are at it, why don't you renounce your American citizenship and never come back. I doubt anyone will miss you.


Kevin R as in Reagan Jones.

« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to More unprovable generalizations, posted by Reagan on Jan 6, 2002

....Me thinks that Stetson you be wearin is a mite too tight partner, it's squeezin your brain.

..Reagan will go down as one of our greatest presidents? lol, Now *thats* a perfect example of how ignorant many Americans are.

You forget he ran the show in California and messed it up real bad also. History will show his terms to be one of the greatest financial disasters ever perpetrated upon the American people. His foreign policies were a joke, his wife was a serious piece of work, and his choice of a VP showed just how stupid he really was. He was good at one thing: BSing people like you. Now he's drooling someplace and can't even function. Of course, how could we tell the difference?

In addition, he never ran the country. The people who ran *him* ran the country. In fact, he was such a puppet I can almost forgive him. lol, I always expected him to break down during news conferences and start malfunctioning, like the Lincoln exhibit at Disneyland.

Old George W has a tough job right now?  Yeah, it takes a *lot* of leadership to pound a third world country *forward* into the stone age. America is good at that, beating up on places like Panama, Grenada and Iraq (in a not so covert attempt to protect "our" oil.) One day we'll have to face a real enemy and we won't do so well. Hell, we couldn't even beat the Vietnamese thanks to another of your "folk" who refused to let us fight properly and he only came to power because Texas couldn't provide adequate security for JFK.

Bush is clearly an uneducated, money grubbing capitalist with little leadership experience other than screwing people outta their money in his prior oil dealings. While I like his no nonsense approach, he's a continual embarresment to watch in action. His shucks, golly, geewhiz demeanor is laughable and reflects poorly on the leader of the most pwerful nation on Earth. And if you have yet to see him resort to name calling, I suggest you spend more time watching him. At least he's harmless and won't do near the damage Ronnie did. Fwiw, he's the lesser of the two evils, considering it could have been Gore.

All I can offer is generalizations, same as you. The difference is the world agrees with me while only narrow minded rednecks, Bubbas, hog farmers and coal miners agree with you. If you had traveled as much as I have you wouldn't be so quick to defend this sorry ass place. Course, the studies that showed Canada to be the best place to live for six straight years were done by idiots who had never hunkered down at Billy Bob's BBQ, right?

No country is perfect and this one is going down the toilet because of people like you who can't even see how manipulated they are. In fact, I bet you were out at Waco cheering them on, huh? Geez, how can Yanks have appreciation of the world outside their own borders if they can't even see the problems within them?

Spare me the "love it or leave it" crap, it's just another indication of your backwater perspective. I payed my dues and served my country when you were still a toddler, and did it when I didn't quite believe in doing so. How bout you? Done anything other than watch King of the Hill reruns and pound down Budwieser at the local Hooters? And if ya don't mind, I'll stay, someone needs to protect America from the likes of your kind. lol, I bet in a former life you were a British citizen during the late 1700's.

*I* get tired of rednecks and uneducated smucks who don't know anything about history and spend all their time waving the flag just because they have a job, pickup truck, a gun, and a case of Coors.

"Reagan will be seen as a great president". lol, Sure he will, just like Clinton and the other yokels who continue to screw us while sipping mint julips out by the ceement pond.

If I were you, I'd change my name and move.

« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yeah sure...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

You make all kinds of assumptions about me and the US that you can't prove. So far you are batting 1000 because you haven't got anything right. You are only capable of hurling insults. Anyone that makes fun of a man that has alzheimers has issues. People like you are scary because they shoot their mouth off without thinking. As for being uneducated, you are obviously talking about yourself. Anyone that has taken a freshman philosophy class can tell you that your arguments are full of fallacies.

I am sure this will prompt you into writing another rambling, frothing at the mouth diatribe with more of your unprovable BS. As for all your provincial comments, at least I have the balls to say where I am from which is more than can be said for you.



Stan B
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yeah sure...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to wow, I'm glad I never got you that 'work..., posted by Stan B on Jan 6, 2002

...I'm not worked up, its only a friendly disscusion between Tex and me. He can take it, them good ol' boys down there have thick skins.

Only Yoey has worked me up and that was only one time when he was being a thoughtless weenie. (lol, normally he's just a weenie.)

But I should know better, you know what they say: Two things you should never discuss are religion and politics.

Me thinks I'll add a third one to that: FSU Women! :-)

« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Nah..., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

.....was wrong Stan! lol, he ain't so thick skinned after all!

"Frothing at the mouth"!, he's good!

« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Guess I...., posted by LP on Jan 7, 2002

complement. As for your frothing, don't feel bad, dogs do it to when they get excited.



« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No, you are wrong...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

I couldn't have said it any better.  We think that we are a powerful country, but really we have no control over anything.  The people really in charge are the wealthy.  The presidential election should prove that.  Our country is less corrupt than areas like Russia, but we still have a lot of room for improvement.
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You are correct,, posted by Jeff on Jan 6, 2002

Surely you are not this naive.
The "wealthy" are in control of every country on earth. They always have been and always will be--unless God takes over.
In America the rich are held in check more than they are in most countries, though.
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You are correct,, posted by Jeff on Jan 6, 2002

In North America a "special interest or lobby group" may just happen to have a condo in Bermuda, Bahamas or Aspen "vacant" for a few weeks, and of course being such 'good friends' this is offered without charge to a 'bureaucrat' who is able to 'assist' in the organizations achieving it's goals.
Naw, never happens in North America?? Of couse not!!!!!
Is there any true difference between such a scenario, and one where a briefcase full of money is taken by one person into a 'negotiating room', and exits in the care of another?
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No, you are wrong...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

older (and hopefully a little wiser) or I'm becoming cynical as all get out.
But, over the past while I find myself agreeing with you more and more - scary stuff!!  :-)
Keep it up (the posting I mean!!).  :-)
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Geez, G***, I'm either getting......., posted by Del on Jan 6, 2002

.....cynicism are inseperatble or at least there is a very fine line between them. Well, I suppose  one can be cynical in their youth, but most of the older folks I know are pretty "wised up".

Everybody has an opinion and it's *sometimes* colored by where they're from and their experiences. For example, I have nothing but fond memories of dealing with "you people" during dozens of trips made many years ago. I still cross often into Canada by private aircraft and your Customs Officers in particular could teach ours *alot*, they are such a pleasure to deal with. (Ours are rude thugs with the opinion that everyone is smuggling dope.)

From dealing with cops in Quebec, lumber folks in Halifax and BC, oil people in Calgary and the NWT, pilots in the Yukon and everyone else in between, I found your people to be a kind and understanding lot. Sure, they had some complaints about us, but they never held it against me in the slightest way and were unflinchingly hospitable. In fact, I recently had to deal with the firearms people in your government and found them exceedling polite and helpful. Here, I would have been given the third degree. American freedoms? Yeah, right.

Reagan is just waving the flag. While patriotism here is rampant these days, I'm stunned that more heads are not being lopped off. Seems most Americans don't understand cause and effect, another sign of arrogance induced blindness. Also, you were dealing with a Texan and, like other places in the US (the South and the Heartland come to mind), they are known to be excessive flag wavers. I like Texan's no BS attitude but they always think the US is so great. Hell, they typically think Texas is the best place in the US. Of course, the rest of us know different and Texans are sometimes a tad too sensitive about the image they know most other Americans have of them.

Besides, I'm a Californian. Texans and Californians can reach critical mass if they get within 100 miles of each other, it's like matter/anti-matter. (Actually, I'm was born and raised on Cape Cod, Mass (Kennedy country) so I'm really skewed.) FWIW, I have little good to say about California also, you won't find me defending it's image in America. It's justified and, although I've escaped it twice, I keep coming back for the money and WX. Since we're so mutli-cultural here in Ca, that may be why there is less flag waving in general, at least in the urban areas where it long ago stopped resembling any America I remember.

(lol, I'd like to try Texas, but I'm afraid of being tarred, feathered, and strung up when they found out I was a Californian *or* a Yankee, I'm screwed either way.)

At any rate, if it weren't for the WX, me thinks a house on the Frazier (near Prince George), or even around Edmonton would be very nice. Sadly, the winter would kill a me in short order.

« Reply #29 on: January 06, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to lol...age, wisdom and...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2002

around Calgary.
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