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Author Topic: Bags an item of great value  (Read 10494 times)
James B
« on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

I just wanted to post an amusing discussion I just had with my fiancee that falls in line with a discussion earlier in one of the posts.  I remember an earlier post that spoke of the cultural differences and little nuances of RW/UW and then I got to live the experience of the post.

My fiancee' is coming to visit me for a whopping 45 days and yesterday on the telephone we were talking about her trip and things she must bring with her.  She then asked me in a very serious voice "Do you have bags."  I thought she was referring to baggage/suitcases, but asked her to clarify.  She wanted to know if I had good old plastic bags and explained to me that it's necessary when out and about to have them to protect your things or to go shopping.  I smiles and explained to her that my car was only 20 meters outside the door and all the stores provided bags as were necessary to take your things home with you.  

My experience with three visits to see her was that she always stuffed a couple plastic bags in her purse prior to walking out the door, just in case we needed to purchase something.  Oh, I love this whole experience and advise all to embrace these cultural differences with open arms, because it makes life so much more interesting and enjoyable.  Jim

« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Bags an item of great value, posted by James B on Dec 23, 2001

My Russian wife still collects plastic bags, hard habit to break even though she does not take them with her when she goes shopping. I guess it is the "economy" mind set she is always in, saving things for future use. -smile-
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Bags an item of great value, posted by apk on Dec 23, 2001

Bags in Ukraine, I no doubt contributed some of them and they were whimpy-easy-to-tear bags.

The one thing nice about having a lady who has lived through difficult times is she is way more thrifty than the average person.

« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: If you happen to see some Wal-Ma..., posted by wsbill on Dec 23, 2001

It is very important here to have a plastic bag with you when going out to shop even if you don't plan to buy anything.  You never know what you may find and going back home to get one would be stupid.  Of course you could buy one at the store for a few cents but no selp respecting Russian would waste money when it could be used to buy food.

The bags produced here are some of the strongest in the world.  I can't believe how much weight they will carry without breaking.

Also remember that they don't have cars here to take you home and you must typically travel long distances to reach your apartment.  Walking long distances carrying the weeks food and necessities is done every week on Saturday or Sunday when the bazaar is visited by the women of the house.  Husband is along to carry the heavier bags.

Responding to your comment about having a car waiting outside the store my RW told me that is why AW have such big butts.  I couldn't agree more.  It is really amusing to see an AW fighting for a parking space close to the front of the local fitness center.

AW will collapse with exhaustion in a very short time living under these conditions over here.  How spoiled and pampered they are!!!

My RW used her first automatic clothes washer when she was forty years old.  She washed the families clothes by hand her entire marriage of twenty years.  Try to get an AW to do that!!!

Best Regards,

Ukraine, Kiev Oblast

« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fat AW, posted by Jimmy on Dec 24, 2001

That's just one of the things that V has found to be very strange in her first couple of weeks here.

First was the perfectly healthy guy (in full motocross garb) who pulled into the handicap slot at Micky D's, hung the placard on his mirror, and strode into grab some grease. (Of course we were there so that Dasha could play in the playground Wink

Then there was the lady who blocked the lane at the Safeway store for a good three minutes waiting for someone to pull out of pole position parking spot when there was one in front of me not more than another twenty feet further from the door.

« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Parking spaces, posted by Rags on Dec 24, 2001

....A few years ago I was run down on my motor by a guy in a pickup.

(Quite a story, because the *same* guy gently rear-ended me two years later on the freeway in my car. What are the odds of that happening?)

Although I received a handsome settlement (which promply disappeared on Wall Street) and my injuries have 90% healed, that lifetime placard continues to be the sweetest plum of all. (I don't abuse it.)

But I don't use it on the bike because someone may boost it. lol..Why doesn't California have handicapped plates for motorcycles like Nevada does? Now there's a state with some perspective. :-)

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