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Author Topic: Thank God for Homeland Security !!!  (Read 14603 times)
« on: December 30, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

This might be old news to some but for thoise that dont know Homeland Security wants to get involved in Foreign Marriges. I surely hope this doesnt give some the wrong Idea that they can claim domestic violence.

Violence Against Women and Department of Justice
Reauthorization Act of 2005 (Engrossed Amendment
as Agreed to by Senate)



(a) Information for K Nonimmigrants on Legal
Rights and Resources for Immigrant Victims of
Domestic Violence-

(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Homeland
Security, in consultation with the Attorney General and
the Secretary of State, shall develop an
information pamphlet, as described in paragraph (2), on
legal rights and resources for immigrant victims
of domestic violence and distribute and make such
pamphlet available as described in paragraph (5).
In preparing such materials, the Secretary of
Homeland Security shall consult with nongovernmental
organizations with expertise on the legal rights
of immigrant victims of battery, extreme cruelty,
sexual assault, and other crimes.

(2) INFORMATION PAMPHLET- The information
pamphlet developed under paragraph (1) shall include
information on the following:

(A) The K nonimmigrant visa application process
and the marriage-based immigration process,
including conditional residence and adjustment of

(B) The illegality of domestic violence, sexual
assault, and child abuse in the United States and
the dynamics of domestic violence.

(C) Domestic violence and sexual assault services
in the United States, including the National
Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Sexual
Assault Hotline.

(D) The legal rights of immigrant victims of
abuse and other crimes in immigration, criminal
justice, family law, and other matters, including
access to protection orders.

(E) The obligations of parents to provide child
support for children.

(F) Marriage fraud under United States
immigration laws and the penalties for committing such

(G) A warning concerning the potential use of K
nonimmigrant visas by United States citizens who
have a history of committing domestic violence,
sexual assault, child abuse, or other crimes and an
explanation that such acts may not have resulted
in a criminal record for such a citizen.

(H) Notification of the requirement under
subsection (d)(3)(A) that international marriage brokers
provide foreign national clients with background
information gathered on United States clients
from searches of Federal and State sex offender
public registries and collected from United States
clients regarding their marital history and
domestic violence or other violent criminal history, but
that such information may not be complete or
accurate because the United States client may not
have a criminal record or may not have truthfully
reported their marital or criminal record.

(3) SUMMARIES- The Secretary of Homeland
Security, in consultation with the Attorney General and
the Secretary of State, shall develop summaries of
the pamphlet developed under paragraph (1) that
shall be used by Federal officials when reviewing
the pamphlet in interviews under subsection (b).

« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thank God for Homeland Security !!!, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 30, 2005

Wow that is a relief, I almost got scared putting these idiots in charge we
don't have to worry they cannot even stop aliens from jumping the border. You
got to stop being so parnoid it is going to kill you.
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Thank God for Homeland Security !!!, posted by Fuzzyone on Jan 1, 2006

I didnt say or worry about them killing me, I depise them because they are  just a bunch dumb bureaucrats that want to poke their nose where is doesnt belong  !!! Do you think it will get worse or better in the future Huh


« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Thank God for Homeland Security ..., posted by BenKramer1 on Jan 2, 2006

The enemy within.

Sound familiar?

Anyone who has as much contempt for their own country as you deserves to be monitored.  

And this should especially apply to "aspiring citizens," like one other poster here.  

The both of ya reek of border-line sedition.  

P.S.  Don't send me any more of your childish "f*** you!" emails either, clown.  It didn't take much sleuthing to figure out who'd sent it.

« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Thank God for Homeland Secur..., posted by doombug on Jan 2, 2006

You better watch what you accuse me of, because I dont recall sending you any email and I am writing this AFTER checking my sent file for the last two weeks. I dont send out emails covertly, so apparently you dont know  what the FL*CK you are talking about.

You and Jim Dont like my posts ? TOO BAD !!! What do you do when you dont like whats on TV ? Do you turn the channel or pitch your bitch to the TV station Huh In other words if you two dont like my posts dont read them dumbass !!!!
Were either of you guys recently appointed monitor of this website or did you purchase it from Patrick  Huh

I had already decided not keep posting any more off topic but this thread did start out ON topic of foreign marriages.


P.S. I am doing plenty for my country but I dont post about it here.

jim c
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey Moron, are you related to Heat ?, posted by BenKramer1 on Jan 3, 2006


  Be carefull,the Homeland Security has been watching you since that Cow molestation at the State Fair. Did you maybe spend too much time in the Four H Club. Why don't you stay on the farm and stick to Animal Husbandry.

   I am not really trying to goat, opps, I mean goad you. I just feel (carefull!!) that you would be better suited back on the farm with your duckies and conejos. Writing to your Congressman and scratching a pigs belly.

Now you could respond, "in a pigs eye you say". But, I just really think you are a horses ass.    \

The Hooker

« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey Moron, are you related to Heat ?, posted by BenKramer1 on Jan 3, 2006

You are boring.
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please, just go away, posted by Joeylikey on Jan 3, 2006

Hey joey,

If somneone accused you of sending emails that you never sent you would be pissed too right? Dont read my posts you wont get bored. Why not start your own thread maybe that will keep you an entertained idiot Huh What do you think ?


« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please GET LOST, posted by BenKramer1 on Jan 3, 2006

Blah Blah Blah
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Please GET LOST, posted by Joeylikey on Jan 3, 2006

jim c
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2006, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Thank God for Homeland Security ..., posted by BenKramer1 on Jan 2, 2006

Bennie Boy

   It is a new year and you are very tiring! Why don't you put your nose back up that cows ass and go away. Orrrr do you like being called crazy and being abused.If so,find another site where people enjoy listening to the adolescent blabber of the borderline insane.

  You have demonstrated that to connect you to any foreign woman would be a disservice to our intention here. You are the reason for the new laws that are being instituted by Congress. If you can't exist in reality how can you nuture and guide a foreign lady into our culture. Get some help or stick with the sheep. The Hooker

Pete E
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thank God for Homeland Security !!!, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 30, 2005

It appears so.And the INS has been very in involved in foriegn marriages for many many years already,probably as long as they were called INS.And spousal abuse has been a claim women could make,true or not,to try to get permanent residency even if seperated from their husband.It appears they are getting into it more heavily,publishing a pamplet ,ect.
I don't know all the details,but it seems Bush wanted to get several agencies under a new central control.Thats good in that it might cut out duplication of effort and conflicting rivalries between agencies,but the result has been confusion and more beauracracy I fear.Tom Ridge,just a figurehead in my opinion thought it better to get out of there.


« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thank God for Homeland Security !!!, posted by BenKramer1 on Dec 30, 2005

I repeat, this is NOT a government conspiracy! You can remove your tin-foil hat now Ben :-)

I can assure you that DHS does not WANT to get involved in your marriage. In case you didn’t know this, congress passes laws and in this case is directing DHS to develop said pamphlet.

If you want to bitch at someone in the government, you should direct your complaints to Senator Maria Cantwell, D Washington. She was the bozo who authored the amendment that you are so concerned about.

Note: Gary Bala posted this stuff a couple of weeks ago and it was discussed here then, so go back and read the archives.


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