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Author Topic: how I tell if a latina really is interested in me  (Read 28257 times)
« on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

I have learned that the words "amar" and "querer" are VERBS. For me this means ACTIONS. I do not need to ask a latina if she "loves" me or even likes me.  I just need to look at HER actions towards me in each moment.  From the first meeting till the nth date, I only need to watch the way she ACTS with me. Even in the first date, I only need to see if she acts comfortable with me with her body language, she has good eye contact, smiles alot, laughs alot, listens to what I have to say, shares equally with any personal stories, shows an interest in me with her enthusiasm, wants to hold my hand..............etc. If her ACTIONS do NOT show this kind of interest, I KNOW that she is probably already thinking of the next date she has scheduled or maybe what she and her Colombian boyfriend are going to do tonite as soon as she can get rid of me ......latina style of course. (gently and always with a smile)  And of course my ACTIONS towards her are also showing her of my interest, or lack thereof, in her. Reread some of Pete's posts (hope it is alright to make an example of your relationship Pete???) about his current girlfriend whom I have had the great pleasure to meet in Cali.   When he describes how great she is he is always talking about what she DOES for him.  ACTIONS!!   I am sure there alot of loving words attached to these actions, but if there were NO ACTIONS, the words would be meaningless. (this is speaking for myself, not Pete) I guess that in my life I have not had "that many" beautiful women in love with me. And so, when I go out on a date with a beautiful latina and she shows a real interest in me and SPARKS FLY, it's her ACTIONS that ignite the sparks, not her words,  and those loving ACTIONS always appear in living TECHNICOLOR!!!!!
Pete E
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to how I  tell if a latina really is intere..., posted by adventuro on Sep 30, 2005

It was fun meeting you asnd thanks for helkping Jesse with the trsnslations.He is working on swpanish 5eal hard,is aheasd of mde grmatically but sometimes i just know stuff he does not,just more time exposure I guess.
Yes I agree about actionms.I would agree about asctions.If they really care abouit you they weill let you know.Proiblem is e opposite can be harder to reasd and they can be so this girl reaslly likes me az\nd its just an autmatic foir them.Guess I wascthinking of that right now because as friend staying here had aq modle type last night and we went out tyogethert.He had tortin snf do sdomething for 30 miniutes,we sat withb her and anothrr girl ast as retaurasnt drinking wine then ordered whenn he retuirned.To me she was a ice queen,stuck on her self,not even smiling,I would kick her to the curb in 30 seconds,regardkess of her looks.But he comes back she turns on the charm,affection.
He doesn't see it.Look out.


« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to how I  tell if a latina really is intere..., posted by adventuro on Sep 30, 2005

what about the post trip? emails? phone? what about the actresses that hold your hand and play kissy face or more and then lose you when you return to the EEUU? there are other issues


« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: how I  tell if a latina really is in..., posted by papi on Sep 30, 2005

If you can't figure out the real from the fake yet, you either need to go more until you can or stay home. The guy's that are having the most trouble are the ones that just can't let it happen and are stepping on their own toes.
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina really i..., posted by soltero on Sep 30, 2005

[This message has been edited by papi]

And finally, I am not in disagreement with I think was the original premise of this thread, that ACTIONS are not important - THEY ARE BUT ONLY HALF THE BATTLE.  Anyone that has spent time in sales most likely picks up on body language and eye contact.  Yet again, I would argue in the importance of the post trip – what is SAID after you return. HEARING amor, te quiero, te estrano is a good thing
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina really i..., posted by soltero on Sep 30, 2005

This discussion reminds me of a guy I used to work with years ago.  He was slightly overweight, bald, and a total ladies man.  He was married so maybe some woman picked up on that or liked it – but when we went on business trips together – he was the one that always scored the babes.  I use to tease him – I just don’t get it: Your overweight, no hair yet all the ladies go for you..and I go home alone.  How do you do it??  And his reply was always MEN FALL IN LOVE WITH THEIR EYES, WOMEN FALL IN LOVE WITH THEIR EARS.  Take it from an expert – he was
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to case history, posted by papi on Oct 1, 2005

This reminds me of something similiar:

I had a friend that used to say: "God! You know all the good looking girls?" I'd reply: "If you want to know the good looking ones, then you need to talk to the good looking ones." Yep! That simple.


« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: case history, posted by valleydude on Oct 1, 2005

When I was in law school, I used to get invited to all the parties. Sure I'm a fun guy but it was also because I had a huge posse of good-looking women that I would bring along. Most of them were just friends but guys would always want to know how I knew so many good-looking women. My standard response, "Easy, I talk to them!".
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina really i..., posted by soltero on Sep 30, 2005

i dont know how anybody could argue that words are not important in a relationship - whether you speak the language or use a translator/guide. As I mentioned below, woman fall in love with what they hear. I think Darolina would agree with that
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina really i..., posted by soltero on Sep 30, 2005

Soltero, after meeting hundreds of latinas i can usually spot the fakes but some could get an academy award for a free meal...but the bigger point i was trying to make is that words count (at least in my view). Not just from my own experiences, but I have seen many romances fall apart when the guys went home. I would agree with the original poster - actions are important but again so is what they say. And woman are woman and it is often said they fall in love with their ears. If they go goo goo over me with THEIR ACTIONS - that does not mean the deal is closed, at least long-term. Did not one dejected poster here write about an experience where he spent his entire vacation with one woman and they even had sex his last night?  It would appear that her ACTIONS were showing interest at the time.  Yet things apparently went south when he got home – she was SAYING nothing.  I put a lot of stock in email, phone after the trip.  I may not always be successful, but I currently have 3 ladies writing me daily – in Panama, Cali and Barranquilla.  Maybe one will be a keeper – or if I lived in Utah all 3...haha
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina real..., posted by papi on Oct 1, 2005

I don't think it matters one way or the other. You are talking about trying to base this on the post trip like it is an indicator. I don't think anything is indicative other than time. A fake will fake you out as long as she is interested or getting something. She could act just as sincere as someone who is. The best way to avoid all that as best as possible is to know what you want, get what you want, and hope for the best. Nothing is certain.
Pete E
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina ..., posted by soltero on Oct 1, 2005

My chica of February -June 2004 fooled me and some pretty savy friends.I think it was that part of her was sincere,it was just not the whole story.That may sound strange,you are sincere or you are not.But part of the time she really wanted the deal,others not,and bottom line it was not so much about me as what I representerd for her.
I actually liked this person and still do.And she was a wonderfull mother,her kids are super.She still calls me,but I cannot trust her,she stole money from me and then at the end there was another guy.I will not go there.I giggle to myself sometimes,every time the sh!t hits the fan in her life she will remembed her sugar daddy.And her family I am sure tells her about it.She was even telling me about her father giving her a talk,you are 32 years old,what are you doing?Like HOW could you let a guy like THAT get away.


« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina real..., posted by papi on Oct 1, 2005


The "dejected poster" that you referred to was me. I have already told my "sad little story" before, so I won't repeat it.  It's all over now anyhow.  But, I would like to point out that you are saying almost exactly what I have been commenting on for a good while.  To be sure, I make no claims to be some kind of expert here.  Far from that.  However, I have been attempting ( in my own sweet way) to find out more information of this type. To some degree, some of us were lead to believe that the "average" latina (whatever average means), was sweet, innocent, family oriented, etc.  I am sure that many of them are.  But there are obviously many of them that have skills that would make a con man from Miami look pale in comparison!  Also note that Teo Blas has now posted some very interesting and potentially helpful information on the board that can hopefully address some of these questions.  So, for some of the other posters that seem to think there are "no differences" or no significant differences in AW and latinas--- if that is true, then what the heck are we doing here anyhow???
But, if there are indeed some siginificant differences, good or bad; then I am just trying to find out more.  Of course, I think it's also great that darolina is now occasionally posting on this board.  We need her imput, and hopefully others like her. In my opinion, getting it straight from the latinas cuts out the guess work!


« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: how I  tell if a latina ..., posted by OkieMan on Oct 1, 2005

"But, if there are indeed some siginificant differences, good or bad; then I am just trying to find out more."
- O-Man, just how much do you need to know? EVERY question you've asked has been answered two times over! You're not gonna find all the answers here or on ANY forum. You're gonna have to learn some spanish & get your ass back down south.

"Of course, I think it's also great that darolina is now occasionally posting on this board."
- Yes, so do the rest of us...

We need her imput,
- And then what are you gonna do? Wear her out with the same questions?!!!

and hopefully others like her.
- So now you're gonna wait until other women join the forum? Don't hold your breath on that one!

In my opinion, getting it straight from the latinas cuts out the guess work!
- WTF!!!! Carolina is just ONE woman, with ONE opinion, O-Man! Not all woman from S.A. are as well traveled, as fluent in a foreign language, as she is.

O-Man, I've been as supportive of you, as much as anyone here. But your "Body Hair" post crossed the line...WITH MY LATINA WIFE!

Senor, no mas estupidas preguntas, solo visita Colombia y trate de divertirse lo mas que usted pueda. Trate de tener cuidado, no todas las mujeres en Colombia son buenas; pero tambien las hay exelentes y son las mas difiles de encontrar.
Buena suerte y que dios lo vendiga.

Stivalis Davis, esposa de Howard

« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Huh-Oh just pissed her off!, posted by Hoda on Oct 1, 2005


Don't worry; I won't be bothering you or your wife with anymore questions!

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