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Author Topic: Immigration-Related Article (short)  (Read 16774 times)
« on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »


By Heather Mac Donald · January 04, 2006 12:49 PM

The “no one is illegal” crowd once again showed its true colors last night, in a protest against Costa Mesa, California’s decision to allow its police officers to ask criminal suspects their immigration status.

According to the exceedingly modest policy, Costa Mesa officers will be allowed to question people arrested for serious crimes about their legal status in the country. Such an inquiry is the least that any law enforcement agency dedicated to public safety should engage in.

But the open border crowd doesn’t care a fig about the well-being of immigrant communities, which depends on ridding them of illegal criminals. Rather, many in the movement want simply to destroy America. Some of the signs held by the Costa Mesa protesters proclaimed the United States the property of Mexico and declared Americans interlopers in that property, reports the Los Angeles Times. It remains a mystery why people with such contempt for American law and legitimate authority should still be allowed, with negligible exceptions, to control the country’s immigration policy.

« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Immigration-Related Article (short), posted by Ray on Jan 15, 2006

It's sort of funny listening to all the illegal friendly groups of people who think the Mayor is a Bigot. I work with him. He not only is a mayor of Costa Mesa but a Police Officer with another city. As we speak, the county jails are overcrowded with illegals. When I talk to the illegals they openly admit to coming to  this country with the sole purpose to commit crime. Here they get three meals a day and a bed to sleep in, if they are caught. In Mexico they are pretty much screwed. I.D fraud is the latest thing the illegals are into. Basically, they brag about how easy it is to steal money here and send it back to Mexico.

I applaud the Mayor of Costa Mesa. So. Cal. is fed up with taking care of these leaches of society. I have no problem with any race entering this country legally and then paying their share of taxes. It's funny to listen to certain groups wanting to give them a drivers license and other rights. Does anyone forget that they are breaking the law and should not be here in the first place. I can't wait to leave Calif. I'm tired of waking up in a nice neighborhood and seeing illegals peeing on my front lawn and throwing their empty budweiser cans all over the place. Well, it's time for me to get off my soap box.

« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Immigration-Related Article (short), posted by Ray on Jan 15, 2006

And she's kicks ass!

Two problems with this nouveau twist on "don't ask, don't tell":

First, the seditious idea of splitting away "Aztlan" from the rest of the U.S.  Chicano separatists know most illegal aliens favor such an idea, so of course they're outspoken against police inquiries:

"Asked if they believed the U.S. Southwest rightfully belonged to Mexico, 58 percent of respondents in Mexico said it did, while 28 percent disagreed. A similar number -- 57 percent -- stated agreement with the position that Mexicans have the right to enter the United States without U.S. permission. A total of 35 percent disagreed."

Secondly, there is the risk that terrorists can sneak in and move about unhindered--conscious of the fact that the police can't ask them for proof of legal presence:

"One early morning last week, a man with a backpack walked into downtown Columbus, N.M. He was an undocumented immigrant looking for food and something to drink. He had money -- more than $2,000 -- but he didn't know where the village's lone convenience store was.

"He decided to ask a local.

"Out of about 900 dwellings in and around Columbus, the man on Jan. 9 knocked on the door of the only immigration officer living in town, said Columbus Police Chief Clare May.

"The officer, who works for Customs and Border Protection at the Columbus border crossing, turned the migrant over to May."

THAT was luck.  National security shouldn't be based on lucky encounters.  

As for Aztlan, these high schools and universities (they're not hard to find on the internet) that publish the "literature" of--and give a stage to--the chicanos who promote this separatist message should have their funding pulled.  

« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Michelle Malkin is HOT!, posted by doombug on Jan 15, 2006

Yep! Michelle Malkin has been one of my favorite Filipinas for a long time.

I think all of the college campuses out here in California have a MEChA chapter. They are nothing but a bunch of whining racists, IMHO. They can take their Aztlan BS and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

The author of the article had it exactly right. These are the kind of whackos who are driving our stupid immigration policies. The local governments out West are afraid of their tactics and often proclaim their cities to be sanctuaries for illegals. Baloney!


Red Clay
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Immigration-Related Article (short), posted by Ray on Jan 15, 2006

The most laughable of all related arguments is the idea that Mexico would somehow benefit from "acquiring" part of the US back into their control. In a short time, the responsible residents of the "new Mexican territory" would flee, leaving the territory formerly known as NM/AZ/CA to eventually languish under the same corruption and poverty as present-day Mexico. Are there really people so dense that they believe the southwestern US would be just as prosperous had it belonged to Mexico for the last 150 years? Mexico's problems have never been geographic, only cultural. I mean, what more could a country ask for, a border with the US, ocean ports on two sides of the country, rich in natural resources, and they STILL can't get it right!
Pete E
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Immigration-Related Article (short), posted by Red Clay on Jan 15, 2006

The first time I drove to mexico I drove south of San Diego,came around a corner in the freeway,looked across to a far hillside thinking what is that?Shanties built on the hillside right across the border.As soon as you cross the border the country you are in is totally diffent although the geography is basically the same.Along with the country of the United States you get a prosperous work ethic,order and institutions and traditions that support a whole different lifestlye.
When the Mexican American war ended we could pretty much draw the boundary as we sought fit.It has been suggested we could have just decided we wanted Baja California too,in which case there would be prosperity all the way to Cabo San Lucas.What a piece of real estate that would be.Mexico is TRYING to get it right,but we have done it so much better for so long they will be a long time catching up.
Prosperity does not AUTOMATICALLY come with the territory.One young Mexican student intern we had working with us in San Jose had a real eye opener,a spring vacation deep in to Baja to a poor village.Whole different world.
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Immigration-Related Article (sho..., posted by Pete E on Jan 15, 2006

"Prosperity does not AUTOMATICALLY come with the territory."

Sure it does.

Some Russians are even considering the idea:

"The return of Alaska would be marked by a great national holiday, said Vladimir Zhirinovsky, an outspoken nationalist politician. Russia would then have a presence on three continents -- Europe, Asia and America -- noted Zhirinovsky, who is deputy speaker of the lower house of parliament."

This is the same Zhirinovsky who's heavily pissed that Westerners are stealing the USSR's babes:

"Hands off our women, Russian MP tells foreigners"

"Scandalised by the fact that some of Russia's most beautiful women are opting to marry foreigners, the ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky is backing a bill that would make them think twice before exchanging vows with a non-Russian. His party, the incongruously named Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, has drafted a draconian marriage bill that will now be considered by the Duma, the Russian Parliament. It envisages severe penalties for Russian girls or women who choose "unpatriotically" to wed a foreigner, a trend the party believes is robbing the country's gene pool of its greatest resource. It is proposing punishing such female "traitors" by stripping them of their citizenship, deporting them to the country of their new husband and never allowing them to return."

Gives us back Alaska; and gives us back our Tatianas!

Bob S
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Imagine if we properly marketed the &quo..., posted by doombug on Jan 15, 2006

"It is proposing punishing such female 'traitors' by stripping them of their citizenship, deporting them to the country of their new husband and never allowing them to return."

Oh gawd, that's funny.  If they marry an American, the lady must move to America and become an American.  I mean, that's the whole point!  They wanna get the heck out of Dodge-gorod!  It's like saying: if you eat a slice of that cake, we're going to force you to eat the whole thing.  Geez, twist their arm why don't you.

"and gives us back our Tatianas!"

Maybe they would be open to a trade?  We get their Tatianas and they get our Tammys.  We could do it on a per-pound basis: two of theirs for every one of ours.

« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Having your cake and being forced to eat..., posted by Bob S on Jan 16, 2006

Bob S
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to LOL! But don't you mean 3:1?  n/t, posted by Ray on Jan 16, 2006

« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Imagine if we properly marketed the &quo..., posted by doombug on Jan 15, 2006

Sounds like once communist always communist!

Stripping someone of citizenship, automatic deportation, and never being allowed to return all because of a freedom of choice?

I guess their of the opinion if we can't compete with them, we will just continue to opress our people more to make them do what we expect.  

From some Russian and Ukrainians that I spoke with, they would love to stay in their country.  They are just fed up with the lack of opportunities and corruption, which are all still remnants of the old communist regime.  Talking about protecting foreign women in this country?  I knew a Ukranian women that had her nose broke three times by her husband.  She said he would only go off when he was drinking.  She never told on him, because she knew he would of killed her.  This is all because it is all about who you can buy off.

Find solutions to the problem and you don't have to worry about people wanting to leaving.

« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Immigration-Related Article (short), posted by Red Clay on Jan 15, 2006

It would become like the rest of Mexico


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