The wedding is fast approaching... Kate wants to have nice pictures to send to her folks back in Ukraine. I have been pretty much been put in charge of arrangements for making the wedding look nice and for everything to go as smoothly as possible. It is not my cup of tea but because I love her and want her to be happy I am trying my best. Wish me luck.
A few thoughts to those out there looking or even making the trip across the ocean to visit their potential mate. There is no one right way of doing this... you have to find your own road... veterans here can report what has been true for them but as the saying goes... your mileage may vary.
For example: This board has been of great help to me in planning the logistics of the trip... visas, plane trip, what to expect when arriving etc. but some of the advice about relationships has been silly.. at least in my opinion so I advise anyone out there who has a mind of their own to just go and find out for yourself. One example which has been a frequent topic for the board has been the "age thing". The conventional wisdom is that if you are a man my age (46) then you have no business looking for anyone under the age of 35. I can see where this comes from... if you are looking at some 20 year old barbie doll and you have the looks of jabba the hut then you might be setting yourself up for a fall... but otherwise if you use some common sense it really is not an issue. This is not only from my experience but also from my observations of several other couples from Russia and Ukraine that we have met in the past month. Both couples have been married for over 3 years by the way ...and one couple has children and the other couple has one on the way. these guys are NOT greek gods in the looks department... I am of course LOL ( not )!!
If any newbie is interested in how I found my sweetie... I put in several ads in the paper in Ukraine... one free and the other I paid for... guess what?? I met my sweetie from the free one... just the way things happened... no rhyme or reason to it ... then from some good advice from Dan and others about visas , plane tickets etc and from Jack for assistance in finding a place to stay in Kiev I went over to Ukraine and met two girls I had been writing to for almost a year... one was a major disappointment and the other one I fell in love with... by the way I was READY to fall in love... that is a question you need to ask yourself...
Okay until next time... just a few thoughts and I sincerely wish everyone ... all the best,