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« on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Thanks to JT of the Asian board for posting this info. Way to go JT!

Seems that the fems are really really pissed...


INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT OF 2003 DEFEATED The opposition lobby effort claimed that the bill was an infringement on personal privacy rights and an over burdensome restraint on business. The bill required that every man who wished to write an email or letter to any woman (not meet, just to write) must first submit a full background check to every woman and every woman had to sign a written release to have her contact information made available. This was actually the hallmark of the bill and without it, the bill had no real power. This provision would have also curtailed those overseas matchmaking "parties" (where women vastly outnumbered men) since every man would have to have permission from every woman and the organizers of the parties had no real way of tracking every woman who would attend. The provision would also put most of the matchmakers out of business due to the cost of implementation. The opposition made a clear case that this provision is an infringement on privacy and a restraint on citizens who simply wish to write to a person from another country. Also, committee members did not understand how merely writing letters or emails prior to knowing a man's background is harmful to women. Another attack was on the bill's provision that expressly exempted and other large dating sites from the law. It was argued that this exclusion was unfair due to the fact that the larger firms have very high numbers of foreign woman and American men can easily meet them through these services. The writers of the Marriage Broker Act either did not want opposition from these well-heeled firms or were strategically targeting websites considered offensive to American women and women everywhere. In either case, the writers of the Act were not seen as being genuinely interested in protecting women as much as being interested in targeting the small foreign matchmaking websites themselves. The defeat of the bill is very unfortunate. The writers of the bill spent countless hours crafting language that would accomplish their goals and result in a bill with the greatest chance of passing. They needed to find a way around the issues of privacy infringement, freedom to merely correspond with women, restraint of marriage, and unfair competition between matchmaking companies WHILE having a negative impact on the entire web-based foreign matchmaking industry.

« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT OF 03 DEF..., posted by Hoda on Sep 5, 2005


So, what exactly does this mean?  I am not sure I understand how this might affect any of us who are still searching for a latina bride?


Michael B
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT OF 03..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 5, 2005

It was a rather stupid bill, proposed by some of the very people you were railing against this morning. It basically said that a US citizen man was not allowed to contact any woman (via email, postal, telephone or in person) that he learned the contact information of via a foreign based agency that used the internet to disperse the contact information and or/solicit customers/members and/or arranged in person meetings, untill and unless he had provided the woman in question with his criminal history and previous martimonial history. (All of this obtained at his expense, of course. You don't think the cops and courts are going to do the required research gratis, do you?).

In other words, it would effectivly shut down agencies, thereby effectivly ending your ability to meet anybody, unless you just went overseas on your own (remember, the agency wouldn't be allowed to help you with the travel arangement, even if they were still in business) and hoped to meet her in a shopping center or while riding the bus. Of course US based agencies were exempt (How convient. Don't want to piss off Match.Com, they have enough money and clout to fight it). Odly enough, it only prevented MEN from contacting WOMEN....the bill said it was OK if a man wanted to contact a foreign man or a woman wanted to contact a foreign woman (wouldn't want to offend 'certain' people, if you know what I mean).

Anyway, it won't really affect you, since it didn't pass (THIS time, they might try again).

« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT O..., posted by Michael B on Sep 5, 2005

Michael and Hoda,

Thanks for making us aware of what was going on with this STUPID BILL!  I am glad that it was defeated.  I am hopeful that this type of stupid interference into people's private lives will be stopped.  Let the government go chase real criminals, like the kiddie porn creeps, or drug lords, etc.  Hey, I just want what both of you have-- a loving and beautiful latina wife!


« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: MARRIAGE BROKER REGULATION ACT OF 03..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 5, 2005


It means that you can keep on searching like you have been. The lesbos lost this round (LOL!)

« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to DEFEATED, posted by Ray on Sep 5, 2005


Thanks.  I guess that would be Real Men - 1, Lisbos-- 0!!!
I wish it were that simple.


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