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Author Topic: Time to throw in the towl  (Read 68663 times)
« on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

After almost two years of searching, writing letters, sending photgraphs,
talking on the phone I have decided that I am calling it quits in my pursuit of
a russian bride. After my 12 year marriage ended due to my wife's infidelity, I
tried entering the dating circle again, but after all those years being married
I felt strange and very uncomfortable most of the time. Also the quality of the
women I was dating was not as high as I would have liked. At the rate I was
going I envisioned myself having my wedding and first social security check on
the same day. I am a conservative type of person with a decent blue collar job,
a nice home and all the trappings of a decent life, a life I wanted to share
with someone.

I discovered electronic dating by accident after frequenting the aol chatterooms
and meeting another man who was looking into the concept. It turned out that we
lived pretty close to each other and became friends. He ended up taking the
plunge and is married now, more on that later. I took a more shy approach and
cast my line out to see what I could catch. I soon found out the sea is full of
fish and my nets were almost always coming in full to the brim. Although most of
my catch were throwbacks. Through the information I could dig up I learned the
ropes and although I did fall for a couple of minor scams, I learned quickly and
was never out any significant amount of money.
Over the last two years I started to become obsessed with the entire russian
woman idea and gradually It started to consume me to the point that my
personality changed, my mom and dad started wondering about my welfare and the
people I employ started making fun of the way I was acting.
It's not like I was psychotic or anything but more that I was the all knowing
xpert on russian women and electronic dating. Nobody else's opinion mattered but
mine and everbody else was wrong except for me.
If I saw a negative story about mail order wives on the tube it was always the
press that was wrong. When my firends chiided me about picking a wife from a
catalog it was them that were wrong and not me.
When I read of other men getting married and their rw trading up on them I
always convinced myself that there must be something wrong with those men and
this would never happen to me.

My wake up call started when the man I mentioned began to have problems with his
russian wife. He got engaged on his first trip and they were married within the
year. He is 50 and owns a  brick company and she is 28 and was a nurse in
russia. Things started out ok until she discovered how to spend his money faster
than he could print it. As it turned out she had met another russian woman
online who was having marriage troubles as well and it just went downhill from
there. While they are still married and in counseling it looks doomed to me but
I hope I am wrong.

As I learned of other american man russian woman couples having troubles I
started to wonder if there was a single reason for these failures and I came to
the conclusion that the entire system is flawed but nobody really wants to admit
it. A couple of evenings at russian mixers confirmed my suspicians. For those of
you lucky to live in a large city the local shooper guids usually list social
events and in my town we have a russian woman/man social that meets twice a
month. The advertisements are usually in the same section as the big beautiful
woman socials and parents without partners meetings.

The first time I wnet to one of the mixers I was very uncomfortable and I was
pretty much ignored but things did get better as the night went along and I
ended up meeting a very nice, outgoing russian lady who ended up becoming a very
good friend of mine. I learned so much talking to these russian women, but yet I
did not learn a thing. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of oz I always knew what the
real deal was, I was just to caught up in frenzy to realize it. I learned from
my russian friends, both men and women, that the primary reason for these ladies
seeking american men is to get out of russia and better their lives. Love is a
way distant second behind a willing american male with a bank account.
I learned that many of the women think nothing of sleeping with whomever just to
get what they want or need be it money, clothes, a promotion or what have you.
And the men are no different with  mistresses being a common side hobby.

I learned that russian women who come to america love to spend money and like to
thow temper tantrums when they don't get what they want.

I learned that the man she married to get the visa is only the first step in the
process and if something better comes along she will trade up.

These are hard habits to break.

It was at this point I started to retrace my steps and take a serious look at
the websites, chattergroups, and agencies that I was funneling my email through
and come to some serious, although admittidly broadbased, conclusions.

I was now looking at these women from the same viewpoint that virtually everyone
else in the world will do when they stumble upon the typical dating website.
Here are the conclusions that I have come to.
It's impossible to even have a chance of getting to really know a person via
email and maybe a 0ne week trip to russia.
And marrying a person after such a relationship is mostly suicidal in nature.
What would an american woman say if you asked her to marry you after a
relationship like that?
She would think you were cookooo, unless she was desperate to get married or
You will never know her true motives nor will you know how many have been there
before you. She will drop you like a hot potato when another, more suitable man
starts emailing her. This is especially true for men who marry well above their
real level, meaning the 50 year old marrying the 20 year old.

The entire industry thrives on the horniness, unrealistic expectations and
desperation of the men and couples it with the desire for the russian women to
get to america. It's like one feeds off of the other one in the search for
happiness. Couple this with the rejection from american women that the average
email wife seeking man is likely to have experienced and it becomes like a
sucker pit.
The guy doesn't stand a chance against Madison Avenue like advertising

It's all about money, mostly yours and mine and the desire for the dating
serivces to compete to see who can syphon your bank account quicker.

Fiancee visa kits, newpaper advertisements, over priced translation services,
overpriced flower deliveray services and such are only the tip of the iceburg.

The real tip-off to how foolish this entire system is lies in the girls

Take a good look at any of the web based dating services and that includes some
of the ones on the A-list.

It seems like sewing, cooking, cleaning and reading good books are the only
things women do in russia. Take a look at some of the age ranges these women
will accept for possible suitors. Sorry, but a 22 year old who is looking for a
man between the ages of 25 and 60 is after one thing only. And this is the norm,
not the exception. It is very difficult to find women who even remotely appear
sincere. And take a look at the pictures. Many of the women look like
professionals to me.

Look at  first dream, one of the better companies  and see for yourself. Check
out ML0201, ML0202 who is 22 years old and looking for a man 45yo to 60yo.

Can you say TRADING UP in 2 years?

And even if you are smart enough to figure this out and laugh about it while
moving on to more reasonable choices, what does it say about the scupoules of
the people running these businesses.
Here are some more look at any of the ladies on the euroladies first page.
Come on already, they look like professionals and I am sure they are good at
whatever they do but cooking, cleaning and sewing isn't high on the list and you
can be sure of that.

These people are appealing to the dumb american man who is eager to part with
his money. This is what the entire concept is based upon. Hard up men who are
looking for non threatening wives and get all caught up in the russian woman
I admit I bought into the program hook line and sinker, but I'm back to reality
now and that reality is no way Jose.
Talk to some russian women who are already living here if you want to know what
the real story is and what the motives of the women really are.
One last thing, I have met several rw/am couples that are very happy and I have
met more than a couple of men who are still looking. These men are everyday
joe's and would make excellent husbands for the right woman but they are just
fooling themselves if they think she is at the end of an email program.

You can find success stories posted on various groups on the internet, but what
you rarely hear about are the failures, mostly because the men are too
embarrassed to admit they were taken in.

My advice is to sit down and take a good honest look at your particular
situation and do what is right for you.
Best wishes and a happy holiday to you, jake

« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

I have read some of the posts below and I think RW puts out some great advise.

I myself began my search with blinders on but eventually came to realize the cold hard truth of the reality of life.  But I truly believed that I would find my future wife somewhere in the FSU.

Yes, at first I was really disheartened to hear some terrible stories but I have also heard an equal number of success stories as well.  I told myself that if I had courage and really used my wisdom that I would eventually find a wonderful girl.

My first and foremost advise is to try to pick a lady who fits you.  The majority of guys photos I have seen with their ladies really seem to match in terms of general appearances.  There are a few exceptions but generally.....

I myself found a girl from Ukraine who was not even looking for marriage at the time, yet alone an American man so my situation is a little different since she had more than easy access to be posted on websites and could have an inside line to being "Hooked up" with American guys.

As usual my situation seems to be a little out of the norm but I am 100% sure that her intentions towards me are sincere (no doubt).  The only thing left is to see how she can adapt to life here with me. But that is still a tale yet to be told.

You know that foreign brides are only one way to go and maybe it isn't right for you if you feel it is too risky.  I think if you already have this mindset it will only undermine any trust you could potentially develope and that is the lifeblood of a relationship.  

I don't think that this type of search is for everyone and maybe you just came to the conclusion that it is not right for you but at least now you know where this road ends for you.  I would not however doom all FSU women as being some kind of greedy beings.  After all, look at the diversity of people here. Do you believe that all people here are the same and hold the same beliefs and ideas?


« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

I'd definitely have to agree that those who are fixated on the young "babe" and don't take the time to get to know someone really well before marrying are indeed taking a very risky approach to this.

Nobody should start with the intention of marrying someone they've known only through e-mail, letters, and phone calls after spending little time with them.  We should all plan on multiple visits and a long period of getting to know someone before deciding to marry.  Tripple that for men trying to marry someone far outside the type of women that they could reasonably date here.  I'd call that unrealistic expectations and the agencies are businesses intent on making a profit in an area where building unrealistic expectations sells.

« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

that sound like my wife..........hey my little brat is not an angel by any stretch of the imagination and she can get real close to a punch in the mouth-but that is why we work so well together-we have much in common.
Hey dude go to Nigeria there are some hot chicks there and need good husbands,,,,,,,,,,or better yet go to your local strip club and save one of these beauties from destroying her life with a bunch of losers. Oh yeah there are these hefty girls that need love too-because beauty is onlyu skin deep-no matter how thick the skin...........put you money where you mouth is-I know many very intelligent, nice and good American girls that would love to have a good man-if you don't care about looks-my bet is you do------so before you start labeling look at your own superficial needs and quit being a hypocrite crybaby. If you cannot stand the heat-get out da kitchen
Chef Joe
Cold Warrior
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

What's your detective hubby up to this weekend.Maybe he found a RW to keep him company.
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

It's the woman...It's the woman !
It doesn't matter where she's from. It just doesn't matter.
This isn't "the land of Oz" as the poster alluded.
This is not a cheese hunt. It takes work to make it work.
"...none so blind as those who refuse to see"
I liked that when I read it.
Merry Christmas all
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

you post another when you get your act together.  You can do better.
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

I didn't read your whole story as it got quite boring and I can only stand so much tear in my beer kinda stories.

Congradulations...  There is exciting American woman just waiting around every corner to meet a really nice guy like you.

Looks like you have been bless.

The good news for me.  I'm not rich, so I won't have any problems with my girl over spending and my credit cards are all maxed out.  So you see, she'll be stuck with me.  Infact, instead of flying my girl over here...she will be coming to America via a Ocean going freightliner, she will no doubt see the world and when she gets here she won't want to travel for a good long while.

Thanks for your tip.

Cold Warrior
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: No doubt about, posted by wsbill on Dec 22, 2001

I thought all MOB came by Fedex OR DHL. Must be some heavy cargo if you have to ship it,but I doubt it,RW are very light.Only AW cows needs to shipped.
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ocean going freightliner...HuhHuh, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 23, 2001

Think about this for a second, imagine if you could buy passage on a container ship.  Just think how much time alone you could spend with her, walking arm and arm on the deck of that ship.  Seeing worldy ports before arriving in America.

This would actually be an adventure for the both of you as it would definately be interesting.

« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I told here we are going to take a p..., posted by wsbill on Dec 23, 2001

Actually, it's done already.  I remember reading about this in the travel section of the newspaper many years ago.  Many freighters have / had a few staterooms that could be booked for passenger travel.  It's a way of going on a route that's not popular for a regular passenger ship.
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001

There is a lot of truth in what you say,  but that truth applies to you and to you only.  May be you are Claire, may
you are a troll, what do I care.  What I do know for sure is that, you do not fall for a photo of a girl, 9 hours away,
earlier than you.   You are taking your best shot, by your standards, why shouldn't girl do the same.
One more thing that I do know for sure,  you do not eat the good stuff.  You only get from a girl what you are
giving to her.   You want to use them and you wind up being use.   Fair enough no.
Why come crying, you do need someone to hold on to the light for you.
Do you think that women are different here in North America.  They go for all they can get, like you try to do.
My guess is, if you are true, your prostate is in a swing and you are not too sharp with the stick.
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Time to throw in the towl, posted by micha1 on Dec 22, 2001

It is finish the time, when you could sell the girl short.  May they be american, russian or whatever.
They got smart, but they are still women, give them what they want and need and they will be at your knees.
But remember they are always thinking, you should also.  May you should try thinking about what you could
improve on, do not think for them.
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Time to throw in the towl, posted by jake33 on Dec 22, 2001


despite what everybody posted below, that was a good post. It's good to have a realistic view. And you know what, many things you posted are very true andright.  I am not the one to tell you that high demand results in higher supply and whatever you see on the agencies' catalogs is only illustration to that.

But you know what, I think that your post is also a result of feeling hurt, being treated unfair? You think you have been fooled and ready to blame agencies, women (I guess especially Russian women) for doing this to you. And you know what? - you are the only one to do what YOU want to do. You want to find your spouse? There is thousands of way to do it and Russian wife may be not a solution for you. Or may be yes, but it does not have to be some sleezy 20 year old who is looking for sugar daddy. If you don't like that, there are many other ways to do it.

I am really glad that you were able to see through all the scams and bad sides of the industry. In some way it is the same like many of us who come to America start to realize how much everything is driven by one slogan "spend your money!!!". If you don't want to be another person trading for a new car every year, mixing up your credit cards you need to realize WHAT you want in this life and what makes YOU happy and not your bank Smiley

I think the very last sentence was the best in your post. Do what is right for you. There are plenty of women in US and in Russia who might be what you are looking for. But do YOU know what it is? If yes than stick to it and go for it!!! Smiley

Merry Christmas,

Russian Wife

« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to good wake up call for you, posted by RW on Dec 22, 2001

Actually my experiences, excluding the small amount of scams I initally fell for (less than $100.00 overall), were quite positive. I met some truly interesting women and experienced things I never could have experienced had I not tried something different. Everyone is their own person and they are the only ones who know what is best for them. I am not here to judge the guy who falls in love after a week with a lady, nor am I in any position to say that the amrw scene is a total scam. I am merely saying that in my experience the odds against sucess are very high and that falling for the patter that the dating services spew forth is extremely foolish.

If you want to truly evaluate the sincerity and motives of a service, go and look at their webpage and see what they have to offer.

In my opinion a site that has 20 year old women looking for men up to 60 years old speaks for itself.

I have been reading the archives for a while now and I know I am going to be beat up but I have to admire Mdante for the approach he took in bringing his wife here.
Think about it.
What better way to insure yourself against scamming then by having the lady do all the work.
Granted this is less than chiverlous, but still we all have to agree that we are not talking about having malts with jane at the local malt shop here.

My feeling is that the typical scam girl would have balked at his offer simply because there are many more men in the sea just dying to marry her and if she looks half as good in person as her picture that is a fact!!!

This approach is risky and not for the faint of heart, but I suspect it will weed out the low leval scammers.

Personally I don't understand why men who seem to be so interested in Russian culture and women can't find RW here who they can date.
My city is full of them, but understand they don't cook,sew,clean house all day long and you have nothing to offer them other than love and affection.
They are here already.


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