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Author Topic: how I tell if a latina really is interested in me  (Read 27983 times)
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Huh-Oh just pissed her off!, posted by Hoda on Oct 1, 2005

Senor, no mas estupidas preguntas, solo visita Colombia y trate de divertirse lo mas que usted pueda. Trate de tener cuidado, no todas las mujeres en Colombia son buenas; pero tambien las hay exelentes y son las mas difiles de encontrar.
Buena suerte y que dios lo vendiga.

Stivalis Davis, esposa de Howard

Sir, no more stupid questions, just visit Colombia and try to enjoy yourself as much as you can. Be careful, because not all of the women in Colombia are good ones, but also, there are excellent ones and they are the most difficult to find. Good luck and God be with you.

Stivalis Davis, Howard's Wife

Now for all of you translation professors, if this isn't exact, I apologize upfront...and Hoda, if your wife could start a once a week column within the forum just telling it like it is with out having to be bothered with answering questions, that would be great.

« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Translation, posted by soltero on Oct 1, 2005

My wife takes a peek at the board from time to time, just to make sure that I'm not trying to meet other women (lol). As most of us know, Latinas can be a little emotional at times :-) You should have seen her first draft to O-Man! My wife felt that O-Man had more questions, than answers......BIG BIG BIG no-no to many Latin women! A Man doesn't have to be a "Kick the door down, take no prisoners, drag the woman by her hair into the bedroom" type of fellow....but he has to show/have a little more "spirit" than what the O-Man has shown her in order to find & be found by the right woman.

Dayyum...I've been trying for years to get her to post & look who got it done...LMAO!

Cali James
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina ..., posted by OkieMan on Oct 1, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

Hey Okie,

I'm not saying anything new that someone hasn't said before but you're over analyzing this to death.  IMO you should just hop on a plane to Cali.  Think of it as a vacation not a bride search.  Meet a few women and have a good time.  Don't ask a lot of questions, don't bring up marriage, just sit back, observe, learn and listen more than you talk!!  There's no need to play 20 questions or ask overly personal questions, this is the time to learn to become comfortable in the presence of a Latina.  You need to learn to be comfortable (and them comfortable with you) with these women before you even think of anything else.  From reading the comments about your last trip, the woman you met had a good first opinion of you but she never became comfortable around you. She got bored.  You either came on too strong or perhaps you over analyzed the relationship as it was happening.  Big mistake, let things happen in their own time and don't force things.  I don't like playing games but sometimes it's better to hold back a bit.  

Ignore the advice from guys who are always jumping from city to city and have been to Latin America a million times and to no avail.  These guys enjoy the chase, they play lip service to finding a spouse but their actions speak louder than their posts.  

Take care, James

« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to how I  tell if a latina really is intere..., posted by Cali James on Oct 1, 2005


Well, you are right about me being different than the guys who enjoy the chase, and just playing around.  And you are right about me over analyzing everything.  I certainly must stop that. Based on what I know about you (which isn't much); you seem to be a nice guy-- and after all, you are married to a lady from Cali.  So, thank you for your helpful remarks-- and I am working on correcting some of my misconceptions.  Besides, I have decided to quit posting here for a good while.  It is not getting me the desired results, and it is obviously upsetting the apple cart; so to speak. Take care.


« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to how I  tell if a latina really is intere..., posted by Cali James on Oct 1, 2005

« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina ..., posted by OkieMan on Oct 1, 2005

Like papi suggests, you definitly need spanish 101 and 102, 201 and 202, or you will never get it straight from the latinas.  You are no longer a newbie, you have been there more than many guys here.  If you have no strong desire to learn enough spanish to communicate, give it up and stay home.
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Before you get on that plane., posted by A1A on Oct 1, 2005


Good advice.  However, if you will take note; Pete still speaks almost no spanish, and he lives in Cali!  I can certainly understand his problem.  Some folks are just gifted with learning a foreign language-- at least some can learn it faster than others.  I never at any time said that I had no plans to learn spanish.  What I did say that it was slow going for me.  So, I do see the importance of it.  Thank you.


« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Before you get on that plane., posted by A1A on Oct 1, 2005

A1A, that is such BS advice but it is an age old argument here on the forum...just dont tell that to the many many husbands of foreign women who dont speak Spanish, Russian or Chinese some of which are my friends. Yea, it helps but can be done without it. My thoughts for Okie are this - hook up with a good guide, one that he can trust and navigate the post trip follow up. I would like to see him go on one of those big tours - it just increases the odds. At a smaller agency, he is going to meet 10-20 women and out of that it might be hard to find mutual chemistry, but a big tour with 500-600 women and the odds are greatly in his favor. Whatever he does, i think most folks agree he needs to get on the plane speaking of which i need to call a taxi for the airport. chao
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Before you get on that plane., posted by papi on Oct 1, 2005


I thought that I would say something to you before I leave the board.  I know that you too have had your ups and downs with the fair ladies of "latina land".  I also know that you and I are both struggling because we are not fluent in spanish, and we are not getting any younger either!  As far as myself, I cannot just leave and fly to SA anytime that I want to.  I still have a business to run. Plus, I know that you live in Florida, so for you, it is easier and cheaper to catch a flight to SA.  So, even though the others on this board don't like my questions-- and I understand more than they think I do;  I have not quit the hunt.  I have just had to stand back and try to learn from my past mistakes, and re-group.  Plus, I also have some family obligations that I choose not to talk about on this board.  But, I wish you well in your search.  You recently caught a lot of flack for some of your questions and actions.  So, I guess we can both use some help.  Take care.


« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Before you get on that plane., posted by OkieMan on Oct 1, 2005


Chk out, it's a general site about colombia.  Good for trip planning, just dont ask about relationship advice(it's SUPPOSELY against the rule, but lots of newbies do it anyway), but if want to learn about different cities and what each cities has to offer(for vacation) it's a good site for that type info.  Plus you'll when you you come down, you'll find several expats willing to meet up with you for a beer(and give advice on dating).

good luck with everything, maybe we'll meet up in COL.

« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina ..., posted by OkieMan on Oct 1, 2005

Okie, i cant comment further now...I am heading for the plane in a couple of hours. Something I suggest you try - give it another shot amigo with your better understanding of the process, just dont put all your eggs in one basket. Like the Nike commericial - Just Do It. Dont talk about it anymore - you get the basic picture. Get on the fricking plane! Suerte
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