I know that many of you have appreciated my observations since living here for the last year and since I am a hunter (both kinds of deer/dear) it is interesting that I do not see much signs of wildlife here. I live in Slavutich and travel back and forth between Kiev and Chernigiv quite often and have never seen a deer or any small animals such as rabbits or forest animals although this area is laden with pine trees and other hardwoods. I would expect to see some signs of smaller animals since I drive frequently at night when these animals are feeding and active. I have never seen anything cross my headlights at night and I find that very unusual. I also have not seen any wild ducks or geese migrating although this area is rich in waterways, lakes, and ponds. There is ample feed in the fields to support a tremendous amount of wildlife but I have not seen much.
The town I live in has numerous pine trees throughout the city and I have never seen a squirrel (sp).
I am from Washington state and live in a very populated area and normally see deer, coyotes, rabbits, ducks, geese, and other wildlife. The only reason I can think of for the lack of wildlife in this area of Ukraine is that the locals have overhunted them for food.
Maybe some of you that have traveled to other areas of the FSU have had different experiences. I wouldn't mind a few observations from the board.
Now when it comes to the other kind of dear hunting there is an abundance. This is a paradise for those dear hunters!! LOL.
Best Regards,
Ukraine, Kiev Oblast