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Author Topic: The 3rd degree at the airport  (Read 86168 times)
« on: December 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

The war on terror!  The war on terror!

Well here's a little story on how our finest is fighting the war on terror this week at the airport.

My wife got her citizenship this year and is very proud of her blue beauty. (passport)

So she is coming back to the US from her 1st visit in 4 years to her family in Colombia.  They pull her aside at the Texas airport and interrogate her for 2 1/2 hours.  The stupid chinese immigration lady keeps asking for her green card.  Well she doesn't have a green card now because she is a citizen...hello moron.

I know they would not have givin her crap if I was there.  Racial abuse and profiling is alive and well in this country.

While they were interrogating my US Citizen wife for hours, several thousand illegals came over the fence.

It's just plain stupid.

Osama doesn't have to bomb us, with one attack he has everybody so paranoid and over reacting to everything, he is laughing his azz off.

« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to The 3rd degree at the airport, posted by wayne3 on Dec 19, 2005

[This message has been edited by WS244]

Actually we do need racial profiling, particularly at airports.  What we have today is political correctness in extreme force in every facet of life in this country costing billions of taxpayer dollars.  L. Mineta, the Secertary of Transportation is Japanese descent.  He was interned in WW2 in a japanese camp, and vowed upon being secretary he would not use racial profiling.  What he does not tell you, is that the only japanese interned in camps in WW2 were the japanese from the pacific western states, Arizona, and in the rest of the country they were not forced out of their homes nor encamped.  He also does not tell of the Italians and Germans who were imprisoned either.

As i travel the airlines all over the world, our countrys airline security is a joke.  Here i see 8 year old girls and boys being frisked, 80 year old women frisked, etc etc.  TSA is wasting millions of dollars at taxpayers expense, besides hiring a quota of unintelligent people as noted in the previous post.  If one goes to France, Germany, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain, Doha,Russia, Japan, etc,they use profiling as in common sense, and know who they are looking for.    

With the political correctness mentality in this country we have open borders, no prayer in schools, the secularists movement, the new k visa rules, etc etc.  For all the political correctness minded,it is hippocritical to be going to Colombia or other South American Countries (who do not even have the words political correctness in their vocabulary) for a foreign bride, why not just go after AW's who already believe in this.

Pete E
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The 3rd degree at the airport, posted by WS244 on Dec 20, 2005

I don't know if racial profilling is the right word for it,do you call muslims a race?But almosts 100%,all but a handfull of Muslim converts of the terorists are Muslim,Middle eastern,Arabs,whatever you want to call them.This is the group the terrorists come from.It makes NO SENSE to mess with anybody else and concentrate efforts onn them.AND a surprising amount of US citizen Muslims have sympathy for the Muslim extremists.
PROFILE THE HELL out of them.


« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The 3rd degree at the airport, posted by WS244 on Dec 20, 2005

I don't think being politically correct has anything to do with it unless I understand your meaning incorrectly.  America's problems stem from a lack of common-sense and not using enough pro/cons and cost-benefit analysis.

Racial profiling is necessary in certain situations under certain conditions. America's problem stems from having asshole politicians that don't have a clue.

Has anyone thought about being proactive prior to a disaster happening such as in 9/11 or New Orleans???  In America we have gotten to the point where we are reactive instead of being proactive.  It is only when we get caught with our pants down that we do anything about it (we meaning the people in charge).

PC is an excuse...the problem being too stubborn to listen to other sides and other reasonings.

« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not PC's fault..., posted by EbonyPrince on Dec 21, 2005

« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not PC's fault..., posted by EbonyPrince on Dec 21, 2005

Profiling - Building a viable file or an analysis (often in graphical form) representing the extent to which something or someone exhibits various characteristics.

Racial Profiling - That (insert race) is going to do something illegal because those (insert race) are always up to no good.

"Racial profiling is necessary in certain situations under certain conditions."

Did you really mean to say that?

« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The 3rd degree at the airport, posted by WS244 on Dec 20, 2005

« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Some good points!  n/t, posted by Ray on Dec 20, 2005

Racial profiling is stupid and unreliable. Skin color has nothing to do with what people do. Social patterns and culture have more to do with actual profiling that may be productive, but it's all just general guessing. Physical mannerisms and attitudes make better potential smoking guns. I could possibly be Middle Eastern, African, South American, Afro-American, European, Canadian, or from anywhere else in the world where there are people with a brown skin tone with a change of wardobe and accent...Profile me.

Other than that slip of the tongue, the rest of it made some sense...

« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yeah if you are Archie Bunker...., posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

I don't agree with strict racial profiling, but I agree that profiling is beneficial.  If it stops or lessens the likely-hood of 9/11 happening again, I am all for it.

The comment about Israel is a good one.  I still say political correctness is being used as a catch all.  It boils down to common sense.  Profiling all black males when driving through Florida is stupid.  Profiling someone of ME descent that appears suspicious is totally fine in my opinion, and that goes for anyone of any descent.  Profiling needs to be very specific.  That random crap makes absolutely no sense for screening unless your testing parts on an assembly line.  Come on what in the hell will that accomplish.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with common-sense profiling.  It is when profiling is abused is when people scream about it.

I was pulled aside and had my luggage gone through up and down in the Dominican airport on the way home.  No one else was checked out of about 150 passengers on my plane.  I took it in stride and accepted it as them doing there jobs.  I was polite and he was polite back.  I got on the plane and everything was everything.

« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yeah if you are Archie Bunker...., posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

I didn’t say “I agree 100%”, did I? I said he made some good points. I’m not sure exactly what he meant by “…we do need racial profiling”, but I think the gist of his post was that they don’t use ANY profiling at the airport security checkpoints because of political correctness and the fear of angering some group or another because they “think” they are being singled out solely because of their race. I think your reaction to his post makes my point here.

I don’t and never did advocate harassment of anyone because of his or her race or skin color. Why do the security screeners use random searches, for example every 5th passenger in line, instead of using good judgement and singling out those who fit a profile of high-risk passengers? Simply because some hot-headed young Muslim male from Pakistan will yell and scream “RACISM” if he happens to be selected for further screening. Hence we end up with a system where that highly suspicious looking passenger is waved through because he wasn’t the 5th one in line, and the 6-year-old girl behind him gets the extra scrutiny.

The Israelis have a very good system where good profiling techniques are taught to airport security personnel and each agent has vast leeway in selecting those he stops to question. Passengers are treated professionally and politely but with firmness and there is no big outcry that some group is being harassed because of their skin color or racial characteristics. Why don’t we do that here? Like the man said, because of political correctness and fear of pissing off some minority group. Now THAT is stupidity!


« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Whoa! Relax Soltero, posted by Ray on Dec 21, 2005

It wasn't that crucial, Ray. I should have put that as a direct reply to him under his post. I just saw your title and was "typing out loud" off of it. Nothing directed at you, because I agreed with alot of it also. I just didn't like the whole racial profiling thing. If he had just said profiling, I probably wouldn't have said anything.
jim c
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yeah if you are Archie Bunker...., posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

Look lonesome here is the deal.
   Profiling was created by DEA Agent Paul Markoni. He was one of my partners at the Detroit Metro Airport. He discovered that black males with out baggage, of a certain age group, who paid cash for their tickets, going to certain cities, fit a profile that indicated drug smuggling and money laundering. His arrests were held up in Federal courts in the eighties. That added to Local southern sherrifs who were stopping rental cars with florida plates headed north driven by latins or whites alone with certain clothing descriptions began to be called racial profiling.

   When I was a Detroit Tactical Mobile Cop in the late sixties stopping a buick 225 with 4 black males in a black neighborhood at 4:00 in the morning was just good police work and often was called probable cause based on high crime areas, gang activity Correct papers etc. Just what an intelligent person would call common sense.

   But we don't have to  worry about such discriminatory practice anymore. We now have Community Policing, often called reactive rather than proactive law enforcement. The added benefit is, that if I don't search the car and find guns and drugs, no crime has been committed. The guys don't get a criminal record and can join the police department.Isn't that wonderful and great for crime statistics too. I don't piss off anyone and the politicians are happy. Don't you feel more secure now that the police will only respond if you call. Clerks with a gun. Let the computor catch the bad guys. In the Supervisors academy we had a discussion on what kind of law enforcement does the public deserve ? My response was they get what they deserve by voting for idiots. Feel safe and unmolested now? The Hooker

PS My partner and I used to make over thirty felony arrests a month, recover at least five stolen cars, find at least ten concealed weapons  and seize various narcotics while catching a few armed robers and burglers along the way. That was a normal month. Todays super clerks  are lucky to make five felony arrests a month.

« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker...., posted by jim c on Dec 20, 2005

Thanks for the history lesson Jim. Tell me how being Black makes me a criminal. I don't need anything more than a strong right arm to feel safe and unmolested. I know the difference between Profiling and Racial Profiling. There is one.

I am sure that with your history and knowledge, you do as well. What are you trying to convince me of? We don't have an argument here unless you are telling me that skin tone is a valid reason to be harrassed or suspected of a crime.

« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker......, posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

As you well know.  a black man in America is much more likely to be murdered by another black man.  Thus the black and Latino and white cops use skin color to affect arrests.  Thus black are targeted in there own neighborhood by there own black cops.

So it always amazes me that some people in the ghetto never seem to understand how it works.  Not to mention educated people in the same class as you and me.

If a cop sees four black males at three in the morning driving fast in the ghetto, rap music blaring he can almost be assured that they have some criminal intent or are drunk, high or some other type of infraction.

And guess what.  A black cop will be the FIRST to toss them.  Why?  Because he knows the look that yields results.  And skin color is part of it.  White cops leave it to there black partners to do the initial stop so as not to be accused of race issues.

Make it four white dudes dressed the same and in the same car and guess what?  They will get pulled too.  Why?  Because they are the wrong color.  They are there to get some dope.

Make it two couples, dressed nice of any mix and he will most likely pass them by.

Ask the local black or Latina lady in the ghetto who sells candy who are the bad guys in her neighborhood and she will give you a list in two seconds who belongs there and who is a interloper or a dealer or predator.  How does she do it?  She uses skin color. as a factor.  A big factor.

So I ask you Hermano.  Would you rather be safe in the streets or die because of political correctness?

Now apply all that I have said to Muslims.  It works the same way.

It really is that simple.

« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to How it really works now............, posted by Heat on Dec 21, 2005

What color are Muslims? :-)
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