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Author Topic: Comments Appreciated  (Read 4107 times)
« on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Hello Fellas, a newbie to the board here. I have been reading your posts for a few months, and decided to join up to ask a few million questions give or take a few. I was looking to eventually one day meet an marry a Latina to form a family, and hopefully live happily everafter. I was once engaged to one of PuertoRican and Mexican descent quite "traditional" for about 4 years, but I went "brain dead", and decided the grass was greener elsewhere, and just ended the relationship. Needless to say that was the biggest mistake of my life, and I have been beating myself over the head ever since. Now that I am more serious about things, I am just trying to do the right thing, by doing some reasearch, before jumping in with both feet. I was thinking about some agencies, and introduction services, just to get a feel for things. I am currently taking Spanish in school, and will be taking the Pimsleur course as well. So I should be pretty proficient in about a year's time (yes I am patient). I am hoping to make my first trip to S.A. sometime in 07' once I have everything in order. What I would like to know from anyone willing to give me some advice, is what are the advantages and disadvantages of women from the various countries. First off, I should say that I have a favorable bias towards Brazil, I've had a friend who visited there, and told me I would love it. So I have seen a few sites with some Brazillian women, and just wanted to know more about them as well as the Columbianas. I also have a question about Peruvian women, as well as women from the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. Like I said, what I am looking for is the "traditional" family oriented wife, who doesn't mind taking care of the house and home, while I take care of business and her. I know that each individual is different, but in what country would my chances be best? And about how long of a courtship should there be before the big "E" follwed by the big "W". Thanks fellas.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Comments Appreciated, posted by FanMan on Sep 5, 2005

if you speak Spanish you do not need an agency to find a nice and good looking lady in Colombia.
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Comments Appreciated, posted by FanMan on Sep 5, 2005

Since my wife is from Medellin and I am familiar with the city, I am prejudiced in favor of Medellin. The most beautiful and friendly women on this earth. Of course, not many of them speak any English at all and there are very few agencies. The paisas tend to be a conservative, traditional type of woman. They are hard-working, frugal and punctual. In fact they break the stereotypes many people have regarding Latinas in those regards.

I met my wife on in April, 2003, met her in person in June and married her in September of that same year. It's two years later and it's still wonderful.

Chris F
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to My own prejudices, posted by utopiacowboy on Sep 5, 2005

Yes...while Medellin, Peru, and Bogota have fewer agencies then somewhere like Cali...I dont view that as a negative.
Many women in EVERY city are members of multiple more agencies does not necessarily mean more women. Guys have said Cali has more agencies compared to other cities as a selling point to go there....but it really does not matter if the agencies are all selling the same product!!!!
Pete E
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to what's wrong with a few agencies utopiac..., posted by Chris F on Sep 5, 2005

Well Medellin - Cali is a good example.I stayed at Colombian sweethearts in medellin, a good well run agency.But its basically the only agency in town.They have mabe 400-600?? women, guessing Steve,sorry if I am way off girls on the books.I pretty much went thought the ones that fit my parameters in 4 days.Other than that its one small whore monger place and some web sites,sorry if I missed anything but its not well known if I did.
Cali has 5 agencies I will call major,as in 600-1200 girls on the books and maybe 10 other options,from people with 50-200 girls to people that will work with you personally.Over all there are probably 4000 women on the books after reducing the nimbers for women who are at multiple agencies.
The difference is huge.Some people presume that since Bogota is a bigger city they have more women on the books.Not so,maybe 30-50%.
Of course the story keeps coming up I will just meet them wherever.Fine.try it.But for most guys,especially newbies,the agencies are a great resource and a way to use your time wisely.Which brings me to a point I did not mention.Its a numbers game.You never know when you will meet THE woman,so the more you meet the more likely she will show up.So my advice is meet lots of women.4-8 a day would be good.This is just an interview.You owe them nothing other than to be polite,pay their taxi and give threm 20 miniutes.Don't spend more time with them unless there is real appeal.Do not miss the right one just  going out for something to do with someone you are not interested in.Do  NOT let a woman you are not extremely interested in tie you down.Your time here is PRECIOUS.Most guys don't have alot of time,maybe 2-4 weks a year to spend at it.Do not get entagled with a woman from a chat sight,realise you are not interested in her but then feel commited to her and WASTE YOUR TIME.I have seen guys never come back who have NO IDEA what they missed by not even looking here.
I personnally lovre the agency approach.I wwqnt to meet her,her and her and they bring them over.Easy,non threatening.EFFICIENT USE OF TIME.I was never a guy that just hit on women in general unless they gave me signs of interest.And you get right to issues like kids,expectations,ect.You sort by your parameters.Unfortunatly alot of agencies books are not very accurate here.
OH,the scammers.You can meet them anywhere.If they start asking or hinting for things or want to spend your money like water RIGHT AWAY,run.If you do not sense strong personal interest,move on.Its not enough you like them,you need strong response from them or you ARE HEADED DOWN THE WRONG DEAD END ROAD.You will wake up wiser,but probably poorer and feeling used,which you were.ANY bullshit or mysteries,run.DON"T EVEN THINK OF GOPING THERE REGARDLESS HOW GOOD SHE LOOKS.ITS TROUBLE,TROUBLE,TROUBLE,so think with your big head.Lots of smart guys seemingly cannot.


« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to what's wrong with a few agencies utopiac..., posted by Chris F on Sep 5, 2005

It doesn't bother me if there aren't any agencies but some guys will see that as a drawback. I'd say that's one of the reasons a lot of guys go to Cali. Meanwhile, in cities like Manizales or Monteria, there are people who have never seen a gringo. Of course it would be an intrepid gringo who decided to go to Monteria but he would do very, very well especially if he liked the morena type.
Pete E
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Comments Appreciated, posted by FanMan on Sep 5, 2005

Seems like you are approching this logically.But I would ask why wait 2 years?Not just for the language I hope.Its very important but you could learn some much faster.I guess I come at this from why delay your happiness?
You can read the archives here plus visit some other sites re the differences in  women from diferent countries.I choose Colombia,particullary Cali.I admit In have my Biases.I would say Colombia,any city better than most any other place except for Peru.The girls there have an excellent reputation for character,but the thinking is the Colombian women tend to be more attractive.
Brazil seems to be pretty much bad news,the women pretty shallow and lacking in better character  
but some guys have reported success.
Honduras,Dominican republic,generally real poor and uneducated with a desperation to use you.One guy I know loves the Dominican republic for the beaches and the women for sexuality but thinks they are very scammer unreliable.A woman he was a seeing backed a truck up to his rented house and cleaned it out.A guy I know married a woman from Honduras,blatant scammer.
Most of the other countries in central/South America you will probably have little luck for lack of women motivated to meet gringos you would be interested in.
This is real quick and dirty,I don't mean to say thats all women in these countries and we have some noted exceptions.Just my impressions.
I think Colombia and also Peru are the best places to be looking.And yes in my favorite women shopping city Cali we have girls like all the others I have mentioned,but also lots of good ones that tend to be good loking,more so than other countries.I would say Cali no one.Bogota no 2,particularly for more educated english speaking women.Medellin is nice but undeveloped,only one real agency.Which brings up the question which is more critical, the number of women  available or the number of agencies.And that also brings up the question of why not skip the agencies.For most guys the adgencies are a huge assett,it makes it lots easier.But you can try just meeting them anywhere if your spanish is good.I just fear guys will get discoraged trying obscure methods or places and give up.
There are basically  2 ways to fail at this,quit trying or get hooked up wasting time with the wrong person.Other than that I feel your success is pretty much assured.And back to Peru,I am really impressed with the positive quality some guys report in their wives from there. A good choice also.
Just my opinions in brief.My basic oppinion is study spanish but also get on a plane as soon as you can.No amount of analysis makes up for the experience,for me it was definetly life changing.I married the wrong one too fast.But I am right back for more because for me no other option is remotely as good.


« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Comments Appreciated, posted by Pete E on Sep 5, 2005

"why wait 2 years?"
"why delay your happiness?"
"study spanish but also get on a plane as soon as you can"

I completely agree with Pete's comments and second that motion. Why wait? Read the archives, ask lots of questions, make a decision where you want to go, then get on a plane and have a nice vacation. At the very LEAST, you will come back completely motivated to prepare for your next visit and motivated to learn more Spanish.

Buena suerte.

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