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Author Topic: The 3rd degree at the airport  (Read 86114 times)
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Question, posted by Ray on Dec 21, 2005

That depends on where they are from.  They range from white to black.  

But four Muslims riding in a rental truck with the back loaded down, looking for a high valued target.......... and the cop might have be what is called´.......probable cause

Know you know....

« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to The answer......, posted by Heat on Dec 21, 2005

How will the cop know they are Muslims when he sees them riding in the truck? I don’t think you can recognize a Muslim by the color of his skin. Did they have big long beards and towels wrapped around their heads like Osama? And I thought jihadist suicide bombers were on their own when they drive the bomb. Why would there be four of them? Suicide by committee? :-)

In your post above, you said “Now apply all that I have said to Muslims. It works the same way”. O.K., I tried that but now I am confused Heat. Please help me out here. Here’s what I came up with when I substituted Muslims for Blacks in your message:

[As you well know, a Muslim man in America is much more likely to be murdered by another Muslim man. Thus the Muslim and Latino and white cops use skin color to affect arrests. Thus Muslims are targeted in there own neighborhood by there own Muslim cops.

So it always amazes me that some people in the ghetto never seem to understand how it works. Not to mention educated people in the same class as you and me.

If a cop sees four Muslim males at three in the morning driving fast in the ghetto, rap music blaring he can almost be assured that they have some criminal intent or are drunk, high or some other type of infraction.

And guess what. A Muslim cop will be the FIRST to toss them. Why? Because he knows the look that yields results. And skin color is part of it. White cops leave it to there Muslim partners to do the initial stop so as not to be accused of race issues.

Make it four white dudes dressed the same and in the same car and guess what? They will get pulled too. Why? Because they are the wrong color. They are there to get some dope.

Make it two couples, dressed nice of any mix and he will most likely pass them by.

Ask the local Muslim or Latina lady in the ghetto who sells candy who are the bad guys in her neighborhood and she will give you a list in two seconds who belongs there and who is a interloper or a dealer or predator. How does she do it? She uses skin color. as a factor. A big factor.]

Now I am confused. How did they use skin color if, as you say, Muslims come in all colors from white to black? Do Muslims listen to rap music? I didn’t know that.

Hey Heat, I’m just messing with you. I think I know what you are trying to say, but it just came across kind of weird… :-)


« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to But..., posted by Ray on Dec 21, 2005


There where in fact four Muslims driving around today in a rental truck in my Hood.  How do I know?  Why they had an Osama flag hanging from the mirror.  Stop them and if they smell like rose water then they are ready to bomb.

Besides all police departments now have Muslim sniffing pigs which will alert at the smell of person who has not consumed pork products in the last year.

I am surprised a smart guy like you just did not know that.

« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to But..., posted by Ray on Dec 21, 2005

and you can shoot them.

alternatively you can carry around a cut of chorizo sausage.  you pull them over and ask them, "would you like to eat some sausage?",   if they refuse to eat your sausage then they are muslims and you can shoot them.

jim c
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker......, posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

The point I was trying to make is racial profiling is a title invented by the media,lawyers and the left. Stopping someone just because of their skin tone is not profiling its stupidity. Yet every black street thug I stopped accused me of stopping him because he was black. The white ones didn't have that convienance.    

     The legal system and society are overwhelmed by excuses so that the crime is not judged by the behavior  of the criminal, but by the circumstances in the guys life that placed him before the court, from his mom to the cop who brought him in.  

   Individuals speak with their age,  behavior, clothing, choices, associations. They exhibit flags, skin color has nothing  to do with it. Cultural or social group is a better description. Cultural identity is only part of a profile it is not the entire profile of a person. Viewing all of the  attributes of a potential problem only makes common sense.

   Unfortunately we have to give up small freedoms to prevent tragedy. Ten minutes of our time or the resentment of being singled out,I believe, is a small price to pay."You can't make an omelete" jimc

« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunke..., posted by jim c on Dec 21, 2005

« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yeah if you are Archie Bunker...., posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

Just remember when you hear BOOM, it’s because Osama’s cousin gets on your plane and he wasn’t searched because the local TSA person didn’t think profiling was necessary. Last time I checked, little old Japanese ladies weren't trying to blow up planes. just a thought
« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker...., posted by mudd on Dec 20, 2005

Profiling due to race is for lazy idiots who are to stupid to be observant enough to do any real police work. Last time I checked, most serial killers and actual bombers were White. All this terrorist talk has the cattle running faster than an overhead crop duster. People are so simple at times it's not even funny.

Stupidity doesn't know any political party or skin color. Idiots are everywhere.

« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker......, posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

"Last time I checked, most serial killers and actual bombers were White."

Exactly.  And John Douglas made his FBI career by nailing them through profiling.  Throughout his books, I never came across a passage where a public outcry was mentioned over his constitent targeting of middle-aged, white dudes.  

As much as it turns stomachs, profiling is the most logical starting point in uncovering suspects and preventing crimes.  

And for the activist set, profiling is all about publicly decrying what they privately heed.

« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunke..., posted by doombug on Dec 21, 2005

Granted the subjects were middle aged and white, but what other factors came into play in their profiles? How many serial killers do you think he would have been able to profile off of the fact that they were middle aged and white alone? Being middle aged and white usually pointed to their socio-economic situation and how other factors pointed to the patterns of their m.o.

Those socio-economic factors are changing and paving the way for serial killers of other racial makeups. My point was and is that race is not the main factor and that profiling from a racial standpoint is misleading. Joe average hears "racial profiling" and doesn't understand that true profiling is much deeper than that. My argument is that when you start talking about racial profiling, regular people become fixated on skin and nationality and don't even go into the other factors that a true profiler has to take into consideration.

Why is everyone missing the "racial" part of my argument and focusing on profiling only? Racial Profiling and Profiling are two different things to me. I brought up the point of White serial killers to make the point that when people hear racial profiling, they never think about White people, they always think of everybody else.

I was trying to make a point. Would you call profiling a serial killer racial profiling since we agree that most serial killers are White?

Keith NC
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker......, posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

You are right when you say that most serial killers are white.  That is what messed the Maryland cops up in 2002 with the sniper shootings. They were looking for a white male.  No one ever thought it would be two black males.  They just happened to be Muslim too.
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunke..., posted by Keith NC on Dec 21, 2005

Thanks. Racial profiling is misleading. Other considerations in making a good profile usually have more to do with it than complexion. Pointing people towards a certain group causes more harm than good in that race has less to do with crime than many other factors.

« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker......, posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

It's obvious that you have never been in law enforcement. Profiling if for lazy idiots? Writing about stuff you have no clue about makes you sound like the idiot.  Thanks for your simple post. It keeps me amused on how some people have simple minds.


« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunke..., posted by Joeylikey on Dec 20, 2005

I am glad that I could return the favor. Many of your posts have amused the hell out of me as well. I was specifically referring to racial profiling, and yes, I think it is lazy and stupid. Considering the fact that most of your major crimes are comitted by White males, RACIAL profiling doesn't make much sense. Read all the words next time Joey, and thanks for all of your hilarious posts. Keep 'em coming...
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Yeah if you are Archie Bunker......, posted by soltero on Dec 20, 2005

your posts  are usually great  but the reality of the world is YES profiling is necessary and does make sense..
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