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Author Topic: New Orleans Outrage of the Day  (Read 8552 times)
Pete E
« on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Sorry to diverge again,but one QUICK story re New Orleans.
A doctor was Just on CNN,talking to Aaron Brown.He traveled to New Orleans on his own to help.He was at an airport location.There were hundreds of people needing help.He was the only doctor there.FEMA told him he NEDDED TO LEAVE  because he was not CERTIFIED by FEMA.
He was in the middle of treating a woman in diebetic shock.The medical assistant type person he had to leave her with when they escorted him out didn't even know what that was,The lady was  near death.The FEMA guy told him it was about liability,tort,fear of lawsuit.


« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to New Orleans Outrage of  the  Day, posted by Pete E on Sep 20, 2005

And then there's the little episode when people were trying to flee from New Orleans to Gretna right after the flood, only to be blocked by the Gretna PD... To convince the evacuees not to enter Gretna, the Gretna PD fired over the people's heads and forced them to return to New Orleans... Those that would not go had their food & water taken from them by the GPD and then physcially returned...

Like someone said, tip of the iceberg...

« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to New Orleans Outrage of  the  Day, posted by Pete E on Sep 20, 2005


This type of story probably goes on much more than we know. The rotten "trial lawyers association" and ambulance chaser type lawyers have so screwed up our system, that doctors are afraid to help-- and in this case, some beaurocrat is too stupid to put themselves out on a limb to save a life!  It is no secret that our medical costs are out the wazoo because of malpractice suits.  Where all this will end is anyone's guess.  But, one thing is for sure; if Ted Kennedy and his liberal buddies have anything to say about it, the US will soon have socialized medicine, just like Europe.  I have lived over there, and I can tell you, we don't want socialize medicine here in the US!  But, then again, the best thing would be to shoot the lawyers, put in some quality arbitrators and let's get back to some sanity in this country!!  By the way, I don't mean to offend any lawyers that are posters on this board.  I am sure you do a good job.  I am talking about the scum-sucking bottom feeders who have given all attorneys a bad name!!


« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to New Orleans Outrage of  the  Day, posted by Pete E on Sep 20, 2005

the left is slobbering over the opportunity to use New Orleans as a laboratory for their "great society".   Mixed income neighborhoods and the like.

On the other hand, developers will be anxious to rebuild for people who can actually afford to live there and leave when necessary.

One thing is for certain, Blanco, and depending on who returns, Nagin are toast.

« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to the battle over the rebuilding will be e..., posted by Malandro on Sep 20, 2005


That is a valid point about the "social enginering" types.  They are all so full of CRAP!  I am full of compassion for the people on the Gulf coast, and all they have gone through.  But, I am dead set against the Federal government giving away our tax dollars away for some more "Big Society" programs.  LBJ tried that crap in the '60s, and it never got better-- it got worse! I am old enough to remember all of that when it started.  A major waste of tax payer money! The best groups and organizations to help is the Salvation Army, The Red Cross, and the multitude of fantastic church and religious organizations around the country.  They will do a better job for less money than the Federal Government (ie FEMA, etc).  That is not to say that FEMA does not have a ligitimate and productive role to play.  But, after hearing about those stupid $2000 debit cards that some idiots used to buy Gucci bags, etc-- what a waste!!  That's the kind of stupid mistakes that costs everybody.


« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to the battle over the rebuilding will be e..., posted by Malandro on Sep 20, 2005

Mayor Nagin is an incompetent, arrogant, loud-mouthed idiot. I was glad to see the admiral slap his little ass down on his asinine plan to repopulate the city as soon as possible. Nagin is such a whining little dork. I think his primary motivation is getting his voting base back into the city before they all decide to stay where they were relocated to. Most of the folks evacuated here to San Diego say they will stay and they never want to live in New Orleans again.

It must be a real bitch to be a power-hungry mayor with nobody left in town to lick your boots (LOL)


« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Tinhorn mayors..., posted by Ray on Sep 20, 2005


You nailed that.  I said from the first time I saw that clown on TV, that he was totally unqualified.  But, unfortunately the voters in New Orleans voted that clown into office.  I hope that they have better sense the next time around.  However, I think it is pretty well known that Louisiana has some of the most corrupt, incompetent politicians around.  By the way, the Governor of Louisiana, whom you mentioned is also an idiot.  And that's not counting Sen. Landreau.  She needs to go stick her head in the swamp!!  What a looney tune!!


Pete E
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Tinhorn mayors..., posted by Ray on Sep 20, 2005

The economist magazine,out of England nailed everybody,both mostly Bush for having a bunch of cronies in high level jobs they were no way qualified for or motivated to do.And saying really dumb things,like no one knew about the levies.I doubt he KNEW ANYTHING about it,but he needs CAPABLE people in charge of these things,not posers,politicians.God he appoints HIS DAD to head something up.And the whole Department of Homeland security,just adding to the beauracracy,not cutting through it.
And I would add empty suits like Tom Ridge in charge.All show,no go,all hat,no cattle.
The beauracrats are too entrenched to monitor themselves.Figureheads like Bush has gone for so far,counterproductive.We need some private sector get it done people to take charge of reorganizing these beauracratic monstrosities. The Sept 10 issue cover,"The SHAMING of America."


« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Tinhorn mayors..., posted by Pete E on Sep 20, 2005


I understand what your saying, and I agree to some extent.  But, you need to get off of Tom Ridge.  He is no longer Homeland Security Director.  I don't know what you have against him.  Frankly, I was not persuaded one way or the other on him; other than he was former governor of Pennsylvania, and an old family friend.  But, either way, he had nothing to do with this disaster since he has been out of office for quite some time.  As far as the blame game, there is enough blame to go around for everyone.  But, I certainly believe that the local, state, and federal agencies will all have to do a lot better job of coordinating their jobs during these natural disasters.  Besides, if they don't the terrorists are going to blow something else over here, and it will not be a pretty site. I just hope we all can survive before it comes to that.


Pete E
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Tinhorn mayors..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 20, 2005

I know Tom Rodge is long gone,had nothin  to do with this except to oversee the creation of an agency that seems to be in chaos.I don't really know that much about him.I kind of got the feeling when he left he might know he was smart to be getting out of there.To me it  just seemed like the ultimate selling of an image.What he knows or can do I am not sure.My strong gut feeling is FIGUREHEAD.I guess my suspicions were somewhat confirmed when Bill O'Reilly asked someone when talking about Ridge,"he's just kind of a suit isn't he"?My impresion exactly.I may be wrong,so let me object to the idea of that and lay off on Tom personally.
BUT,BUSH doing that news conference,bringing his dad and Bill Clinton.It was like self congratualations,nobody had done anything and people were suffering big time on the ground and Bush one and Clinton would be nothing in a timely manner to help them.Who was that CNN,Anderson Cooper guy who nailed them,Politicians congratualating themselves,and NOTHING was being done.The disconnect was just so rediculous.Read the Economist artical.
Yes there will be time for blame.To be so rediculously unprepared for an event seen coming in general for many years and specifically for days,after5 9-11,just unbelievable.And somebody better tell Bush a little imformation before he gets in front of the Camera and makes a total fool out of himself.Most people watching knew more abouit it than him.
The stories that are going to come out of this,like the doctor one I posted that started this are going to be a real eye opener about how BAD government is capabel of decending to.People waiting days,dying,while beauracracy can't even decide how to get started.
The good news.This is going to come out SO Rediculous that it will cause things to be changed in a VERY BIG WAY.


« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Tinhorn mayors..., posted by Pete E on Sep 20, 2005


Yes, I agree with you that the "political fallout" from Katrina will and to some degree has already forced many changes on the way all government agencies respond to disasters.  Now, it looks like Hurricane Rita could put a double whammy on the Gulf coast, especially in Texas.  Houston and Galveston might just be in deep do do!!


« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Tinhorn mayors..., posted by Ray on Sep 20, 2005

I agree with your assesment of the mayor and what he is trying to do.


« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Tinhorn mayors..., posted by Ray on Sep 20, 2005

whats funny is the people on one particular side of the political spectrum are advocating giving out vouchers for people to live in "mixed income" neighborhoods to serve as a liberal social experiment, but these are the same people who oppose vouchers for schools.   Hello???
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'd stay in San Diego too, posted by Malandro on Sep 20, 2005


Excellent point; and boy are the libs P.Od at Bush because he is allowing the families of the hurricane victims to enroll their children in private or public schools.  Heaven forbid that any of these little mongrels would actually get a good education and see the liberal agenda for what it is! ha  That would really cramp the liberal Democrats style; because they don't really want those kids to get a good education.  They want them to stay stupid and uninformed, so they will continue to swallow the crap the Democrats are doaling out!


« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I'd stay in San Diego too, posted by Malandro on Sep 20, 2005

Maybe if a lot of them stay in San Diego, that they will run some of the illegals back to Mexico.


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